Anonymous ID: d371d3 May 19, 2020, 6:18 a.m. No.9236867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6906

HILARIOUS: Trump Campaign Mocks Biden. Journalists Don't Get the Joke


On Monday, the Trump campaign launched a hilarious new parody website called “Truth Over Facts.” It mocks presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s numerous gaffes by launching an “investigation” into their hidden meaning. The website’s title comes from Biden’s notorious declaration that, unlike Trump, “We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.”


The website is genius — and hilarious! Yet more hilarious still was the reaction of left-leaning journalists — some of them Pulitzer Prize winners — who not only took it seriously but condemned the Trump campaign for allegedly spouting “Orwellian” “propaganda.”


The least bit of true investigation would have demonstrated just how much of a parody the website truly is. For example, here is the “Truth Over Facts” launch video, displayed prominently on the website and the very first result on Google. Warning: this is not safe for serious people. It had me in stitches. Do not watch if you are not in a position to laugh your arse off.

Anonymous ID: d371d3 May 19, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.9237139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7165

Biden Campaign to Latinos: Yeah, We Don't Need You to Beat Trump


You know what’s odd about this, is every single democrat has put their faith in Latinos, but Just Joe is ignoring the shit out of them. And he thinks because he has black votes (those who are still democrats), he’ll win. I guess he doesn’t know about blexit, just because there’s still some blacks believing him, doesn’t mean anything. The guy is a master of “no strategy and lie your heart out. The headline basically says Biden is not planning on winning anything. So this tells me they are picking someone else, if it’s HRC that will be great, the sore loser at it again, or Mikie, you know the tranny that hates America


Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign is coming under fire for their Latino outreach efforts or rather lack thereof. As more than 32 million Latinos are expected to vote in November, Biden's campaign has failed to rectify the Obama administration's tough deportation policies for illegal aliens, POLITICO reported.


Instead of attempting to reach out and form a relationship with this group of voters, Biden's campaign appears to be turning a blind eye to Latinos, at least that's what Democratic operatives believe.


"I do not think that the Biden campaign thinks that Latinos are part of their path to victory," Jess Morales Rocketto, the former digital organizing director for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, told POLITICO.


According to The Week, more than 20 Democratic operatives believe Hispanics are vital to Biden's success this November, especially in states like Arizona and Texas that could be flipped. But the operatives don't see outreach efforts or any kind of ground game from the Biden campaign. The Wuhan coronavirus pandemic has made that outreach even more difficult.


From POLITICO (emphasis mine):


The campaign has refused to release statistics on the diversity of its staff — details many of his former opponents shared early in the primary — and a majority of a dozen recent high-level hires were white. And Biden has neither spoken to nor been formally endorsed by one of the highest-profile Latino politicians in the country, Julián Castro, since he won.

Biden had a tense relationship with many Latino groups during the primary, stemming largely from his connection to the Obama administration's aggressive deportation policy. The former vice president recently acknowledged that that policy was misguided and he has moved toward progressives on immigration.


But the campaign's disconnect with Latinos appears to be based more on lack of execution than on policy. Cash-strapped coming out of the primary and hemmed in by the coronavirus, its efforts to reach Latino voters have been lackluster, critics in the community say. The fact that Latinos weren't central to his primary strategy has meant Biden's campaign has more ground to make up.



“Right now I can't tell what their strategy is with the Latino community. I just don't see it,” said one Latino lawmaker who requested anonymity to speak candidly. “They have a lot of people out there willing to help, but they're not engaging many people outside of the ones who were part of their campaign originally.”


All of this will come down to whether or not Biden is able to win over Latinos who once supported progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). As of now, Sanders enthusiasts are not thrilled with Biden as the presumptive nominee.


Biden was so focused on trying to win over African Americans in the south that he forgot about people in flyover states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio. He forgot about Latinos in the southwest, like California, Arizona and Texas.


This is definitely something that the Trump campaign can and will benefit from.

