And green
I have a normie to respond to on FB, he is fellow veteran I served with, but he buys the liberal slant on COVID19 and thinks Fauci is some kind of scientific hero, he blames Trump for not doing enough, my first instinct is to laugh at him, but I want to engage him with a thoughtful enough response to get him to think.
This was what he said to me verbatim.
<Why are you blaming a scientist for telling it like it is. As more <information is acquired by the habits this virus, he had been <straight forward. Why you so need to blame is the president for <not listening to the experts in the beginning and now. Trump’s self <promote that he knows more has gotten thousands killed or sick. <You tell me one thing trump did right.. oh, blocked travel to and <from China. What did he do in February? We have verbatim videos <of Trump’s inaction action. So I ask you, what did this guy do so <bad? Nothing, he tried and is trying to save lives and what is <Trump trying to do, put more people at risk for the benefit of his re-<election.
I’m not sure what I can say to him that I haven’t posted on that media before.
What would you Anons suggest?