this country is so fuked up right now
tough to see how potus and q team can pull victory out of the mouth of defeat w/o fulfilling their truth promises soon
what are they waiting for?
the bad news is everywhere but here
all the bad shit reported here too
and lots of hopium
this anon running out faster and more often
this what you recommending anon?
there is no victory as of yet anon
the DS is still firmly in control and setting the narrative
yes it is exposed
what will be done about it and when?
everything done by the (rigged) book is a fools errand
there is no silver bullet except the TRUTH and all of it
and i dont believe that is coming from POTUS
there was more freedom
better health
less pollution
way less globalism
still fed govt fuckery for sure but people could earn a good living and not put up with chemtrails and gmo
etc etc etc
no the shit hit the fan in the 90's and has gotten worse from there
now exponential
i hope the truth comes out
that is all that can save us now
her death is 100% linked to family affairs of some kind
no doubt about it
POTUS would not bother with joe just one asshat