Q is telling us RC (rachel chandler) connections have been made, get back on topic and stop focusing on this. i have to agree, as someone who heavily investigated and got deeply involved in this whole thing from way back at pedogate seeing all this popup again is almost giving me PTSD (this Rchandler stuff is pretty disturbing but there is way worse if you have seen any of the pedogate stuff) also, its been pretty heavily covered at other chans, voat etc well over a year ago now. im guessing Q brought it up for a reason, hoping we would connect some dots but obviously a lot of people had not seen this stuff before so it got out of control fairly quickly. time to move on guys, focus on the posts Q made about this, i think specifically the connectings with E and his 4 friends we were asked to find.
i said i feel like i might be starting to get it, i can handle myself but if you know that this is just the tip you also know how old news this is, it was heavily researched on 4chan and then voat i was one of those investigating this stuff so its just disturbing me seeing the new people freak out about it. i have all this shit still archived offline from last year. the new stuff is the connections that Q wants us to investigate. i just don't like the way people are posting random instagram images its the same shit that kicked off over 4chan with pizzagate and then comet etc that started the drama with that. yeah its needed i guess for the new people to understand but Q seems to telling us we have enough now and focus. (MY take from his post anyway)