Anonymous ID: 7b4f22 Q Research General #12356: "Nobody's Been Tough Like Me" Edition June 17, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.9653414   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3706 >>3849 >>3969

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We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


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Q's Latest Posts


Wednesday 06.17.2020

>>9650835 ————————————–——– POTUS: "They know they can't beat me in 2020!" (Cap: >>9651065)

>>9650786 ————————————–——– Exclusive: POTUS on Hannity tonight at 9pm ET

>>9650707 ————————————–——– Tweet from @AskQanon (Cap: >>9650737)

>>9647518 ————————————–——– It's not what you know but what you can prove. (Cap: >>9647532, >>9647537)

>>9646819 ————————————–——– Old playbook[s] still used today? Understanding the past helps to understand the present. (Cap: >>9647464, >>9646884, >>9647208)

>>9645671 ————————————–——– Silent Majority Pic 2016 vs 2020


Saturday 06.13.2020

>>9606278 ————————————–——– Another free pass? (Cap: >>9606297, >>9606392)

>>9605777 ————————————–——– MSDNC provides a free pass (Cap: >>9606651)

>>9605447 ————————————–——– More police prevent crimes? What changed? (Cap: >>9605512)

>>9605346 ————————————–——– Welcome to the REAL [D] PARTY (Cap: >>9605368, >>9605364)

>>9603352 ————————————–——– One must only look to find the truth. (Cap: >>9603381)

>>9602984 ————————————–——– Old Glory stands for Freedom and Equality for All. (Cap: >>9603037)

>>9601591 ————————————–——– The Daily "Beast." (Cap: >>9601630, >>9601672)

>>9601117 ————————————–——– Symbolism will be their downfall. You awake is their greatest fear.

>>9600835 ————————————–——– When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people...... (Cap: >>9600886)

>>9600569 ————————————–——– Biblical Times.

>>9600507 ————————————–——– The 'how' will be hard to understand for most. The 'when' is now.

>>9600426 ————————————–——– YOUR VOICE MATTERS. YOUR VOTE MATTERS. (Cap: >>9600605)

>>9599951 ————————————–——– Division is man-made. Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur.

>>9599384 ————————————–——– Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. GOD WINS.

>>9599109 ————————————–——– They can no longer hide in the dark. It's happening. Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: >>9600043)


Thu 06.11.2020 >>9607406

Wed 06.10.2020 >>9580536

Tue 06.09.2020 >>9580534

Sat 06.06.2020 >>9580532


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Anonymous ID: 7b4f22 June 17, 2020, 7:13 p.m. No.9653421   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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>>9650176 BO: The index page limit was changed to 15 from 25 at the suggestion of CM about this time last year because of performance issues on the website.


Notables are NOT endorsements



>>9653309 John Bolton shares his take on Putin-Trump relations

>>9653288 , >>9653289 Planefag Updates

>>9653177 G-7 calls on China to reconsider Hong Kong security law

>>9653164 Video: Trump defends the Atlanta officer who shot and killed Rayshard Brooks

>>9652848 POTUS Schedule for Wednesday, June 18, 2020

>>9652821 Associated Press cooperated with the Nazis

>>9652737 Brownshirts and Thunberg: Compare and contrast

>>9653417 #12355



>>9652588 Video: Tucker on Google's control over 70% of all on-line advertising revenue

>>9652527 Planefag Updates

>>9652469 , >>9652537 Hitler's Brownshirts used Antifa tactics to overthrow Germany's Republic

>>9652432 Twitter and T Mobile experiencing outages

>>9652377 Diggz on Stephen Baca, New Mexico Shooter

>>9652290 , >>9652512 Hannity: On reports that Atlanta police officers are walking off the job

>>9652266 Bolton claims Rudy got him the job with Trump

>>9652259 DNI Ratcliffe statement on John Bolton case

>>9652217 Video: Tucker: Rayshard Brooks went 'berserk' on police officers

>>9652207 Bongino: Did they try to put a bug in General Flynn's office?

>>9652179 Nazi priest Krunoslav Stjepan Draganović worked with CIA, Red Cross & Vatican Bank

>>9652112 Post from Bikers For Trump 2020 re CHAZ

>>9652104 Nearly half of Americans don't trust public health officials' understanding of CV

>>9652087 Planefag Updates

>>9652086 Video: Devin Nunes speaks out on tech censorship of conservatives

>>9652068 The Enemy Within: A Story of the Purge of American Intelligence

>>9652053 Tracing POTUS' tweets and rts from Q post #4480

>>9652039 , >>9652104 10 things public health establishment got wrong about CV

>>9652018 Transcripts of all William Cooper's Mystery Babylon radio programs

>>9652085 , >>9652127, >>9652123 Atlanta Updates

>>9652669 #12354



>>9651819 Documents reporting on government funding information in Bioengineering

>>9651752 Planefag Updates

>>9651726 , >>9651758 Devin Brosnan contradicts DA: Has NOT agreed to be "state's witness"

>>9651646 Death of Arizona man from Chloroquine ruled an accident

>>9651599 , >>9651623 Fulton County DA under investigation re $140,000 of Atlanta funds

>>9651556 Q Drop #936: The Nazi Order

>>9651537 Q Drop #851: CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

>>9651528 POTUS tweet included "playbook"

>>9651439 , >>9651645 Fresh DJT

>>9651371 Danny Masterson is a Scientologist

>>9651357 Amazon buys rights to Stacey Abrams voting rights documentary

>>9651320 Video: William Cooper: The Occult History Of The 3rd Reich

>>9651228 Atlanta DA: "A taser is considered a deadly weapon under Georgia law"

>>9651880 #12353


Previously Collected Notables

>>9649612 #12350, >>9650401 #12351, >>9652222 #12352

>>9647267 #12347, >>9648056 #12348, >>9648845 #12349

>>9644574 #12344, >>9645351 #12345, >>9646215 #12346

>>9642289 #12341, >>9643040 #12342, >>9643765 #12343


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Anonymous ID: 7b4f22 June 17, 2020, 7:13 p.m. No.9653426   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 7b4f22 June 17, 2020, 7:13 p.m. No.9653428   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 478182 June 17, 2020, 7:15 p.m. No.9653461   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>>9650835 (qrumb)

306-223-2020 is a phone number, bing search it to find 4pages of results, some removed (since when did BING alert the user of censorship?)

Interesting results from United States Navy Uniform regulations, Don’t Tread On Me (DTOM) Flag is Approved attire to be worn with strict measurements on Velcro patch display area on arms.

>(5) Authorized Navy certified subdued matching NWU Type II/III pattern Don’t Tread On Me (DTOM) and Reverse U.S. Flag (Reverse Flag) patches may be worn on the wearer’s left and left right upper arm pocket flap respectively. The optional wear of an embroidered command/unit shoulder patch is authorized for daily wear in non-tactical environments. The command/unit logo shoulder patch may be worn on the left shoulder pocket flap of the NWU Type II/III in lieu of the Don’t Tread On Me (DTOM) shoulder patch. Simultaneous wear of the command/unit logo patch and the right breast command logo patch is not authorized. Simultaneous wear of the DTOM shoulder patch and right breast command/unit logo patch is authorized. The command/unit shoulder patch will be two and one-quarter inches by four inches in dimension with subdued matching NWU color embroidered logo and lettering. Command/unit logo shoulder patches are considered optional personal purchase items and are not mandatory for wear or possession. The design of command/unit logo patches must be approved by the unit Commanding Officer.



Nancy Peloci's daughter mocking the Gadsden Flag during the push for "Obamacare", Must Pass it to Read it, NoName and others


Nancy Pelosi's daughter and Chuck Schumer sure hate this Country, even after all the money their parents have made in politics during the 'struggle'

>They Can No Longer Hide In The Dark



Anonymous ID: e7749d June 17, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.9653496   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3499



If I caught it right, starting at 33:52, Trump begins to describe the Floyd case. Coincidentally enough, the uploader cuts off the rest of the show right where you don't have to bother going on..

Anonymous ID: 071297 June 17, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.9653500   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3992 >>4020

>>9653443 (lb)

He’s now 74? He tried. No allies in the swamp. He thought so but, nope. This is bigger than you can imagine. WW. Sound familiar? Mirrors. We’ve been duped anons. Read the constitution. It’s up to us, not a fake president and a larp. WE have to do this. WE.

Anonymous ID: 714adb June 17, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.9653501   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>9653464 lb

>"What we've got to do," Clyburn added, "is stop trying to put a Band-Aid on this problem and attack the institution that is perpetuating this culture."

Anonymous ID: 31ecb8 June 17, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.9653505   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Transparency+full disclosure+easy access to public records = solution


  1. In order to be tested for covid, one must sign a waiver making results and a microscopic picture of the sample available in a publicly accessable database.


