Anonymous ID: 57586a June 17, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.9654176   🗄️.is đź”—kun

these state in green have to vote for the national popular vote winner ; after Trump continues to be undefeated in endorsed candidates (like a Bill Goldberg streak)…and the rolls are clean, the mass mail-in is defeated, the electronics are not compromised…Trump could win popular vote by 6-8-million with just a twitch in a voting pool of ~140million ; there are about 200 electoral college votes at stake over this reactionary. stupid legislation by the Democrat controlled states. Whomever made that decision at the DNC purposely steered that Titanic over to the iceberg; the "professional" class progressives in these states will be looking for high ledges to jump off of, if they ever figure out they have been duped….but they are so smart…