Anonymous ID: dbf2c2 May 19, 2020, 6:30 a.m. No.9236955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7158 >>7624

GMorning everyone and God Bless all ~


Tuesday, the day the media complex and the medical/pharma complex enjoy the spotlight, the great reveal, an exposure they so richly deserve.


I can attest to my simmering fury towards so many aspects of our society at this point. Thank you Qteam for working diligently to show the people, and may they finally be shocked. I really really want them to be set back on their heels, so those who persecute us with their fears and misguided attempts to control will just stop - if only for a moment!


I ask the Lord God (maker of all things seen and unseen) to please please please give our people the firm resolve and the proper delivery of some truth bombs (as each is called to it). The gentle pushback is gonna become a very big wave rushing over everything when the time is right - I can sense it.


I pray for a strong spirit today in Jesus' name Amen WWG1WGA WW.