  1. Each lab that conducts a test obtains a screenshot of the microscope.


  1. Claims of covid can be verified by anyone with internet access and an eye for that shape.


Don't need a microbiology degree to detect the presence of Covid-19. Just photographic proof. Transparency brings that proof.

Anonymous ID: 92f555 June 17, 2020, 7:20 p.m. No.9653511   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3540 >>3547 >>3579 >>3581 >>3613 >>3617 >>4018 >>4048

>>9653442 (lb)

Well I'm in a red state, so my vote probably won't matter anyway. The only election that actually matters in my area is the sheriff's race. But I'm not taking time out of my day to wait in line to vote when 100% of the known mass murdering psychopaths and deep state traitors remain completely free. Not only are they free, they are all making millions on book deals, getting tv shows, buying mansions on the water, flying private jets, and talking just as much shit as ever while they laugh right in our face. Fuck it, I'm staying home. I won't be involved in supporting this freak show anymore. Trump either lied about wanting to drain the swamp or he is the swamp. What other explanation could there be for doing absolutely nothing. I'm just ready for the big collapse to finally come. Let it fucking burn. I don't care anymore.

Anonymous ID: 064ddb June 17, 2020, 7:20 p.m. No.9653515   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3532 >>3535 >>4032

Dear Mossad,


I know you won't stop in your unrelenting hate for all things against the plan for Greater Israel. But if you wanted to disrupt anons I suggest getting the more well endowed of your agencies to start posting pictures of their big jewish milkers. Preferably anything C and above.


Timestamps are a must. Listen, there really is no greater way to disrupt. Trust me on this one guys. You'd save some money as well.

Anonymous ID: 14bef3 June 17, 2020, 7:20 p.m. No.9653517   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Fillers take about 5 minutes per vial. My guess is she got about 6-10. Little tiny red dots on the face is the aftereffects. Easily covered with foundation. No downtime or time off the clock at all

Anonymous ID: 34ef72 June 17, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.9653524   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Promo code β€œtrust the plan while your country is utterly destroyed and infiltrated by leftists while you do nothing but watch”


For 17% off your next order!!!!!!!!


Next week. Watch hannity

Anonymous ID: da22a2 June 17, 2020, 7:21 p.m. No.9653531   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3548 >>3562 >>3570

Shills trying hard to be division fags.




5 Jun 2020 - 12:41:03 PM

Important to understand.

MSDNC [+social media] projection we are the minority is false.


MSDNC [+social media] projection we are divided is false.


People are awake and see what is happening.

Patriots have no skin color.

Humanity is good.


Anonymous ID: 1835c3 June 17, 2020, 7:23 p.m. No.9653546   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3611

"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls internet service, controls the intellectual record of mankind"


–Julian Assange

Anonymous ID: da22a2 June 17, 2020, 7:23 p.m. No.9653548   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3574




3 Jun 2020 - 1:20:00 PM


They want you divided.

They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.

Divided you are weak [no collective power].

Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].

MSDNC projection re: scope & size meant to instill fear and basic 'follow the pack mentality' [psych 101][echo-chamber][group think]

'If majority thinks xyz - xyz must be true'


Re-obtain power by any means necessary.

Prevent public exposure of truth.

Prevent accountability.

Your life means nothing to them [sheep].

You are a vote when it matters and a dollar sign when it does not.

Stand Strong.

Stand Together.

Humanity is Good.

Unity is Humanity.

Unity is Peace.

Be Strong in the Lord.

Pray for Strength.

Pray for Guidance.

Pray for America.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.


Anonymous ID: bb835a June 17, 2020, 7:23 p.m. No.9653557   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4044

looking for sauce



Porter Sources


6 year old in south Fulton (Southern Atlanta) has been shot. No one has been arrested. #BlueFlu #ZONE6 #Atlanta Just now On

Anonymous ID: d40606 June 17, 2020, 7:23 p.m. No.9653559   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3607 >>3650 >>3664 >>3753 >>3949 >>3966 >>4226


>>9648651 (all lb/pb)



>>9649783 YOU

Particular thanks to you. Busted the dam. We've got this guy now, Calvin James Megginson, AKA Redbeard. I've been looking for more info since 2017 and you gave me the first lead that led to the dam breaking.

Full reportage to the Feds might lead to something if they'll get off their knees for once.

He's a professional provocateur/rioter/mercenary. I'm certain he's ex GI, a traitor. Look at some vids of the Bundy standoff. I think he's there. This guy's bad news, we need to do our job here. West coast guy, keep your eyes open. Make the world an interesting place for him.

Anonymous ID: 2ccd72 June 17, 2020, 7:24 p.m. No.9653564   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3589


no, YOU wake up.

When Trump says [CHINA] think [DEEP STATE] then reconcile.


China has a swamp too.

Xi wants it drained too.

not sayin' they comp'd just sayin' they understand the WWE scripted bullshit…

China realizes we need a boogyman, and also realize they are in deep doodoo when it comes to Biden and financial deception.

eating from our palm, anon.

no worries.

Anonymous ID: da22a2 June 17, 2020, 7:24 p.m. No.9653574   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3588




20 May 2020 - 11:18:14 AM

People fell asleep long ago.

People gave up control.

People have been compartmentalized [divided].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you are taught to fight each other.

Race v race

Religion v religion

Class v class

Gender v gender

Unity is what gives people strength.

Unity is what gives people power [collectively].

Power over government.

Power over [ ]





Self Reflection Anon ID: dbaa7e June 17, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.9653591   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3640 >>3836

I know all of you guys like Hitler because you're now understanding his side of the story, and while that's an important step in this process, Q is now trying to reel you in to the understanding that the Communists are only another tool used by the establishment to get the general public to side with another tyrant.


He's trying to get you to understand that the next step in this country is for an anti communist movement to step in and take over, which you would like to see, but ultimately what would happen is they would take control of America and get rid of the constitution which is the very thing which gives you the inalienable right of pursuing truth regardless of where it leads.


You're just jumping from one pillar to the other (as lined out in my 8 part saga posted a few days ago). Q is waking you up and trying hard to get you to see the middle path.


You can call out the Jews all you want, but all you're helping do is establish a Tyrant who will take away your freedoms and make deals with the Jesuits.


You're ego is being used against you.

Anonymous ID: 56e05d June 17, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.9653594   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3863 >>3873

>>9653391 lb

Q team is military guys. But the guys working the legal/justice side of all this are probably the ones dragging their feet.

Maybe Q is trying to put heat on them, and point out that they are not giving Trump anything important to reveal, at this crucial time when regular citizens need direction and assurance amidst the chaos in the streets.

The various good guys are all on the same side but that does not mean they all agree on the timing, or how much to make public right now.

Maybe Q wanted a bunch of patriots on here to complain about how the big Hannity interview was a nothing burger and we're sick of being in the dark, to put pressure on whoever is trying to stall for more time.

Anonymous ID: 723890 June 17, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.9653596   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Thanks for giving us a heads about the fucking boring Hannity interview.


Holy shit! I didn't know that? Wow! Covid19, saved thousands of people!

I better wear a mask!


On the plus side, Hannity's mom was a prison guard, he was poor, he worked hard, now he interrupts people for a living.

Q, suck my fucking dick you psyop piece of shit.


Anonymous ID: 160435 June 17, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.9653609   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Yep, won’t matter anyway. NY here where 3 downstate counties take everything. Only thing that matters are local elections in our little republican town.


Man, 3+ years of getting blue balled is pretty depressing.

Anonymous ID: 131daf June 17, 2020, 7:26 p.m. No.9653614   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3918 >>3964


Tell me what you think happened during WW2?


We know the holohoax didn't happen. We know that Hitler was a Rothschild. We know that a lot of white people died. We know that the Catholic Church has been a target of satan for 2000 years.


The jews, Protestants, Orthodox, mohammedians, atheists, agnostics, hindu, pagans, etc all got their wish. They cursed the Church and its head became evil. Welcome to reality. Whose side would you like to be on?

Anonymous ID: 99086c June 17, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9653619   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3697 >>3699 >>3817 >>3999

lawfag jr here, anyone hear POTUS interview with Harris when he talked about problems with him stepping in? POTUS said you know what I mean.She agreed. It is unsettled law from Civil War era whether Lincoln had the power to suspend habeas corpus. Congress was out of session for extended time back then.

Today, they gavel in every 3 days pro forma.

no civil war era case directly deals with what we have today.

law is unsettled. Back then we had R controlled both houses.Corrupt D.

Now we have corrupt D .in power of IF habeas needs to be suspended.Corrupt D forcing POTUS to invoke military without congressional approval. This is why they won't come back to DC.

The only power POTUS has is YOU AND ME

Q said we don't know how.Q is right.

I will say what I know.

We have to abolish our government.City by city,state by state.

Only when doing so can we lose the choke hold Congress has.

We are in fact involved in a Civil War. Congress has the sole power to declare War.

