lets get this party started…
>I'm troubled by the alternate reality headspace that so many people seem to live in online
they don't believe their bullshit, anon… they do it to piss you off.
they love to say Trump is a cheater, because they ALL KNOW he hasn't left Melania's side…
they love to say Trump is Putin's puppet and Kim's toy… because they KNOW he has a relationship with the both of them that will bring peace to the entire world.
they like to mirror the truth, then wrap it real pretty…
…to be frank, its textbook satanic mindgames..
>The question they REALLY want to ask Kayleigh -
"why hasn't Trump shut down the Q bullshit if that's what it is… bullshit?"
its much more fun to drag you thru your own lies, slow and maticulously… covering you in the mud of your own sins… we're not even half way there yet sweetheart.
with all due respect, my words aren't notable, anon.
how would you even attempt to title that?
the question they REALLY want to ask Kayleigh
yep dat aint no notable… feel me?
with love always,