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30 May 2020 - 4:28:45 PM
Domestic terrorists?
Extreme Radical(s)?
POTUS action coming.
Homeland Security _FBI_DOJ action coming.
Investigations may lead to [D][F] 'support' targets.
Videos of looting and now video cleaning looted sights clearly indicates one thing - its the fight of GOOD vs EVIL!
The differences within the Tavistock organization as a whole, and among subelements of divisions are properly viewed as analogous to the distinctions among arms and subarms of a nation’s military capabilities.
The peculiarities of the division of labor within the Tavistock organization are not only those associated with a barracks speciality. It needs no discussion to point out that this division within the organization, including the outwardly mutually antagonistic profiles among various of the elements, pertain very much to the business of recruiting agents (and ‘assets’ more generally) for each specific component.
At the lowest levels of initiation of ‘field recruits’, the overall public-organization side of the political and sociological divisions, each takes on the resemblance to a supermarket:
a special organization is provided for each eccentricity of taste over, apparently, the entire spectrum of “liberal” and “radical” tastes.
Perhaps a large, international house of prostitution is a more appropriate imagery.
A useful case for illustration is that of the Communist Party USA.
The Communist Party USA was a direct outgrowth of the 2 British intelligence projects launched by the Fabian Society in the U.S. There was the regular Fabian Socialist Party of America and there was the anarchosyndicalist branch, another British operation with a slightly different pedigree.
In that respect, all the early 20th century socialists who were not British agents were British agents’ dupes. The same arrangement existed in the Communist Party USA from the start.
It should be elementary that keeping large numbers of people as dupe requires not informing them of the fact that they are dupes. Otherwise the circulation of the New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek and so forth would collapse overnight.
Therefore, the British agent must be developed accordingly. His or her public profile must fit the requirements of a spokesman for a compartmentalized group of dupes - e.g. the dupes who join a Communist Party without ever discovering that they are British dupes.
In the case of the CPUSA, tens of thousands of honest men and women suffered persecution, had their heads or their ribs knocked in several times, or lost their lives, all under the firm persuasion that they were acting for what they thought were the ‘independent political interests of labor’.
Repeatedly, these honest CP members were confronted with evidence that their leaders had betrayed them in one fashion or another - but, except for those who had been the initiates of the British networks, or who secured intelligence-wise knowledge in other ways, virtually none of these CP members discovered the secret behind the apparent betrayals: their party’s leadership were all under British intelligence control.
They were merely characters performing on a stage of a large living theater performance, in which most of the contending principal figures were also merely actors, all of whose roles and scenarios were shaped by the producers and directors off-stage.
Coordinated across state lines.
Last night Minnesota chant
"No Justice, no peace.
Prosecute the police.""
Same chant this afternoon in Ohio
aye aye
>In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized & driven by anarchtic left extremist groups—far left extremist groups using Antifa-like tactics.
Domestic terrorists?
Extreme Radical(s)?
POTUS action coming.
Homeland Security _FBI_DOJ action coming.
Investigations may lead to [D][F] 'support' targets.
Similarity between the statements.