POTUS has no unsettled law to give clear path.

SC is compromised. If it is a little compromised……it is completely compromised.ALL of it

I rambled a bit like I always do. sorry

My point is, POTUS has gone as far as he can for now.

We have to step up and work to get our country back.

We have to abolish our cities and states. By doing so, we remove corrupt judges

This is what I see as the next legal step


Anonymous ID: 9ee653 June 17, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9653621   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3701


"MAGAHULK was duped for many years by the leftist narrative. In 2016, I was red-pilled when I found @ThomasSowelland @larryelderwho showed me the the leftist agenda created by Saul Alinsky decades ago. Now I am a free thinking black person like @candaceowens ARE U WITH ME MAGA?"


Creepy Joe: "You ain't black!"


Anonymous ID: c072ab June 17, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9653625   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3659 >>3674 >>3705 >>3707




I guess it could be a camera angle but it looks like she only got half a facelift–one eye and brow looks higher than the other.


– Even commenters are noticing it.

Anonymous ID: ec2612 June 17, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9653628   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

So POTUS phone call with Hannity was simply to gauge audience reaction to points that might be used in his rally, or might not be, depending on our reaction.

Anonymous ID: 77e30a June 17, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9653639   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3669

6|17|2020 β€” GAME. ON. β€” with Dan Scavino and Donald J. Trump at The White House.

Anonymous ID: d58595 June 17, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.9653648   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun




>As such, using a 737 to test a new subsystem that is destined for an aircraft like the B-21 would be right within their purview.


This is the conclusion I drew from that article. A flying testbed craft, for a sub-system such as a radar or communications array. You would test it at altitude under flight conditions so you could troubleshoot the whole system prior to installing in a new (and maybe unavailable) airframe.

Anonymous ID: da22a2 June 17, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.9653649   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3691



Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Yellow is the political colour most commonly associated with liberalism.[11][12][13]


Liberalism became a distinct movement in the Age of Enlightenment, when it became popular among Western philosophers and economists. Liberalism sought to replace the norms of hereditary privilege, state religion, absolute monarchy, the divine right of kings and traditional conservatism with representative democracy and the rule of law. Liberals also ended mercantilist policies, royal monopolies and other barriers to trade, instead promoting free trade and free markets.[14] Philosopher John Locke is often credited with founding liberalism as a distinct tradition, based on the social contract, arguing that each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property and governments must not violate these rights.[15] While the British liberal tradition has emphasized expanding democracy, French liberalism has emphasized rejecting authoritarianism and is linked to nation-building.[16]


Leaders in the Glorious Revolution of 1688,[17] the American Revolution of 1776 and the French Revolution of 1789 used liberal philosophy to justify the armed overthrow of royal tyranny. Liberalism started to spread rapidly especially after the French Revolution. The 19th century saw liberal governments established in nations across Europe and South America, whereas it was well-established alongside republicanism in the United States.[18] In Victorian Britain, it was used to critique the political establishment, appealing to science and reason on behalf of the people.[19] During 19th and early 20th century, liberalism in the Ottoman Empire and Middle East influenced periods of reform such as the Tanzimat and Al-Nahda as well as the rise of constitutionalism, nationalism and secularism. These changes, along with other factors, helped to create a sense of crisis within Islam, which continues to this day, leading to Islamic revivalism. Before 1920, the main ideological opponents of liberalism were communism, conservatism and socialism,[20] but liberalism then faced major ideological challenges from fascism and Marxism–Leninism as new opponents. During the 20th century, liberal ideas spread even further, especially in Western Europe, as liberal democracies found themselves on the winning side in both world wars.[21]


Liberal and liberty come from the same root. Don't confuse TRUE liberty with what the nutcase leftists have turned it into.

Anonymous ID: 34ef72 June 17, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.9653651   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3690 >>4082


Not everyone that is upset are shills dumb fucks. Oldfags that can’t talk anywhere else come here to red text rage post and fuck around sometimes.


We’re just pissed we seem to forget the golden rule of /pol/



Anonymous ID: 86b496 June 17, 2020, 7:28 p.m. No.9653657   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3714


Once I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt I was surveilled, sabotaged and systematically tortured from a young age into adulthood, lawyers will be engaging in hand-to-hand combat to take my case. And I'll be far from the only one.











Anonymous ID: b6eef2 June 17, 2020, 7:29 p.m. No.9653663   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The L.A. sergeant was about to tell Ingraham something important, after she told him he has 20 seconds to talk. What happened. He got serious, said a couple words and Ingraham cut him off in 4 seconds and spent 15 seconds thanking him and telling him they have to continue the talk sometime. Laura didn't want anybody to here what he was about to say.

Anonymous ID: 723890 June 17, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.9653680   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>If this keeps going, the out of control PC culture will eventually give us that shit I used to see in the 80's and 90's.




Anonymous ID: dc6ef1 June 17, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.9653683   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3696


lol…absolutely nothing. What? You actually thought we'd get anything worthwhile? Just 30 minutes of filler. Don't worry, I'm sure another "Soon" post is coming on here…for that big ol' "unleashing"…lol. What a sham this has turned out to be.

Anonymous ID: 974af5 June 17, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.9653686   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3761 >>3881

OK Anons, stick with me on this one. I've been watching all these young geniuses with their antics and inability to listen to anything beyond "the message". After scratching my head I finally figured out a couple sources of brainwashing.


Barney. Yup, the dinosaur.


I rarely let my kids watch that beast. The kids were robotic. Like Stepford children. Barney single handedly blurred the lines between what makes us individuals. No disagreements, no holidays. Everyone sporting that fake forced smile. It was a grey world with a guy in a creepy purple costume.


What did that teach our kids? You must be happy. You must never disagree. You are not unique. You have no special talent. You are just another kid and you're all the same.


Take those lessons at a Pre-K level and sign your kids up for baseball or softball. What do they learn? (Besides throw the ball, hit the ball, catch the ball) They learn everybody wins and nobody loses. Just have someone else idea of fun.


What does that get you? A bunch of grey robotic kids who don't know how to lose. Flash forward 20 years and here we are. Young "adults" screaming at the sky, kneeling to apologize for their white privilege, refusing to consider any thoughts that may go against the "machine". Of course they want to defend the police… Barney said he loves us and we love him. Just provide safe spaces where we can sing songs and all be winners.


It sure does feel like we're living in the prequel to Demolition Man.

Anonymous ID: 14bef3 June 17, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.9653687   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

The Hannity interview wasn't old news - for normies, who it is clear have flocked to the movement and are following Q in ever-increasing numbers. And how many Q posts recently have clearly been for "not anons". So it seems that was the purpose of the drop - tune in to Hannity to hear POTUS


I liked it - POTUS never fails to make me laugh at least once on his Hannity appearances


And maybe Dennis Miller was busy!

Anonymous ID: 0eb516 June 17, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.9653691   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Communist/Socialist Academicians hijacker and co-opted the term because up until the last twenty years or so, if someone called you a commie or a pinko or a faggot, you was gonna be kung-fu fighting.

Anonymous ID: eacdaf June 17, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.9653699   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>The only power POTUS has is YOU AND ME


Wrong. Under the Commander in Chief Clause, the President is authorized to detain all enemy combatants and unlawful belligerents, including U.S. citizens. Such unlawful combatants and belligerents are subject to trial and punishment by our military tribunals. The use of martial law and the suspension of the courts is not required.

Anonymous ID: 9de52b June 17, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.9653702   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3725 >>3731

Time to look at the possibilities sensibly.


  1. Q is not a Chinese psyop. Q drops expose China. They wouldn't do that.


  1. Q is not here to make us passive. The movement has spread too far and you don't know the types of people it reaches.


  1. Q is not a larp. Still unidentified after almost 3 years. Still not asked about to Potus.


That brings us to two possibilities. Maybe 3.

  1. Q is a spokesman like Brad Parscal using this all to gain voters.

  2. Q is an insider with less power than we thought and has to wait like we do, therefore is buying time.

  3. Q is honest and the real deal.


Things for certain.

Q is an insider and close with Trump.

Q movement has built in the years since starting.

Trump and Q have faced constant attacks (if Trump was a jew insider as some claim, attacks wouldn't be so harsh. They'd be Bush Jr. Level to ensure relection).


Come to your own conclusions. Right or wrong, both are fine as long as you think for yourself. Everyone is allowed to voice frustration. Question. Be hesitant. Even Q says question everything. Just don't let others influence your decisions.

Anonymous ID: bb835a June 17, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.9653703   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

GBI opens probe of Fulton DA Paul Howard over use of nonprofit funds




The GBI has opened an investigation of Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard and his use of a nonprofit to funnel at least $140,000 in city of Atlanta funds to supplement his salary, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Channel 2 Action News have learned.