Anonymous ID: d371d3 May 19, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.9237171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7195 >>7359 >>7518 >>7560

Watch: Joe Biden Almost Drowned Out by Honking Geese During Livestream


Yikes even geese don’t like the old geezer

Anonymous ID: d371d3 May 19, 2020, 7:06 a.m. No.9237259   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rosenstein ‘Scope’ Memo Confirms Baselessness of Trump–Russia Probe

Andrew C. McCarthyMay 7, 2020 4:58 PM


A spurious prosecutor futilely investigated four nobodies who did not commit the nonexistent crimes they were ridiculously accused of.

Finally, three years coming, the Justice Department is showing a little more leg on the Rosenstein “scope” memo — the directive by which then–deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein defined the parameters of the investigation he’d appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to conduct.


Of course, the games never end in the Trump–Russia probe, so there’s a hitch. The scope memo remains partially, tantalizingly redacted. Disclosure is limited to Rosenstein’s purported grounds for investigating four members of the Trump presidential campaign: Carter Page, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Michael Flynn. But six lines of text, which appear to describe a fifth person, and the supposed basis for investigating that person, remain blacked out.


Does this redacted section refer to President Trump? We do not know.


We do know that the FBI had opened a criminal investigation of Trump, based on the untenable theory that a president’s firing of the FBI director could amount to obstruction of justice. The last 200 pages of the special counsel’s voluminous report, moreover, demonstrate that the cabal of activist Democrats that Robert Mueller recruited to conduct the investigation tried like hell to make an obstruction case on Trump. But was that aspect of the special counsel’s enterprise licensed by Rosenstein’s scope memo? For some reason, we’re not being told.


The scope memo is dated August 2, 2017. It is worth rehearsing why it was necessary.


Rosenstein appointed Mueller on May 17, 2017. In doing so, as I explained repeatedly at the time, he failed to comply with federal regulations. The appointment of a special counsel is proper only if there is a factual basis to support a criminal investigation that the Justice Department is too conflicted to conduct. The Russia investigation was not a criminal investigation; it was a counterintelligence investigation. The latter focuses on the activities of foreign powers for information-gathering purposes, not on criminal activity for prosecution purposes.


On Trump–Russia, there was no factual basis for a criminal investigation, which is why Rosenstein did not attempt to articulate one in his directive appointing Mueller. Therefore, the question of whether there was a conflict requiring the appointment of a prosecutor from outside DOJ should never have been reached Even if it had been reached, there was no conflict, which is why the FBI and DOJ had been conducting the Russia investigation for nearly a year before Mueller’s appointment. In any event, because the FBI’s counterintelligence mission is not prosecutor work, it normally does not need a DOJ prosecutor, much less an outside prosecutor.


That the initial appointment directive was wholly inadequate is not surprising. In that Week That Was, Rosenstein was evidently an emotional wreck.


On May 9, President Trump fired FBI director James Comey, publicly relying on a memo Rosenstein wrote and foolishly assumed he’d reap bipartisan praise over — he had, after all, scalded Comey over the mishandling of the Hillary Clinton emails caper. To his shock and dismay, Rosenstein was vilified. Though Democrats had no real use for Comey (they blamed him for Clinton’s defeat), by May 2017 they found it expedient to frame Comey’s firing as the height of the president’s “collusion” with Russia — impeding the FBI’s effort to examine the fever dream of Trump-campaign complicity with the Kremlin. Indeed, the bureau’s then–acting director, Andrew McCabe, leapt at the Comey firing as a rationale for opening an obstruction case on Trump.


Rosenstein agitated over being made the fall guy. In his hand-wringing over how to restore his reputation as a scrupulous nonpartisan (i.e., a nominally Republican bureaucrat admired by Democrats), he broached the possibilities of invoking the 25th Amendment to remove a mentally unfit president from office and of covertly recording the president in the Oval Office (if Trump ranted, recordings might convince the cabinet that he was unstable). Realizing that these were lunatic notions, Rosenstein finally settled on naming Mueller, a Beltway eminence, to be a special counsel. The appointment was made on May 17, with Rosenstein’s assurances to congressional Democrats that Mueller would have virtually boundless authority.

