Anonymous ID: 92f555 June 17, 2020, 7:20 p.m. No.9653511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3540 >>3547 >>3579 >>3581 >>3613 >>3617 >>4018 >>4048

>>9653442 (lb)

Well I'm in a red state, so my vote probably won't matter anyway. The only election that actually matters in my area is the sheriff's race. But I'm not taking time out of my day to wait in line to vote when 100% of the known mass murdering psychopaths and deep state traitors remain completely free. Not only are they free, they are all making millions on book deals, getting tv shows, buying mansions on the water, flying private jets, and talking just as much shit as ever while they laugh right in our face. Fuck it, I'm staying home. I won't be involved in supporting this freak show anymore. Trump either lied about wanting to drain the swamp or he is the swamp. What other explanation could there be for doing absolutely nothing. I'm just ready for the big collapse to finally come. Let it fucking burn. I don't care anymore.