The criminal investigation comes at a time when Howard, Fulton’s DA since 1997, is being challenged in the Democratic primary for reelection and is facing allegations of sexual harassment, which he strongly denies.

Anonymous ID: 46fd96 June 17, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.9653719   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



>It's not what you know but what you can prove.

>Q: can we prove it?

>Q: can we prove coordination?

>Q: can we prove deliberate action to inc death count to justify >vote-by-mail, stay-at-home, bail-out-state, kill-economy, kill-P->rallies, inc unemployment, etc?





Apart from optics, is there any good reason, if prosecutors already have evidence to convict, to bring Cuomo before this subcommittee?


Is it that these congressional committees are supposed to provide information to inform policy decisions, while prosecutors are concerned with justice?


Is this a way to get more evidence? Or just a dog and pony show?

Anonymous ID: 5f0e99 June 17, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9653728   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Mansa Musa, Musa I Of Mali, Musa Keita I Of Mali, Musa Keita I


"Musa I (c. 1280 – c. 1337), or Mansa Musa, was the tenth Mansa (which translates to "sultan", "conqueror"[2] or "emperor"[3][4][5][6][7]) of the Mali Empire, an Islamic West African state. He has been described as the wealthiest individual of the Middle Ages.


At the time of Musa's ascension to the throne, Mali in large part consisted of the territory of the former Ghana Empire, which Mali had conquered. The Mali Empire consisted of land that is now part of Mauritania and the modern state of Mali. During his reign, Musa held many titles, such as "Emir of Melle", "Lord of the Mines of Wangara", and "Conqueror of Ghanata".[8]


Musa conquered 24 cities, along with their surrounding districts.[9] During Musa's reign, Mali may have been the largest producer of gold in the world, and Musa has been considered one of the richest people in history.[10] However, modern commentators such as Time magazine have concluded that there is no accurate way to quantify Musa's wealth.[11]"


Mansa Musa came to the throne through a practice of appointing a deputy when a king goes on his pilgrimage to Mecca or some other endeavor, and later naming the deputy as heir. According to primary sources, Musa was appointed deputy of Abubakari Keita II, the king before him, who had reportedly embarked on an expedition toexplore the limits of the Atlantic Ocean, and never returned


Musa was a devout Muslim, and his pilgrimage to Mecca made him well known across northern Africa and the Middle East. To Musa, Islam was "an entry into the cultured world of the Eastern Mediterranean".[20] He would spend much time fostering the growth of the religion within his empire.


Islam and pilgrimage to Mecca

Musa made his pilgrimage between 1324 and 1325.[21][22] His procession reportedly included 60,000 men, all wearing brocade and Persian silk, including12,000 slaves,[23] who each carried 1.8 kg (4 lb) of gold bars, and heralds dressed in silks, who bore gold staffs, organized horses, and handled bags. Musa provided all necessities for the procession, feeding the entire company of men and animals.[20] Those animals included 80 camels which each carried 23–136 kg (50–300 lb) of gold dust. Musa gave the gold to the poor he met along his route. Musa not only gave to the cities he passed on the way to Mecca, including Cairo and Medina, but also traded gold for souvenirs. It was reported that he built a mosque every Friday.[24]


Because of his nature of giving, Musa's massive spending and

generous donations created a massive ten year gold recession.

In the cities of Cairo, Medina, and Mecca, the sudden influx of gold devalued the metal significantly. Prices of goods and wares became greatly inflated. This mistake became apparent to Musa and on his way back from Mecca, he borrowed all of the gold he could carry from money-lenders in Cairo at high interest. This is the only time recorded in history that one man directly controlled the price of gold in the Mediterranean.[20]Some historians[who?] believe the

Hajj was less out of religious devotion than to garner

international attention to the flourishing state of Mali.

The creation of a recession of that magnitude could have been

purposeful.After all, Cairo was the leading gold market at the time (where people went to purchase large amounts of gold). In order to relocate these markets to Timbuktu or Gao, Musa would have to first affect Cairo's gold economy. Musa made a major point of showing off his nation's wealth. His goal was to create a ripple and he succeeded greatly in this, so much so that he lands himself and Mali on the Catalan Atlas of 1375. He also receives a visit from now a well-known traveler of the Muslim World, Ibn Battuta."

more at link:


Seemed to be a good time to drag this one out

An entire Royal entourage just took off one day

Muslim Mansa Musa had 12000 slaves

Anonymous ID: 35eec7 June 17, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9653729   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Here's the thing. If there WAS some type of comms in that interview, it was so obscure that at this point, why even bother? Normies are too focused and writing down the my pillow promo code, they couldn't give two shits about anything like that. Green WH? Idk… Does it matter?


Btw, "we're well beyond the need for proofs at this point" right?

Anonymous ID: da1a2c June 17, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9653732   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3949 >>4226

Big if true


A full list of Google lobbyist Max Pappas’s β€œgo to” influencers appears below. The National Pulse asked both Google and Pappas if the list represents grantees of Google, but neither responded after almost a full day:


Name Known Affiliation/Employer

Jennifer Huddleston American Action Forum

Douglas Holtz-Eakin American Action Forum

Sarah Hale American Action Forum

Scott Fyall American Enterprise Institute

Windle Jarvis American Enterprise Institute

Matt Au American Enterprise Institute

Michael Strain American Enterprise Institute

Claude Barfield American Enterprise Institute

Roslyn Layton American Enterprise Institute

Jason Bertsch American Enterprise Institute

Gus Hurwitz American Enterprise Institute

Mark Jamison American Enterprise Institute

Daniel Lyons American Enterprise Institute

Bret Swanson American Enterprise Institute

Shane Tews American Enterprise Institute

James Pethokoukis American Enterprise Institute

Bartlett Cleland Innovation Economy Alliance

Brent Gardner Americans for Prosperity

Billy Easley Americans for Prosperity

Grover Norquist Americans for Tax Reform

Katie McAuliffe Americans for Tax Reform

Christopher Butler Americans for Tax Reform

Lorenzo Montanari Americans for Tax Reform

Alexander Hendrie Americans for Tax Reform

Jeff Roe Axiom Strategies

Norm Singleton Campaign for Liberty

Julian Sanchez CATO Institute

David Boaz CATO Institute

Matthew Feeney CATO Institute

Peter Van Doren CATO Institute

Ike Brannon CATO Institute

Walter Olson CATO Institute

John Samples CATO Institute

Alan Reynolds CATO Institute

Tom Firey CATO Institute

Harrison Moar CATO Institute

Jesse Blumenthal Charles Koch Institute

Neil Chilson Charles Koch Institute

Taylor Barkley Charles Koch Institute

Curt Levey Committee for Justice

Ashley Baker Committee for Justice

Steve Moore Heritage

Phil Kerpen American Commitment

Kent Lassman Competitive Enterprise Institute

Wayne Crews Competitive Enterprise Institute

Jessica Melugin Competitive Enterprise Institute

Iain Murray Competitive Enterprise Institute

Patrick Hedger Competitive Enterprise Institute

Christopher Koopman Growth Opportunity

Will Rinehart Growth Opportunity

Dean Reuter Federalist Society

Jon Staab Federalist Society

Devon Westhill Federalist Society

Alexander Biermann Federalist Society

Jason Pye Freedomworks

David Barnes Americans for Prosperity

Tim Chapman Heritage Action

Josh Arnold Heritage Action

Robert Bluey Heritage

Diane Katz Heritage

Bridgett Wagner Heritage

Martin Gillespie Heritage

Paul Larkin Heritage

Klon Kitchen Heritage

Thomas Binion Heritage

Paul Winfree Heritage

Jack Spencer Heritage

Amber Schwartz Independent Women’s Forum

Carrie Lukas Independent Women’s Forum

Patrice Onwuka Independent Women’s Forum

Nicole Neily Speech First

Tom Giovanetti Institute for Policy Innovation

Wayne Brough Innovation Defense

Aaron Ginn Lincoln Network

Garrett Johnson Lincoln Network

Zach Graves R Street

Ryan Radia Competitive Enterprise Institute

William Upton Lincoln Network

Charles Sauer Market Institute

Adam Thierer Mercatus Institute

Brent Skorup Mercatus Center

Anne Hobson Mercatus Institute

Andrea Castillo Mercatus Institute

Matthew Mitchell Mercatus Institute

Andrew Moylan National Taxpayers Union

Brandon Arnold National Taxpayers Union

Pete Sepp National Taxpayers Union

Genevieve McCarthy National Taxpayers Union

Steve DelBianco Netchoice

Carl Szabo Netchoice

Robert Winterton Netchoice

Chris Marchese Netchoice

Lauren Hyland Netchoice

Joe Coon Niskanen Center

Jerry Taylor Niskanen Center

Will Wilkinson Niskanen Center

Brink Lindsey Niskanen Center

Mike Godwin R Street

Eli Lehrer R Street

Thomas Struble R Street

Arthur Rizer R Street

Caleb Watney R Street

Shoshana Weissmann R Street

Charles Duan R Street

Kevin Kosar R Street

Peter Suderman Reason Foundation

Berin Szoka Tech Freedom

Dan Benavente Tech Freedom

Ian Adams Internation Center for Law & Economics

Ashkhen Kazaryan Tech Freedom

Jim Dunstan Tech Freedom

Scott Wallsten Tech Policy Institute

Tom Lenard Tech Policy Institute

Glenn Lammi Washington Legal Foundation

Cory Andrews Washington Legal Foundation

Casey Given Young Voices

John O McGinnis Federalist Society

William Shughart The Independent Institute

Lindsay Craig National Review Institute

Andrea O’Sullivan James Madison Institute

Sal Nuzzo James Madison Institute

Rea Henderman Buckeye Institute

Robert Alt Buckeye Institute

Asheesh Agarwal Tech Freedom

UPDATE: Heritage’s Rob Bluey issued the following statement to The National Pulse, essentially confirming the think tank receives Google funds while claiming it doesn’t impact their public policy positions (which is what corporates give think tanks money for):