Anonymous ID: d371d3 May 19, 2020, 7:22 a.m. No.9237398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7444 >>7486 >>7564 >>7570

Really good read when government became partisan, Yep under Clinton at his wife’s urging


Richard Hofstadter


I was a career intelligence operative. Began in the Bush I administration. Most of us used to accept that our roles were nonpartisan, for the good of the country, etc. However, at the urging of his wife, Pres. Clinton began lifting voting records & history of career operatives.

Anonymous ID: d371d3 May 19, 2020, 7:33 a.m. No.9237486   🗄️.is 🔗kun



More posts, anons does this sound like disinfo? DOL, the Dept if Labor, he seems a little to comfortable disclosing things as an operative


Richard Hofstadter



Presidents have wide authority to indicate directives towards what is known as their “Department of Legacy.” Mostly has to do with their post presidency foundation, presidential library, etc.


Richard Hofstadter


People keep this pretty quiet, since it’s not usually good politics to seem vain or self-interested, but it’s also tacitly accepted as something that the president has wide authority over. And, goes largely unmonitored.


Richard Hofstadter



DOL staffers are typically CIA/NIA/NatSec guys in between assignments. Some secret service agents in purgatory as well. Usually just a bunch of paper pushing and scheduling, but with presidential clearance.


Richard Hofstadter



After Obama won re-election, the DOL was heavily fortified. TONS of resources, money, agents reassigned here. I was under the radar because I’d been on a few assignments here. Knew something was up, so I stayed.


Richard Hofstadter



Long story short, it was under the DOL that the coronavirus hoax was planned. Entirely an effort by the shadow government to create a Pandora’s box of sorts, in case a Republican President - or any President, really - was elected on an anti-establishment platform.


Richard Hofstadter



Nobody predicted that an anti-establishment candidate would have been elected so soon. But here we are.


Richard Hofstadter



It was called the Manhattan project, because that’s where all of the Democratic power brokers reside. Wall Street, UN, Gates Foundation, Google, etc.


Richard Hofstadter



Under the Manhattan project, I witnessed all the major coordination of the pandemic. The goals were relatively simple and straightforward: design a mostly innocuous, but new, virus that would throw entire countries into chaos.


Richard Hofstadter



When necessary, unleash the virus in order to rapidly hamstring any successful anti-establishment President. This would predictably erase any major economic achievements, making reelection significantly harder. As this goes on, install a standard bearer establishment nominee.


Richard Hofstadter



Once the other two moderates dropped out, coalescing around Biden, I feared for the worst. I was largely on planning and coordination calls with the Wuhan lab. I knew the potency and efficiency of the virus. I also knew, from a utilitarian perspective, the strong survival %.



Richard Hofstadter



In the design phases of the project, we were careful not to make the virus too lethal. Otherwise it could backfire, and the establishment wouldn’t have the ablitity to contain the chaos it created for itself.


Richard Hofstadter



Anyhow, those are the broad strokes. I just hope we’re able to realize soon that not only is this a hoax to re-install the establishment power base, but also for big pharma to profiteer from a mandatory vaccine that is “heroically created.” Trust me, they have it already.


Richard Hofstadter



Most likely they are simply debating the turf for who gets credit for the vaccine. If China is able to “discover” the vaccine, they would supersede US in global power. But Deep State establishment is likely to make that trade off if it seems necessary.



Richard Hofstadter



Herd immunity is really the only answer here, rendering a mandatory vaccine useless. If there is a critical mass of people who have recovered from the virus, there won’t be strong enough demand for a global vaccine mandate. That’s why it’s so critical to reopen the country ASAP.