Anonymous ID: 000000 May 30, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.9380825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0982

>>9380090 lb


The “left” disguise for the thing they call “Democracy” pure-and-simple is anarchism or anarcho-syndicalism. This is key to the moral degeneration characteristics of most participants in the Communist Party USA, the Trotskyist cults, the Maoist cults, and so forth. This is also key to the more extreme moral imbecility expressed by “environmentalism” generally.


Thus, the complaints of various groups of “little people” are the practical impulse of the Anarchist’s policy-outlook. He styles himself a loyal defender of the “little people” in whatever “struggle” they manifest, at almost any place, at almost any time.

It is "The Struggle” as such which is the essence of his policy-commitments.


If, then, some clever agent stirs up ferment around introduced issues among elements of the “little people”, the Communist, Trotskyist, Anarchist dupes are sucked into aiding that cause in the name of “The Struggle”.


That is a description of the workings of the Communist, Trotskyist, Maoist, Anarchist groups in Western Europe, North America, and so forth.

Predominantly the notions of “Democracy” and “Struggle” as accepted by these “leftists” makes them easy prey - ready dupes for the sort of operations run by the Tavistock Institute.

Anonymous ID: 000000 May 30, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.9380982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1232


The pose offered to the public by the Tavistock networks is a fraud. However, one can not recruit substantial numbers of “anticapitalist” leftists by informing those “leftists” that they are to be expendable volunteers in service to the British aristocracy, in aid of bringing about the ruin of the world through wars, famines and epidemics.

One can not recruit from among the mass of university “social sciences” students by informing them of their actual roles, the ends to which they are to be used.

So the wide aspect of the Tavistock funnel must respect the prevailing delusions among the dupes.


So, the funnels, as they narrow, in ascent toward the “Project Scenters” of the Tavistock Institute, describe a progress from the most unwitting of foolish dupes through various degrees of wittingness, toward the “initiate” who is regarded by Tavistock as “needing to know” some facts about his situation and duties in the network as a whole.


So, as one reaches this upper level, one encounters the witting initiate whose conscious complicity makes that person morally among the most degraded beasts of our times.

Anonymous ID: 000000 May 30, 2020, 12:24 p.m. No.9381110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9379347 PB

>>9380669 (other bread????)

In germany everybody HAS to dislike Trump….at least acknowledge his stubidity……If you dont you are an outcast and prone to mobbing,and discrimmination of the vicious kind……even by police and government employies. You WILL be fucked, saying "Trump aint bad"

The MASS of the german People hate/ridicule Trump….even for children it`s like sayin: School is boring…. Nuke us please!

Anonymous ID: 000000 May 30, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.9381232   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We have given the secret behind Tavistock’s deploying Trotskyists, Anarchists, Maoists, and what-not, together with Amnesty International, as fellow-agents of Tavistock with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger.

We have given the secret why the “Sociological Division” of Tavistock created the spectrum of kook-cults, of which the Jim Jones Peoples Temple case is but one of many of the same or slightly different varieties.

We have given the secret behind the common Tavistock pedigrees of Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Rev. Jim Jones.


This is also the secret of the U.S. Air Force inteligence’s Rand Corporation, the Naval intelligence’s National Training Laboratories, and the Mont Pelerin Society-controlled Heritage Foundation.


Like Indian-born, Muslim Brotherhood-processed British intelligence agent Ayatollah Khomeini, the Asharite cultist who organized a revolution against technological progress and for famine and poverty in Iran, the creatures of the divisions of the Tavistock Institute do not employ “chaos and confusion” as merely occasional instruments of policy, but as the ends of policy itself.