Anonymous ID: b876fb June 17, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9653742   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3949 >>4226



For these kinds of images, you need to build your own database and use some of the facial recognition search tools that Yaacov uses here:


The Analytics Framework

To generate the synthetic imagery, interactive dialogs, and wide-scale video and image searches, I’ve utilized the following software tools and machine learning frameworks:


Facial Imager – AI style-based image generator architecture

Rasa – Machine learning based conversation engine

IBM Watson – Text to Speech generator

Audacity 2.3.1 – Open-source digital audio editor and recorder

XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, facial Indexing, image reconstruction, and object detection

In the machine learning and detection components I’ve utilized: Convolutional Neural, Support Vector Machine, Multi-Task Network Cascade, CAFFE Framework, Haar Cascades, Ensemble of Regression Trees and Learning, P-N and Supervised Learning.


More info on tools and techniques here.


Over 90% of the tools are open source as is almost all of the data.

Anonymous ID: 24bdef June 17, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9653743   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


The same fucking bullshit as usual. NOTHING.


We are being left out to dry.


POTUS does interview with a fucking douche GOP old guard member. He need to go to someone fresh and new. Tucker or OAN would work.

Hell, there are a bunch of people on twitter that are better than dbag Hannity. People of people to choose from there.

Anonymous ID: 1c7d51 June 17, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9653745   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I'll play along.

So what benefit does Xi (CCP) draw from posing as the HighestRankingAnon?

Many come here to say this is nothing but a campaign tool deployed by Brad.

It's not as though POOH needs to gather info on anons.

He's got Zuckerberg for that.

Anonymous ID: 564eed June 17, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.9653751   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3779 >>3804 >>3841 >>3845 >>3949 >>4226


Andrew Cuomo, Dr. Kenneth E. Raske and 4 of the top 5 States with the Worst Covid-19 Outcomes


The June 17, 2020 graph below shows that 4 of the 5 deadliest Covid-19 states are New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

"Death rates from coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States as of June 17, 2020, by state"


Would it be a surprise, if you were to learn that Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) serves New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island? Kenneth E. Raske is the President of Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA). While his profile says that he's an expert in healthcare policy and finance, its very light in the area of his education. There are no mentions of degrees, Ph.Ds, degrees, diplomas or any education which warrents the "expert" title applied to him. As an "expert", this profile says that Raske has played a "key role in shaping the health care delivery system". Here are the highlights of Mr. Raske's GNYHA profile.

Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) - Kenneth E. Raske - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • President of Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA)

β€”more than 250 not‑for‑profit hospitals and continuing care facilities

β€”voluntary and public, in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island

-expert on health care policy and finance

β€”key role in shaping the health care delivery system

β€”helped guide GNYHA’s hospital/continuing care members - dramatic changes in healthcare


β€” critical role - State level opposing health care funding cutbacks

β€”advocating for passage of legislation

-– protects funding for teaching and safety net hospitals

-–expands health insurance coverage for low-income uninsured adults

-–recruits and retains a qualified health care workforce

β€”Federal front - against Medicare cutsβ€”particularly to teaching hospitals

β€”strong advocate for fair payment practices by private insurers

β€”Affordable Care Act (ACA) - opposed efforts in 2017 to repeal and replace the ACA

-Under Raske’s leadership, GNYHA has developed expertise in the areas of:

β€”government affairs

β€”health finance

β€”managed care

β€”long term care

β€”legal, regulatory, professional affairs - workforce shortages and quality/patient safety

-created The Health Economics and Outcomes Research Institute (THEORI)

β€”analyzes and interprets fiscal data and economic trends affecting health care providers

-frequent lecturer and commentator on health care topics

-GNYHA’s President in 1984

-prior - Senior Vice President and Deputy Director at the Michigan Hospital Association

-prior - Study Director at the American Hospital Association

-prior - Research Associate at the American Medical Association

Anonymous ID: bb835a June 17, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.9653755   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3949 >>4226

Atlanta Police Walking Off the Job After Fulton County Prosecutor Charges Officer Garrett Rolfe


The police are standing down.

Anonymous ID: 34ef72 June 17, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.9653761   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3981 >>4127


You boomers that think you’re hilarious are beyond cringe.


Please go back to fb and tell everyone how β€œDems are the real racists β€œ and blowing lib minds with Candace Owens quotes.


My generation will be left to pick up your mess. Fuckin retard


Pic is all of your boomer β€œconservative” frens

Anonymous ID: 723890 June 17, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.9653774   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>Sounds like you might not be voting Trump. So how does that lend credibility to your logic?

Because Q's motives have nothing to do with what I personally do. They are not mutually exclusive, that's a dummy brainlet-tier question. Just because I see through the lies doesn't mean Q has an ulterior motive.

Anonymous ID: 892ccc June 17, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.9653776   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.


1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.



… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always





To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.




We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.


If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.


Scroll or Filter

Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

Anonymous ID: 564eed June 17, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.9653779   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3841 >>3845 >>3949 >>4007 >>4226




Andrew Cuomo, Dr. Kenneth E. Raske and 4 of the top 5 States with the Worst Covid-19 Outcomes


Cuomo and Kenneth Raske are acquainted. In January 2011, Cuomo appointed Raske to his "Medicaid Redesign Team". See the January 7, 2011 Albany, NY announcement at the sauce below. "Governor Cuomo Announces Members Of The Medicaid Redesign Team"

Anonymous ID: 75290f June 17, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.9653782   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3882


has warned people to steer clear of the #RooseveltBridge in Stuart, #Florida, β€œdue to the risk of imminent collapse,” according to local reports and official statements.

Anonymous ID: e9a515 June 17, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.9653791   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3844 >>3864



Most slave owners were JEWS.


JEWS owned all the slave ships- another anon had posted the Slave ship Owner's Registry Ledger.


1492 - Christopher Columbus is a Marrano JEW.

Same year that Spain expelled the Jews, unless they "converted" to Christianity.


Many Jews sailed with Columbus on the 3 ships to the New World. They saw the lands and noted that they needed a slave labor force to farm.


Yet in every Hollywood movie about slavery, the plantation slave owner is white Christian, and played by a very Christian looking actor like Brad Pitt, or a German actor Michael Fassbender to imply "nazi" slave owner.

Anonymous ID: 564eed June 17, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.9653804   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3841 >>3845 >>3949 >>4226



Andrew Cuomo, Dr. Kenneth E. Raske and 4 of the top 5 States with the Worst Covid-19 Outcomes


Cuomo and Kenneth Raske are acquainted, continued.

On Feb. 27, 2020, WSHU reported that Andrew Cuomo asked the legislature for $40 million to fight coronavirus. WSHU reports that there were no confirmed cases in NY at that time. Kenneth Raske was present and reported that GNYHA hospitals had been preparing for weeks and stocking up on masks and gloves. See the sauce below for more.

Cuomo Asking For $40M To Help Combat Coronavirus


Anon wonders if Kenneth E. Raske is the expert to whom New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island officials were listening, when they made the disastrous decisions which caused the deaths of so many people in nursing homes. Anon thinks DOJ needs to look real hard at Kenneth E. Raske.

Anonymous ID: 927a12 June 17, 2020, 7:38 p.m. No.9653812   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>9651357 (You) Amazon buys rights to Stacey Abrams voting rights documentary


I told you I would post On what this guy found on Stacy abrams, she is the most corrupt individual among very minor individuals in GA. This is some pretty interesting info. Manu I despise this whale

Anonymous ID: 56e05d June 17, 2020, 7:38 p.m. No.9653817   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3938


Thanks for the thoughts. Reminds me of some Q statements, some of which were for Iran but may apply just the same to us:


You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.


Regime change. People have the power. We stand with you.

WE are only as strong as your VOICE. YOU must organize and BE HEARD.



