Anonymous ID: 243df6 May 30, 2020, 11:56 a.m. No.9380720   🗄️.is đź”—kun


'President Donald Trump’s pick of U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell for acting director of national intelligence (DNI) is an inspired one of great symbolic and substantive significance.


In staffing another crucial position in the executive branch with someone who genuinely shares his worldview, instincts, and tenacity, President Trump is signaling to the Trump-haters of the administrative state, and its Deep State apotheosis, that those who reject or actively seek to undermine his America First agenda will no longer be welcome in meaningful positions.


This is no minor statement because the establishmentarian Resistance, knowing that personnel is policy, has sought to stymie the president’s agenda by seeking to undermine if not destroy like-minded individuals the president has considered for top-level posts.


Consider that the effect, if not intent, of the still-going effort to ruin Gen. Michael Flynn. It has gone beyond punishing him for sharing the president’s views, having directly challenged the national security and foreign policy establishment, and threatening its power and privilege. Its aim was to send a message from the very start of the administration that the president’s actual supporters need not apply.


Substantively, after eight years spent during the George W. Bush administration engaging in diplomatic combat with the “jackals” of the United Nations as the longest-serving spokesman and appointee in U.S. history, Grenell has doggedly pursued the president’s agenda in the face of unrelenting defiance from the European Union’s (EU) most consequential power.


From Berlin, Grenell has been an outspoken and passionate advocate for the president’s policies, including:


The maximum pressure campaign against Iran, among other things persuading German businesses to cease sanctions-skirting commercial relations with Iran in the critical sectors that serve and underwrite its malign efforts, and consistently pressuring it to stop appeasing the genocidal, Jew-hating regime;

Lobbying against using Huawei infrastructure in developing the all-important fifth-generation (5G) networking technology, including making explicit to Germany that the United States will limit intelligence sharing on which it relies should it permit the Chinese Communist Party-backed (CCP) telecommunications behemoth to build its network—a message Grenell delivered to all nations on the heels of being named acting DNI director;

Countering Russian efforts to increase leverage over European powers through delivering increased energy supplies, by firmly opposing Nord Stream 2, while helping successfully negotiate an agreement with Germany to open itself to U.S. liquefied natural gas, thereby creating competition for Russia in the energy market;

Demanding that North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies including Germany increase their commitments rather than free-riding on America’s dime, while adding insult to injury by again participating in projects like Nord Stream 2.


Grenell has undertaken these efforts unconstrained by political correctness, and singularly focused on achieving the administration’s objectives, which he self-evidently shares. Naturally then, as with others who have had the temerity to agree with the president they have committed to serve, like Attorney General Barr since at least the time he used “spying” to describe the surveillance the Obama administration deployed against candidate Trump, the vitriol to which Grenell will be subjected is great.


In fact, the attacks on Grenell commenced almost immediately after word broke of his appointment:



Anonymous ID: 243df6 May 30, 2020, noon No.9380761   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Part 3 rough draft


On May 22, 2020, Kayleigh McEnany (KM) asked the press, "why was Michael Flynn's identity leaked, a criminal act, to the press?" Would KM describe it as a criminal act in front of press and America if it were not true? Looking at the declassified documents, we can see most of the people who unmasked Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn including Samantha Power, Clapper, Degnan, Brennan, Conlon, Lew, Biden, and more. The criminal act of leaking Flynn's identity is in the list of names of people who unmasked Flynn after Dec 29, 2016.

The list of people who unmasked Flynn gives us the 'WHO'. Americans should also ask themselves why was Flynn's identity leaked to the press? What advantages would that bring a group of people intent on ruining Trump's chances of staying president or winning a second term? If Trump is out, fake news and fake leaders can continue to make fools of the American People. Once Americans find out how deceitful Obama's group plays the game, they can use their power of vote and free speech to search for truth, share truth, and Vote accordingly.

McEnany called it a criminal act. Comey, Yates, Obama, Rice, and Clapper also know that it was a criminal act, yet they and fake news rarely bring up. This incident brings forth even more questions. What did the leaker hope to accomplish? Which press member specifically did they leak too? Would the leak make Flynn appear to be a bad actor? Was it to create a pretext for FBI to interviewing Flynn? We know from other declassified docs that the FBI set up Flynn. They wanted to frame him. They wanted to get him to lie and get him fired. WHY? Exactly HOW was Flynn a threat to their plans to usurp power and dump Donald Trump from the presidency by force i.e. a coup? What exact information, experience, contacts, and plans did Flynn have that was detrimental to the Obama White House and detrimental to their plan to obstruct Trump's presidency? Knowing the answers will reveal the criminal(s) involved with leaking Lt. Gen Flynn's identity and much more.



