Love your Kayleigh meme anon.
Jump to 5 mins 5 secs for the "It's been 24hrs since John McCain was put to death."
Well that's where you are supposed to help then. You have the video of Kasich saying he was put to death. That's a start to help.
You've done plenty of research into McCain and his foundation I'm sure so you should have no problems red-pilling your friends.
Thanks for the blank anon. God took his time when He made Kayleigh <3
Why don't you start with something you are sure that you can prove to them beyond a shadow of a doubt? You must have something in your time here. Epstein, Podesta Emails… something?
Ashton Kutcher Speech on Human Trafficking Before Congress
Demi Moore kissing underage boy
Ask your friends to look at how many stars they can find with adopted children. Where do these children come from?
Ask your friends to find out which Congresswoman was tasked with setting up a Task Force to combat Human Trafficking through tunnels in Imperial County.
>I need redpills on Q proof of McCain's death 30 days ahead of time
Okie dokie - just focus on that then. When you've it collated, be a good boy and post it here. Thanks bye.