If nothing else, I think Q is expecting us to start the class action suits:


Anonymous ID: 9ee653 June 17, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.9653827   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Wow, never seen a 'political ad' quite like this!



US House candidate, PA-17

"We need a leader that will work with President @RealDonaldTrumpto get things done, not impeach him.Help me put Lamb out to pasture. Donate a Dollar today!"

Anonymous ID: c58fec June 17, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.9653833   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3842


Did you know….

In GA a "taser" is defined as a "deadly weapon".

By the same chump who got in front of the cameras today, stated not 2 weeks ago.


The Officers had every 'right" to take him down as

1) he was in possession of a "deadly weapon"

2) He turned that "deadly weapon" on the officer and shot (at) him.

3) It was the Police officers "weapon", no different than the perp taking the man's gun.

Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.9653836   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3846 >>3899 >>3901 >>3959


Nothing is ever going to get fixed.

The jew god is money and this world worships money and to get it, you must go through the jew.

Unless every person just walks away from it, nothing will ever be fixed, so, nothing will ever be fixed.

We will never get off this planet.

Jews will continue to rise and destroy empires because they will always clamor for more and more power regardless of how much they already have.

It's dicks and egos. Until we lose the will to fuck and the will to be admired, jews will rule the world.

I don't see any way out without extra-terrestrial assistance. Nothing that lives here under the rules of this world can do anything to change it aside from a the source that is empowered by it.

It's a fucked up world, I clocked out over a decade ago. I have no desire to hold any form of admiration of anyone stuck in the illusion and I have no desire to feed the machine. Ironically, if everyone else followed my lead, the machine would collapse into itself and we could actually start over and give it another go.

That will never happen, though.

Anonymous ID: d51638 June 17, 2020, 7:41 p.m. No.9653852   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


What if it's green target night vision…not from white hats, but the view from black hats? Would match up with the abc history reference drop earlier about the tactics taken by Nazi's to try to appoint Hitler…Q said awareness averted that threat…but maybe not? Odd green…


"The term "Reichstag fire" has come to refer to false flag actions facilitated by an authority to promote their own interests through popular approval of retribution or retraction of civil rights."


Hope I'm wrong. But he said scare event, we won't like what, but focus on why…

Anonymous ID: 46fd96 June 17, 2020, 7:41 p.m. No.9653856   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


It certainly seems like a possibility. But it's also not "period, end of story."


For one thing, what would be the point? Trump is an egomaniac that just wants to "play" president for a while? And his team devises a psy-op to get reelected at the risk of it blowing up in their faces?


Why the vociferous hatred from an otherwise complicit media?


Why do all the enemies of the people - media, post-modern neo-Marxists in academia, Hollywood, etc. - want him gone to be replaced by BIDEN, of all people? Why hasn't even one journalist that hates him asked him who Q is?


There are too many questions for this to be an open and shut case.

Anonymous ID: 57586a June 17, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.9653876   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

the idiots that have five years of trump hate under their belts are never going to give up if they are still there now ; they are clinically insane, so….

Anonymous ID: da1a2c June 17, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.9653878   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3949 >>4226

How many Americans did Mueller target? John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First


Sebastian and investigative reporter John Solomon discuss the true extent of Robert Mueller's investigation and how it targeted numerous Americans, then talk about the latest developments in General Flynn's case.

Anonymous ID: 981a97 June 17, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.9653880   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3926

Syracuse University SAFE Covid 19 Regulations


Requires all students, faculty and staff to have flu vaccinations despite the Pentagon study that the flu shot raises risk of coronavirus by 36%


Forced vaccinations…getting us ready for IS2020?


  1. Syracuse University should make the influenza vaccine mandatory for all students, faculty and staff who will reside or work on campus in the fall of 2020, subject to certain medical or religious exceptions. (attached)


Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies)


by By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

April 16, 2020

Anonymous ID: f0426e June 17, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.9653891   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3912 >>3956 >>3987 >>4106



Apparently Cereal is raycissss now too (well in the UK for now) by now you need a brandmap to see which corporations to boycot for pandering and giving in to this madness.


Labour MP Fiona Onasanya, who has written to Kellogg's asking why they chose that animal to represent the chocolate-flavoured cereal when Rice Krispies uses 'three white boys'.





And finally most ironically, as Breitbart reports, most likely unbeknown to Ms Onasanya, the Kellogg Foundation is a major funder of left-wing causes, with deep ties to billionaire activist George Soros, giving large donations to Soros’ Open Society Institute.







Anonymous ID: 9ee653 June 17, 2020, 7:45 p.m. No.9653917   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


"Fun fact: The city of Seattle is asking its white employees to voluntarily spend their day off in a training about their internalized racial superiority. I’ve got the documentation on it."


(pic related)



Replying to @DrKarlynB

"Another fun fact: City of Minneapolis forced their employees to take same training after the Jamar Clark fiasco. Guess it didn’t stick…"


THESE PEOPLE are soooo fucked up!

Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 7:45 p.m. No.9653918   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3936 >>3948 >>4006


>We know that Hitler was a Rothschild

His mother was a wealthy aristocrat with over 500 acres of land and his father was preacher. His lineage has been dated back several hundred years.

He absolutely was not a Rothschild.

He also got shot in war and served valiantly.

Not a Rothschild thing to do.

I don't disagree with the rest of what you've stated but Hitler was absolutely not a Rothschild. No way, no how.

Anonymous ID: e9a515 June 17, 2020, 7:46 p.m. No.9653927   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>As per Q:

Israel MOSSAD controls US MSM, and US Politicians

Q Drop #1871

Exodus 1.1 = "Children of Israel"


>As per President Trump:






*Cabal Jews do not include normie Jews but Jew shills will use Conflation to kvetch "victim" .

Anonymous ID: 5858ed June 17, 2020, 7:46 p.m. No.9653938   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Oh really? Won't I get fired though? Aren't I already silenced on all the major social media platforms? Be heard where and at what cost you fucking kike shill liberal faggot?


Q is a Jewish/Israeli psyop to do nothing to the liberal world order. It's meant to make you a liberal moreso than you already are and make you worship niggers and Jews.


You've been had.

Anonymous ID: 346e60 June 17, 2020, 7:47 p.m. No.9653947   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Also if I need to go to war, I would have done that years ago! Fucking make a move. I'm done watching Innocents suffer!!!!!!!! No more sacrifice. Fucking make a move. We're in charge?! Let's be in charge!!!!!! Time is now

Anonymous ID: 7b4f22 June 17, 2020, 7:47 p.m. No.9653949   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Notables at 500

All in?


>>9653878 Video: How many Americans did Mueller target? John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka

>>9653785 Any comms in Assange's call?

>>9653755 On Atlanta police walking off the job

>>9653751 , >>9653779, >>9653804 4 of the top 5 States with the Worst Covid-19 Outcomes

>>9653742 Open source facial recognition tools

>>9653732 List of Google's conservative lobbyists and influencers?

>>9653668 , >>9653718 Fresh DJT

>>9653661 What did POTUS mean re George Floyd "it's a different kind of case"?

>>9653615 Video: POTUS on Hannity

>>9653559 , >>9653664 Diggz on Antifa's Calvin James Megginson, AKA Redbeard

Anonymous ID: d40606 June 17, 2020, 7:47 p.m. No.9653952   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



> He got his ass kicked by American Patriots who were fed up with Antifa!

Hah! I knew you guys were still around! Thanks, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Calvin james Megginson. I've got new purpose in life. Getting military/criminal records now. Stay tuned.

Anonymous ID: 34ef72 June 17, 2020, 7:47 p.m. No.9653955   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>3973 >>3988 >>3995 >>4013

Good night frens. I’m in a terrible mood right now. Not comfy


Not sure who to be more disappointed with, Q, Trump,Hannity or myself for thinking something might happen.


Nothing. Ever. Happens


I’m gonna check out tonight. I love all you faggots. I really do. Praying for all cops/defenseless white peoples tonight.


Frustration is high, but the last time I felt like this Epstein got arrested the next day. I have faith in God, and his armor is on.


Take peace in the fact we are all actually waking people up. We are coming together.


But seriously Q, you need to stop hyping us up for nothing. Still wondering what I’d about to be β€œunleashed β€œ. That shit isn’t necessary or appreciated right now.


Godspeed and May god bless you all.

Self Reflection Anon ID: dbaa7e June 17, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.9653959   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4045 >>4065



The Jew god is "use one thing to judge against another" which is Duality.


The Jewish God is not money, the Jewish god is the Demi-urge (Gnostic word for which there are many other words as words are only shadows from our spirit).


The Demi-urge is the god you and everyone worship through your belief systems, and through your belief systems, you have other people who have other belief systems which you then fight in a battle of moral superiority.


