Anonymous ID: 96af55 May 22, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.9281745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1748 >>1771 >>1779 >>1950


Thank you Bakers.

Thank you Notetakers.

Thank you Diggers.

Thank you Meme Makers.

Thank you NewsFags.

Thank you BoatFags.

Thank you PlaneFags.

Thank you SocialMfags.

Thank you Candle Stick Makers.

Thank you Anons.

>We Love you, We Thank you.


>>9281591 lb

Call it a larp if you will, I could care less.

If you cannot see. We are not here for you.

We are here for anons who can see and can show.


We are not here to divide or cast shade as you and many appear to be.

We only speak of Unity and Working Togehter to Win.

You weak attempts at division are just that weak anons see right through it.


Many have started you will see Soon. And know.

Then you will feel dumb. But its okay.

You are probably used to being lat to the party


>>9281673 lb

Read the two long posts posted.

>>9280999 lb

>>9281006 lb

You need to BECOME the NEWS.

Find out how. Work Together. Work with people outside of kun


>>9281601 lb

It is right in front of most of you.