Anonymous ID: 26077a May 25, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.9311854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2246



I post this



And my entire system locks up, internet drops out, vpn won't allow me access and I have to shut down and reboot.


Bur hey I'm sure it's just a coincidence!!!!

Anonymous ID: 26077a May 25, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.9311895   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virginia Reports Record Jump In New Cases Two Weeks After Reopening: Live Updates


Update (1445ET): Virginia public health officials just reported a record jump in deaths.




17 days have passed since VA. started reopening.


Though the Reuters tally differs from the Johns Hopkins data used in the chart above, a Reuters report published Monday claimed 11 states recorded a number of new COVID-19 cases, including Alabama, Arkansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Maryland, Maine, Nevada, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin, according to a Reuters tally.


However, as the report notes, it's not clear whether the cases are rising from more testing or a second wave of infections.


Message? '17'

Anonymous ID: 26077a May 25, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.9311917   🗄️.is 🔗kun

World's Most Bearish Hedge Fund Manager: "If It's In Zerohedge, Then Central Banks Have Already Devised A Plan To Stop If From Happening"


There are two notable highlights in the latest note from the CIO of Horseman Global, Russell Clark, the man we dubbed years ago as the "world's most bearish hedge fund manager" (a name that appears to have stuck) due to his penchant to run a net short book for the past 8 years (see chart below).


The first is that in the same vein as Paul Tudor Jones, Clark - who reports that in April his hedge fund was down 7.1% bringing the YTD gain to 18% - is rotating out of deflation and into inflation: "The conditions for both good and bad inflation are now in place." This may explain why Clark has pushed up the net short position of his hedge fund from -100% as recently as late 2019 to just -39.15%, the lowest in a year and a half.

Anonymous ID: 26077a May 25, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.9311993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TINA's Orgy: Anything Goes, Winners Take All


What nobody dares whisper is 'there is no alternative to collapse' because the system is now too fragile and brittle to survive.

TINAthere is no alternativeis throwing an orgy of money-creation, and it's one for the ages: The Federal Reserve has created over $3 trillion out of thin air in a few months and invited all the usual parasites, predators and speculators to the orgy.

You and I, mere taxpayers? We get to watch as our "betters" feast on the Fed's limitless bounty of free money for financiers and other parasites and predators. Of course we don't get a clear view of the proceedings; the orgy is all behind closed doors.

What we see is the threadbare comedy of Fed Chair Jay Powell coming out of the orgy to assure us that the orgy is all for the good of the country–ha-ha-ha. Those gorging on the Fed feast inside are in danger of laughing so hard at Powell's comedy routine they might choke.

Your share of the orgy is a bowl of thin gruel: $1,200. That wasn't distributed out of kindness or generosity; like all federal giveaways, it's real purpose is to give you enough cash to make your loan payments so all the parasites and predators in the Fed's orgy won't experience the terrible suffering caused by debt-serfs defaulting.

The excuse for the orgy is always the same: there is no alternative. We have to bail out the greedy corporations that borrowed billions to buy back their own stocks, the corporations that sold junk debt to finance their bonuses and dividends, the financiers who bought the risky debt, the speculators who front-run the Fed's purchases of assets and on and on in an endless parade of fraud and corruption–because if we don't bail out the speculators and other parasites, the whole financial system will implode and that would be terrible.

Terrible for who? To answer the question, we need to ponder the fundamental nature of the Fed and our financial system, which can be summarized in one line: anything goes, and winners take all.

Anything goes, because money buys political influence and so what was once illegalbuying back your own stock, advertising medications directly to consumers, etc. are not just made legal but normalized by constant propaganda in the corporate media that these forms of legalized looting are good for the nation because… well, that doesn't matter, just take our word for it.

When anything goes, the winners take all. This is how we've ended up with a unstable, fragile economy dominated by a handful of corporations in each sector whose sole purpose is to maximize profits by any means available, and it just so happens the most profitable arrangements are monopoly and cartels, and so that's what we have: an economy of high costs, enormous profits, low-quality goods and services for the bottom 95% and an extreme concentration of wealth and income in the hands of the winners.

This dynamic also characterizes the public sector, where anything goes if you can get away with it has generated a few winners employees of small school districts getting salaries of $350,000 and pensions to match, and so onand a multitude of losers as actual services for the public decay even as costs soar. Naturally, questions about this are dismissed with TINA: there is no alternative.

The fragility of such a system is so extreme that the winners' only hope to hold onto their booty is to persuade us that the simulations of open markets and democracy they conjure up are "real" in the sense that we can't really see the Emperor's fine clothing but we accept that this must be a flaw in our own sight, rather than what it really is: self-serving institutionalized delusion: believe us when we assure you that there is no alternative.