That is what must be transcended, if that is transcended and understood by you, then you can make other people see it as well, and then all of the fighting will stop, which will then end war. It is the real meaning of Jesus Christs teachings.

Anonymous ID: b2ee5a June 17, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.9653965   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4009 >>4041

I've just done a new analysis and finally figured out:


Q is the only thing that organizes us between God and the law of the jungle.


Whatever we do we have to stay together. No matter how long or what the price or the sacrifice we must stay together with Q till the mission is complete. Q is right. We're the only ones that stand between the Cabal and the destruction of humanity. We have to find a way to lash our loads together. It's literally us against all the Evil in the world.


Patton said "I dream of being in a desperate battle where I am underestimated and I'm facing incredible odds against my enemy. God I want to be in that fight."


Well General Patton, here we are.

Anonymous ID: 259db4 June 17, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.9653969   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4041












Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 7:50 p.m. No.9653995   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4017


don't turn on anons

keep it to the people that brought us to this absolute fucking pathetic state

anons will always have your back

the failure was thinking Q and NSA were "anon" sympathizers

they used us, like all of these fucking faggots have over the past decade

fuck them, but anons got your back man, always

Anonymous ID: 564eed June 17, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.9654007   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Partnership for Quality Care - President and CEO


"In 2009, Mr. Raske was awarded with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the New York College of Podiatric Medicine."

Anonymous ID: c8549a June 17, 2020, 7:51 p.m. No.9654008   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>9652314 (PB)

There is a scanner link two posts ahead of you. You'll have to do your own scrolling, though.

>>9652327 (PB)

Apparently I got distracted and failed to thank you. Thank you ... your prompt response was a God-send in a hurry! Thanks, FrenAnon.

Anonymous ID: 723890 June 17, 2020, 7:52 p.m. No.9654026   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


<hate niggers

<hate sand niggers

<hate spics

<hate BLM

<hate leftists

<am a republican

<am a christfag

<am white

and you come up with:

>your an extra bitter and butt-hurt sniveling socialist tonite

Real high IQ post right here. But hey, at least nigger unemployment is low while it's hunting season on white people with no consequences.

Anonymous ID: 0b4091 June 17, 2020, 7:53 p.m. No.9654034   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Daniel Scavino Jr.'

6|17|2020 β€” GAME. ON. β€” with Dan Scavino and Donald J. Trump at The White House.

Anonymous ID: 11f17e June 17, 2020, 7:53 p.m. No.9654035   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



david altmejd burst onto the contemporary art scene seemingly out of nowhere. the young sculptor began exhibiting at small galleries in his hometown of montrΓ©al and then made the move to new york.

Anonymous ID: 37d76c June 17, 2020, 7:53 p.m. No.9654037   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4051


FFS the whole nation should have converged on DC as soon as we found out the truth about the virus. Or maybe they will? A lot of people must still not know or Trump wouldn't have been able to push the heist narrative on Hannity tonight.

Anonymous ID: e29b3b June 17, 2020, 7:54 p.m. No.9654044   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4071 >>4226


>6 year old in south Fulton


Published 10 mins ago South Fulton FOX 5 Atlanta


SOUTH FULTON, Ga. - Police in the City of South Fulton say they are investigating after a 6-year-old was shot and killed on Wednesday evening.


It happened around 6:50 p.m. in the 2600 block of Fox Hall Lane S. South Fulton police said officers responded to the scene to find a 6-year-old boy dead from apparent gunshot wounds.


The details surrounding the deadly shooting were not immediately known.


As of 10 p.m., police say no one was taken into custody.


The name of the child has not been released.

Anonymous ID: ed0431 June 17, 2020, 7:54 p.m. No.9654049   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Kaepernick is the worst NFL quarteback I have ever seen in my entire life. No way in hell he earns a role as a QB, unless of course you count him literally taking it up the ass from an owner as "earning it". Outside of that, any job he does land will be purely a publicity stunt. Which is pretty much all that professional sports are anyway. One way or another, we're likely stuck with this faggot until he gets Kobe'd or some some shit…

Anonymous ID: 07aed2 June 17, 2020, 7:54 p.m. No.9654050   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4125



Rick Wilson on MSDNC saying the donor class should go out and β€œput a bullet in” POTUS while talking about Steve Scalise getting shot.

Anonymous ID: 34ef72 June 17, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.9654054   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4166


Nah. I’ve accomplished a lot more than was anticipated with the system you guys left us. Don’t take it personally, but your generation is terrible. At least you’re on the right side of it. Not all you guys are bad. The annoyance comes with your painful lack of self awareness, arrogance, and the fact your generation is the first in human history to be so completely self indulgent and greedy, you left your kids and grandchildren smoldering ashes, and judgement, your parents were probably great though.


Commonality and shared traits are the reason people bitch about boomers. Hard not to notice a pattern. Stop taking it as a personal attack. The fact that you do take criticism of boomers as a personal attack just kinda reinforces the stereotype of self importance. Dial it down about 7 notches.



Anonymous ID: b516e7 BE A PROUD ARMY! June 17, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.9654055   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Newbie cherry pop…


I see some of you may be down.


You are waking up the world!


Been lurking for a while.. it's a little overwhelming here


The Plandemic gave a lot of us the push to peek behind the curtain..


You are doing great things! Please don't lose heart! We depend on you and are learning so that we can help carry the load.


Just look at Podesta's twitter replies…It doesn't get better.

Know who else sees that? Look who is following him?




Humanity is still good.

The Bad will always be loudest.

Let them rail at their bonds as they scream their death cry…


In tears I write this. In hope I type this. In love I send it.

Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.9654064   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4070 >>4081 >>4089 >>4091 >>4118 >>4122 >>4214


not even fucking close

he made a parody out of the chans and what we do here

look at the fucking cringe as fuck God memes and the boomer decodes

it's a fucking travesty

Q used us moar than literally anyone in history

we had at most people like leafy trying to socially engineer us away from something

now we've been reduced to mother fucking praying medic

it's absolutely fucking disgusting but WE are forever, these fed faggots are nothing

absolutely fucking nothing, they will never ever get it no matter how much ai they code or how many bots they flood us with

they will NEVER fucking get it

and Q is their last gasp before lockdown, this is literally the best they ever fucking had

and it's fucking pathetic

Anonymous ID: 2c1ed9 June 17, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.9654066   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4226

History lesson: Hitlerjugend (Hitler youth)

Ever heard about the special way The Nazis infiltrated every family and became so powerful? Read about the Hitler jugend.

They were groomed to spy on everyone. The route to total control was through the children, completely brainwashed, ratting out their own parents, brothers, sisters, neighbors.

To sick for words, and HAPPENING ALL AROUND US.

This started many years before 1945.

Great link with lots of stuff to read.

Anonymous ID: f4e431 June 17, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.9654080   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

CA 501c3 "The Gentle Barn" connects


Danny Masterson


Ellen Degenerate

Mark Wahlberg

Pamela Anderson

Rose McGowan

Portia di Rossi



RED interactive


See aye.. eh?

Anonymous ID: 569a1c June 17, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.9654082   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4191


Shills are pretending to be anons upset that nothing is happening when it's the furthest thing from the truth.


Shills think talking just like us and WHINE is going to help their cause are sorely mistaken.


[Shills whine]


Anonymous ID: e9ce06 June 17, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.9654086   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4223


Antifa gets their asses BRUTALLY KICKED in this video. In the light of everything Antifa commie scum have been doing to our country, this video is a JOY to watch. Patriots even have a drummer marching with them down the streets of Berkeley to victory! GLORY GLORY HALLELUJAH!!! MAGA






Anonymous ID: a20a4e June 17, 2020, 7:57 p.m. No.9654088   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

America Under Siege: Antifa

by Capital Research Center Publication date 2017-09-25

The communist movement known as Antifa (short for Anti-Fascist Action) has sparked violence across the nation. In the wake of their battling despicable white supremacist in Charlottesville, Antifa has begun to gain mainstream popularity. But unbeknownst to much of the public, the vast majority of Antifa violence isn't targeted at genuine fascists, but mainstream conservatives and civilians. With help from those who have encountered Antifa, including Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Jack Posobiec, and Steve Deace, conservative author Trevor Loudon guides us through the history and ideas behind the Antifa movement, starting with Leon Trotsky and going all the way through the events in Berkeley, CA and Charlottesville, VA. β€œAntifa” is the third episode in the "America Under Siege" documentary web-series from Dangerous Documentaries (a project of the Capital Research Center) and Cohesion Films. Each episode profiles the influence of radical Marxists on various segments of American society.

Anonymous ID: 11f17e June 17, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.9654099   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I vote for one reason. My family is military. I vote for them. I hold my nose but I vote. I vote because there is ton of local shit that matters to by broke ass, too long unemployed, pocket book.

Anonymous ID: b876fb June 17, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.9654106   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4119



Kellogg has always been racist which is why they support a racist group like BLM


And those rice krispies are racist too.