1 'President Trump Holds a Press Briefing - May 22, 2020' - Just the News, (start at 1:07:47)


if you have any sources to strengthen article please post, ty

please answer the Questions if you know the answers, ty

Anonymous ID: 243df6 May 30, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.9380796   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0815

Rough Draft 05302020

Bricks by the Store


Who is dropping of bricks by the store and why? What store is it? What do their financials look like? What do most business' financial look like these days, during the virus the came from Wuhan called COVID-19? How come most news is not showing the People the benefits of HCQ+Z? Why would a store not complain about bricks being dropped off before protests begin? What will protestors do with the bricks and the store? Think, research, and the anwers will SHOW you the real World.



1 (video of bricks by the store)


if you have any sources to strengthen article please post, ty

please answer the Questions if you know the answers, ty

Anonymous ID: 243df6 May 30, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.9380809   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Rough Draft 05302020

Riots, Fake news, and Fake Leaders


The riots continued over night, sadly. If only a cop went by the book and kept his knee off the neck of George Floyd. There are many facets to this incident. When a man appears to enjoy his time kneeling on someone's neck, that's evil. It's not about race for people who know Democrat leaders use division tactics. Politicians and fake news use race, gender, Nationality, financial status for their political gain. Perhaps this list will make it more obvious that Democrat leaders need to try harder (or they are encouraging riots):


Updated list of Major cities in the headlines with major riot activity (so called protesters):

Minneapolis - Democrat Mayor - Jacob Frey

Cincinnati - Democrat Mayor - John Cranley

Atlanta - Democrat Mayor - keisha Lance Bottoms

Columbus - Democrat Mayor - Andrew Ginther

Oakland - Democrat Mayor - Libby Schaaf

San Jose - Democrat Mayor - Sam Liccardo

Seattle - Democrat Mayor - Jenny Durkan

Denver - Democrat Mayor - Michael Hancock

NYC - Democrat Mayor - Bill de Blasio

Washington, DC - Democrat Mayor - Muriel Bowser

Los Angeles - Democrat Mayor - Eric Garcetti

Phoenix - Democrat Mayor - Kate Gallego

Dallas - Democrat Mayor - Eric Johnson

Louisville - Democrat Mayor - Greg Fischer

Memphis - Democrat Mayor - Jim Strickland

Houston - Democrat Mayor - Sylvester Turner

Richmond - Democrat Mayor - Levar Stoney

Fort Wayne - Democrat Mayor - Tom Henry

Saint Paul - Democrat Mayor - Melvin Carter

Bakersfield - Republican Mayor - Karen Goh


Why is Fox morning news talking about 'domestic terrorism' (5/30/2020)? If you can label something 'terrorism', what powers become available? Terrible leaders would abuse this power. When things turn dangerous, you hear less from these leaders. Where is Ilhan Omar? Why is mayor of Minneapolis making it about race and not bad cops? Are the leaders of Minneapolis Democrat or Republican?

Research is the best way to learn the game. It's like a game, but it's not a game. The wins and losses determine policies, which can then be applied to the People. Therefore, some bad leaders are always looking for ways to increase their powers and abuse them afterwards. This is why when the news starts mentioning 'domestic terrorism', some informed good people can imagine where this might be headed. The ones who believe channels like CNN, New York Times, Buzzfeed, and Washington Post have been lead astray many times during the past 3 years and more.

Fake news media are not the only bad people hurting the People by lying to them. Fake leaders are another challenge citizens must overcome. Simplify the game. If Obama, Biden, Yates, Power, Comey, Brennan, Rice, Abedin, Podesta, Clinton, Epstein, Weinstein, DeNiro are dirty liars against the People, how can a person be a Democrat? If Obama, Rice, Comey, Yates, and Biden betrayed Lt. Gen Flynn during their January 5th meeting in 2017, how can a person follow their lead? Would Democrat leaders and fake news expose Anifa as George Soros paid shills or continue to hide that fact? Simplify the game citizens, vote all Democrat leaders out and stop paying for fake news.


if you have any sources to strengthen article please post, ty

please answer the Questions if you know the answers, ty

Anonymous ID: 243df6 May 30, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9380942   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Video Of (Black) Cop Violently Choking Young (Black) Male Goes Underreported As George Floyd Video Explodes


Where's @CNN, @MSNBC, @donlemon, VanJones68, @maddow, @nytimes, TheRevAl, @BarackObama…?


#doublestandards (video)'