Anonymous ID: ab85d1 May 22, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.9282144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2278


There is not a huge "paradox" about Sessions when you take into account one now-obvious fact:

A lot of people who paid attention to the first years of Trump's presidency, yet were essentially outsiders, were wrong about Sessions and about the likelihood of true "justice" coming for the Obama administration and other Uniparty criminals

And Q, definitely, like Brian Cates, is one of those outsiders

That is why Q (who certainly means well) has been wrong about so many things, beginning the first month when he said all the shit was going to go down at the end of 2017


Either Q is an idiot, or a psychopath, or a Trump supporter who posed as a deep insider but was not

Based on the litany of wrong predictions in 2017 and 2018 those are the only 3 options

Occam's razor and all