So as the greediest and most parasitic few gorge on TINA's orgy, try not to bust a gut laughing at Jay Powell's comedy act justifying the orgy because really, there is no alternative other than a collapse of what deserves to collapse and what will collapse despite (or as a result of) the Fed's manic money-printing.

What nobody dares whisper is there is no alternative to collapse because the system is now too fragile and brittle to survive. TINA may get the last laugh after all.

Anonymous ID: 26077a May 25, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.9312032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2108 >>2308

Americans Are Rediscovering Self-Reliance To End Their Own Enslavement


In the aftermath of the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, which has impoverished millions and destroyed the supply chains all around the world, Americans are at least taking some responsibility. Many are now taking to self-reliance, as they’ve realized the government is not there to help them.


Many people initially obeyed the commands to destroy their lives, shut their businesses, and become good slaves. But a lot of us quickly got fed up with the tyranny as the orders killed jobs, smothered social interactions, and put the entire population of the planet in mental chains. If anything, the plandemic restrictions fed oxygen to the embers of the individualist, anti-authoritarian tradition. Likewise, the lockdowns have fueled old habits of self-reliance, prompting Americans to relearn skills and revive almost-forgotten habits in ways that, for better or worse, may shape the future.


Cooking at home was the first skill to gain new life in a nation that had become increasingly accustomed to take-out, fast food, and sit-down restaurant meals.


“Until recently, learning how to cook, or learning how to cook better, as an adult was considered an aspirational skill akin to learning how to ski—could be nice, might be fun, but would be daunting and could come with potentially expensive start-up costs,” the Washington Post noted in March. –Reason


When you rely only on yourself, you cannot be manipulated or controlled. This is perhaps the biggest blow to the political and ruling classes of the work we’ve seen yet. As David Icke said, “dependency is the greatest form of control.”


Stand Up For Liberty: Dependency Is The Greatest Form of Control


Self-ownership, personal responsibility, and self-reliance have all been on the rise since the elitists insisted on trying to bury the public in fear and horrific tyrannical restrictions on literally everything. People have risen up, though, and perhaps this is the point in history when people got off their knees.


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Americans now have a renewed interest in gardening. “We sold more seeds in March than at any other time in our 144-year history,” announced George Ball, chairman of The Burpee Company. And yes, those are “mostly vegetable seeds and plants such as tomatoes, peppers, and beans,” according to House Beautiful.


Canning supplies and online lessons in food preservation also took off, as people realized they have to use or store anything they grow. Food waste is becoming a thing of the past. Whether Americans want to continue doing things for themselves after the lockdowns ease and life returns to some form of normal depends on how much they enjoy the experience. Many will pick a life of convenience if that’s back on the menu. But the harsh reality of what the government is may dictate an extension of the DIY experiment for some time to come.

Anonymous ID: 26077a May 25, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.9312042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

England will now ‘presume consent’ to harvest organs of those declared dead


Pro-life leader Anthony McCarthy says that 'presumed consent' means that, in effect, the State owns your body after death.


ENGLAND, May 25, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – English law will now allow the state to “presume consent” for harvesting organs of those declared dead.


The new law that came into effect last week grants the government authority to take organs from those certified as dead unless the person had specifically registered that they do not want their organs to be used. The government says the law was changed “to help save and improve more lives.”


A similar law has existed in Wales since 2015. In Scotland legislation assuming consent to organ donation will come into force in March 2021.


Dr. Anthony McCarthy of the U.K. pro-life group the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) told LifeSite that there are a number of issues of concern regarding the change.


“So-called ‘brain death’ enables doctors to remove vital organs from patients who are still very possibly alive though perhaps unconscious and close to death,” McCarthy explained.


“Donor hearts, for example, are in practice harvested from so-called ‘heart beating cadavers’. Publicity to encourage people to donate their organs does not reveal that heart beating donors can move when the organs are taken unless they are paralysed by drugs,” he continued.


“Transplant surgeons know this and they also know that the person’s blood pressure goes up when an incision is made. Some anaesthetists recommend that the supposed ‘cadaver’ should be anaesthetised when his/her organs are removed.”


McCarthy stressed that many who agree to be organ donors are unaware of the realities involved.


“Most organ donors, including those who give explicit consent before they die, are unaware that their hearts may be beating when their organs are taken, and that they may be pink, warm, able to heal wounds, fight infections and respond to stimuli,” he said.


“It is also the case that supposedly brain dead people (such as pregnant women who are given high tech medical support) can appear to survive for months while demonstrating integrated bodily activity of a kind that arguably indicates that life still remains.”


McCarthy also expressed concern that cardiac death can sometimes be declared “too quickly” in order to obtain usable organs.