Anonymous ID: c94d48 May 22, 2020, 5:20 p.m. No.9281910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2078

Remembering the murder of Philip Haney months ago

DHS Whistlebower, Patriot, Christian


Interview begins at 2hr5min discusses Mr. Haney’s DHS work and Muslim Brotherhood in the US government


First part covers Huma Abedin's involvement.


"Setting the News Cycle Straight: Shirin Neshat, Peter Chowka Followed By Phil Haney"

Official Hagmann Report June 4 2018 Guest Philip Haney @ 2hr5min to end.


another video:

Philip Haney: See Something Say Nothing presentation at IL Family Institute

ILFamilyInstitute Oct 26 2017 23 min

Anonymous ID: c94d48 May 22, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.9282474   🗄️.is 🔗kun



End of Ramadan is sunset the 23rd. Muslims typically celebrate with a large dinner gathering Eid al Fitr.


Dinner receptions breaking the faste during Ramadan are Iftar.


During the [Hussain] occupation, the White House typically held a large Iftar reception during Ramadan. Many details available in the archives.


The State Department typically held the Eid al Fitr reception at the end of Ramadan. [HRC] spoke on video as sce of state of the importance in respecting the holiday.


In 2012, most celebrated Eid on August 20, 2012 afte the end of Ramadan. US State Department did not hold a reception then. It was rescheduled for Sept 13, 2012, over 3 weeks after the holiday.


morning of Sept 12 2012, Abedin email to HRC:


"the eid reception could not have been worse timing"


C06133349 Sep 12


Press Release Aug 19 2012


September 13, 2012 speech and video


2009 [HRC] Eid statement video