Anonymous ID: fb89f4 May 22, 2020, 5:03 p.m. No.9281722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1823 >>1965 >>2115 >>2205 >>2242 >>2359 >>2407 >>2426

Uranium 1 is full cover-up. Call for dig.


  • Defendants in the four Uranium cases all came from sworn statements by David Gadren.

  • They were faked.

  • David Gadren is a ghost. He never existed.

  • Gadren never worked as a Special Agent for the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Inspector General (OIG).

  • The affidavit he signed said he has been working there since 2008.

  • Court transcripts introduce Gadren as present at hearings.

  • He never says anything.

  • The Judge acknowledges Gadren as an attorney representing the prosecution.

  • Attorneys must report their legal license registration to the court.

  • None was ever reported for Gadren.

  • After one year on the job, Gadren was assigned one of the most important criminal cases in the history of the U.S.

  • Uranium One.

  • According to the job description of a DOE Special Agent, they investigate alleged wrongdoing of Department of Energy employees.

  • Gadren’s “Information” letter substituted as an FBI “Affidavit of Criminal Complaint” against American and Russian citizens.

  • The FBI investigates wrongdoing of alleged crimes of its citizens.

  • The CIA authority is abroad in non-U.S. territories.

  • Gadren’s investigative authority comes from none of the these.

  • But the Judge it is okay because the defendants waived their right to a Grand Jury.

  • Gadren was substituted for the FBI.

  • The FBI never investigated the Uranium One case.

  • Out of three million documents, none of them have been validated as coming from an FBI investigation.

  • Two million documents have been sealed in the Uranium One cases. Who knows what happened to the rest.

  • The Judge is the same in all Uranium One cases.

  • Judge Theodore Chuang (schwong like King Kong) from the Federal District Court of Maryland.

  • President Barack Hussein Obama succeeded Chuang as Editor of the Harvard Law Review.

  • The prosecutor in all four cases were the same.

  • Rod Rosenstein, former Assistant Attorney General of the U.S.

  • Rosenstein was Attorney General for Maryland at the time charges were filed in the Uranium One cases.

  • Daren Condrey, one of the defendants, plead guilty on July 15th, 2015.

  • He has never spent a day in jail.

  • Rodney “Rod” Fisk was the key CEO in the case.

  • Fisk was reported dead in court transcripts.

  • No one knows him or has ever seen him.

  • No body was ever found.

  • No obituary.

  • No Memorial Service.

  • No recognition or award was ever given to him for negotiating a nuclear arms deal with Russia.

  • Fisk was said to be a diplomat from South Africa.

  • If true, why did the U.S. allow a South African diplomat to negotiate a nuclear treaty with Russia?

  • Where is a copy of the treaty?

  • All treaties have to be approved by the U.S. Senate.

  • Is “Rod Fisk” really Marc Rich?

  • Or Bob Rich?

  • Which Bob Rich?

  • Robert A. Rich, PhD, Harvard, a uranium geologist.

  • Mark Tutt Lambert’s trial is Oct. 29th. His is the last of four Uranium One cases.

  • Out of 17 witnesses for his defense, Lambert’s attorneys told the court on April 19th that only one will be called.

  • A five week trial has been whittled down to three days or less.

  • It has been delayed three times.

  • He too was never jailed. Bail was waived.

  • Lambert has been on probation for 20 years, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

  • His bankruptcy file is unavailable to public search.

  • None of the defendant’s attorneys in the Uranium One cases specialize in criminal law.

  • Yet they are approving guilty plea agreements for their clients.

  • Only Lambert has refused to cop a plea.

Anonymous ID: fb89f4 May 22, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.9281839   🗄️.is 🔗kun



(FOUO) Major Caine entered the Air National Guard in Feburary 1992 with duty station,

Syracuse, NY. He was trained as an F-16 pilot and served in that capacity until July 1998. He

joined the DC Air National Guard in Summer of 1999 after training at fighter warfare school. In late 2001 he participated in Operation Enduring Freedom and in Spring 2002 was reassigned to Davis-Monthan AFB.


(FOUO) Caine commented that because of his Syracuse experience he had visited the Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS), knew how their floor operated, and knew that they had to be contacted on 9-11. He tried but was not successful in doing so. He is not aware if either General Wherley or Lt Col Thompson, Caine's replacement as Supervisor of Flying, was successful in reaching NEADS. He was told ofthe calls by Colonel Brooks to NEADS from the Air National Guard Command Post but was unaware ofthem.


(FOUO) He believed that he recorded in his cockpit at least a part ofhis initial4+ hour sortie. If so, Major McNulty, the upit Intel officer would have the tape in his vault. He cautioned that more than one person used the call sign "Wild One" during the day on 9-11.


(FOUO) Caine did not remember being interviewed by Dr. Gross as part ofthe DoD history project. He implicitly acknowledged that if his recall today was different than what was in the . interview then the interview prevailed.


(FOUO) On 9-11 he was providing an orientation to a new officer, Major Valentine, and the Intel NCO came into the scheduling office and said that an airplane had just hit the World Trade Center. The Squadron had a flight ofthree, Bully, down on the Dare County range in North Carolina, about 200 miles away. His initial concern was the safety ofthose jets. He didn't think much ofit at first, "yeah, right, whatever" and that it wouldn't impact them much. He saw the second airplane hit while watching CNN. He instantly knew that this was obviously an attack

and he went back to the operations desk knowing that there would be some impact on the air traffic control system in the Washington DC area . .k8) Previously, he had developed a relationship with the Secret Service and the field office that managed the movement ofsenior level officials out ofAndrews. He had gotten to know "those guys" and asked ifthere were any plans they had that he needed to know about. Personally, he knew Special Agent Beauchamp. It is not the Presidential movement unit that controls the movement of other YIPs or senior govellllllent officials.


(FOUO) His primary concern was the air traffic issue ofrecovering the Bully flight from North

Carolina. He talked to the tower and they had no situational awareness that helped him. He

thought that all the calls into the tower were recorded and that his call would be part of the

evidence available through tower records. He recalled that every time he called "up there" there was a beep on the line. Andrews tower, he said, would not have been in the loop for any Secret Service orders to scramble aircraft. In his Gross interview he had stated that the Tower told him that they just received the scramble order. On reflection, Caine thought that it might have been that information from Tower that prompted him to call Ken Beauchamp.


(FOUO) About 0930-0940, he called Agent Beauchamp because he thought he would have situational awareness. He did not receive from Beauchamp nor did Caine have any situational awareness on a plane approaching Washington DC. He told the weapons loaders at about 0945 to start unloading the weapons on the other side ofthe base. At some point in this time frame he learned ofthe Pentagon impact from the news, no other source. The result was that the intensity level increased even more.


(FOUO) The Secret Service is not a laurich authority, Caine said. He validated General

Wherley's statement that the phones were busy and that he handed one of the phones–he thought

the Secret Service Joint Operations Center call–to Wherley. Wherley arrived at the operations

desk at about the time they were generating planes and the missiles were being uncrated. He is

not sure how the JOC got their phone number. Beauchamp, in the earlier call, said he would call

back, but did not. He speculated that the JOC got the number from Beauchamp. He didn't doubt

that it was Beauchamp, according to the Gross interview, who said that Andrews had to get fighters in the air. Caine thought, but would not swear to it, that he heard the Vice President's voice in the background. He did remember asking what the JOC was and then said, here ' s my boss [General Wherley].