Dear tribal leaders,
Most of us non natives are fucking sick of the guilt trips and personally, who gives a shit if relations between the government and tribes "worsen". It's not like we would be losing anything. You guys are so fucking negative towards "whites" and the government 400 damn years later. What's in it for us,? It's not like y'all are nice as it is.. so who gives a fuck? We're over the guilt trip. Get your shit together and stop acting like racist fucking victims. Remember your teachings. Think the good thoughts, remember? White Buffalo Calf Woman…? The medicine wheel has white, black, red and yellow to represent all skin colors and they come together in the middle. It's the year 2020. America was conquered and settled. Sorry not sorry. Y'all need to stop holding us accountable for shit that happened 400 years ago. Holy shit. I'm over it. We have lockdown. I can't take my dog to the vet. I've been waiting a month for a pass to leave. If i go without a pass then i have to quarantine. We have patrolled curfew from 8pm to 6 am. And now we are at war and [you] want to go up against the federal gov't and lie on national tv. What democrats are y'all working with? Word on the rez is that harold frazier's 15 yo son hung himself because harold molested him n passed him around to be molested. Yea I've said it like 4 times now. Was your hands and get over yourselves.
"It is obvious that Gov. Noem knows little about the limited authority she and the state government have in Indian country," Gary Pitchlynn, an attorney and law professor at the University of Oklahoma, told NBC News. "Any action that might come from the federal government would probably be tied up in litigation well beyond the immediate COVID threat, and there is a good chance that further damage will be done to tribal/state relations regardless of the ultimate outcome."
He added that while South Dakota might not normally have "the clout" to compel the Justice Department to get involved in such a matter, the Trump administration is not viewed as being "friendly to minorities in general, or tribes in particular."
Tribal law expert Richard Monette, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said the Supreme Court's line of cases have supported the concept of tribal sovereignty, but this issue could quickly unravel should Trump decide to get involved in favor of Noem and compel federal law enforcement to descend on the checkpoints.