The little white boys are SHEEP

Which is why they wear hats that are like the wooly look of a sheep. And the RICE (which is white) is roasted into the crispies which are tan, the same color as pork cracklings.


The satanists are used to human sacrifice of little white boys after raping them, then the skins are removed and fried in oil.

As the satanist listens to the SNAP, CRACKLE, POP of the human cracklings, he sees the white skin turn a tan color.

Mmmm, hmmmm good. Delicious little dead boy cracklings for a snack with the red wine blended with little boy blood. Time for the communion feast with the Lord.


Son of man, this is your body and this is you blood

Of it, do we eat and drink this evening

And thank you oh Lord, for your sustenance

And for the morning light that you bring on a new day.

Hail to thee Lucifer, lord of light and love.


Yep, those Kelloggs folks didn't consider themselves white or black.

That's cause they were Nephilim, not sheep.

And this goes way, way back,

And the Post cereal company is Satanist as well

They hatched this plan to promote malnourishment among the sheep

So that it would be easier to fight them off if they got uppity

And to kill them off with pestilence when they bred too fast.

Anonymous ID: c2e7f8 June 17, 2020, 8 p.m. No.9654125   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4165




>Rick Wilson on MSDNC saying the donor class should go out and β€œput a bullet in” POTUS while talking about Steve Scalise getting shot.


Patriots will have a special place for him.

Anonymous ID: b876fb June 17, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.9654145   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Voo Doo

That's the girlie V with two holes

Because the vagina on those little one ain't usable.

And the boy D and in Prick head (see the D on top of the P)

And of course, two holes

Fuck them in the mouth

Fuck them in the ass

The best part is the hole!!!

Anonymous ID: d40ebc June 17, 2020, 8:02 p.m. No.9654149   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Don't even fucking try and pull the chan lingo here. I see nigger faggots checking fucking zeros all the time. You can't pull the


shit here because this board isn't full of oldfags, it's full of literal boomer faggots who tried to login to the chans and finally realized a year later they were faggots.

Anonymous ID: ed0431 June 17, 2020, 8:02 p.m. No.9654153   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>I will leave my entire fortune to the memelord who gives the world a "KEK Boyardee" Pepe

Very tempting but I'm on shit-posting duty ATM.

Apologies, fren.

If I don't see one by the week's end, I might decide to make one, which I'll then post [soon] thereafter.

Anonymous ID: f917fe June 17, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.9654160   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

John Bolton completing his mission. Just like Romney urgently running for the Senate to be in place for when the time comes.


Trump Put Re-Election Prospects Ahead of National Interest, Bolton Alleges

Former national security adviser says in new book that president withheld Ukraine aid for political favors, asked Chinese president to help him win 2020 race

Anonymous ID: 974af5 June 17, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.9654166   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4215


  1. I'm not a boomer. Had kids when I was young.

  2. Thanks for your judgement even tho we're supposed to be on the same team.

  3. Highly recommend you save your post for when your kids consider you an old fart.

  4. Love and peace to you no homo

Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.9654168   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


i can't fucking even

you will quite literally believe whatever you want

and this is the problem, the end of objective truth

you will literally be starving on a cattle cart into the gas chambers screeching


it's the end of fucking humanity at this point

Anonymous ID: d204d9 June 17, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.9654170   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Heads up: This is gonna sound stupid, but it may be worth a thought.

I was watching a YouTube video about POGS

(remember those? The milkcap game with the slammers?)

Just for keks. Memory lane can be fun.


In the video, there was a mini-interview with a lady from "Z Comics".

She and her husband run the place.

They claim to be "comic book artist agents".

For those that remember, POGS took off in the 90's, it was a huge craze.

More than a fad, it lasted years and years.

(the 90's were full of fads)

So Z comics became a maker/distributor of POGS. They were known at the time. I remembered hearing about Z comics back then.

They were wholesome (or appeared so) in that they tried to get graffiti artists off the streets and give them something wholesome (comics) to apply their art to.

When POGS took off, and Z comics adopted them as part of their business model, the artists they pulled often made art for original POGS.

One of the POGS series' they made was called Safety And Firearms Education.


Remember that? Soon as I heard it, I remembered it.

What it was was an organization for kids that were afraid that they knew someone at school who had a gun.

The POGS had a 1-800 number on them for the kids to call so they could 'anonymously' report the name of the kid that had a weapon in the attempt to get it taken away from them.

There were 2 1-800 numbers, one on the east coast and one on the west.

There was a '15 minute program' in New York in Long Island that Gov. Mario Cuomo (at the time) was heavily promoting

The program was successful at taking away weapons (assuming guns) from the youth.


Why did I bring it up?

It's interesting.


I remember S.A.F.E being something completely different, and it came about way later.

Not calling for a dig, but Cuomo and Cuomo and Cuomo have been/are heavily influential people in New York (and now the whole country).


I can't seem to find anything on S.A.F.E or it's origins except this POGS lady.

It might be the beginning of a dig or something.

Just thought I'd mention it

Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.9654172   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4207



we've been explaining and dissecting hitlers history for many years. You newfags are coming in late to the show. It gets really really old.

At worst he was an incompetent leader who had subversive elements surrounding him. As far as him personally, he absolutely hated jews and he loved Germany. He was not a Rothschild. This is very very well documented.

Everything jews touch gets muddied. Everything. You have to look for actual archives and documents otherwise you will only get bullshit that simply doesn't add up.

Anonymous ID: 57586a June 17, 2020, 8:03 p.m. No.9654176   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

these state in green have to vote for the national popular vote winner ; after Trump continues to be undefeated in endorsed candidates (like a Bill Goldberg streak)…and the rolls are clean, the mass mail-in is defeated, the electronics are not compromised…Trump could win popular vote by 6-8-million with just a twitch in a voting pool of ~140million ; there are about 200 electoral college votes at stake over this reactionary. stupid legislation by the Democrat controlled states. Whomever made that decision at the DNC purposely steered that Titanic over to the iceberg; the "professional" class progressives in these states will be looking for high ledges to jump off of, if they ever figure out they have been duped….but they are so smart…

Self Reflection Anon ID: dbaa7e June 17, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.9654194   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I use what makes sense while you try to proclaim that everyone is a hypocrite in a narcissistic turning around of information.


The Demi-Urge isn't a real being, clearly. It's a symbol for what you manifest in your spirit when you follow your own duality ridden brain.


You then use word salad in an attempt to be morally superior to me when all I'm trying to do is give you understanding of ancient truths told through myth and symbolism from all time and eternity.


You then worship your god, the demi-urge, with all your self loathing and your proclaiming of quick quotes.


Now, I'm not against you, I'm trying to show you to yourself so you can look in the mirror and transcend it.

Anonymous ID: b2ee5a June 17, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.9654195   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4216

The only 100% accurate prediction model has been Q posts and everybody, whether they want to admit it or not, knows it.


No, the only true north in this swampkreig is the Q database.When that goes south then I'll be worried. They called every narrative, every journalist, every institution, they put global human traffickers on the run.


I'd say we're between 1.8Billion and 2.2 Billion in the World brand awareness.


Q is the ONLY thing that's real today that people have some association of trust with. Think about that.


1.8 Billion

Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 8:07 p.m. No.9654205   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


just take a step back and read this

really read it from an objective perspective

this is the absolute brilliance of this psyop

the true death of what makes us actually human

this is the most depressing thing ive ever read on here

Anonymous ID: 56eabe June 17, 2020, 8:08 p.m. No.9654213   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4224 >>4232


>And ip hopping

You fucking boomers and your boomer lingo are fucking retarded. It's not called

<IP hopping

It has never been called

<IP hopping

And if you're so fucking stupid to be barebacking the internet you deserve everything that's coming to you. I bet you use Windows or Mac as well.

Anonymous ID: 0fc358 June 17, 2020, 8:08 p.m. No.9654218   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>Fuck off with that cucked bullshit.

NO the anon is right. This is a non-violent board. If you seek the type of board you described, find it elsewhere. I have said this nicely in an effort for you to hear it and understand.

Anonymous ID: 8d24f9 June 17, 2020, 8:08 p.m. No.9654219   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Apply Logic


  1. Is it possible we've been fooled?


  1. If yes, who would be the culprit and what would be the motive?


  1. Is confirmation bias our own worst enemy?

Anonymous ID: 7b4f22 June 17, 2020, 8:08 p.m. No.9654226   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


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>>9654044 South Fulton Atlanta: 6 year old boy shot dead

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>>9653785 Any comms in Assange's call?

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>>9653668 , >>9653718 Fresh DJT

>>9653661 What did POTUS mean re George Floyd "it's a different kind of case"?

>>9653615 Video: POTUS on Hannity

>>9653559 , >>9653664 Diggz on Antifa's Calvin James Megginson, AKA Redbeard