Anonymous ID: b876fb June 17, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.9653742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3949 >>4226



For these kinds of images, you need to build your own database and use some of the facial recognition search tools that Yaacov uses here:


The Analytics Framework

To generate the synthetic imagery, interactive dialogs, and wide-scale video and image searches, I’ve utilized the following software tools and machine learning frameworks:


Facial Imager – AI style-based image generator architecture

Rasa – Machine learning based conversation engine

IBM Watson – Text to Speech generator

Audacity 2.3.1 – Open-source digital audio editor and recorder

XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, facial Indexing, image reconstruction, and object detection

In the machine learning and detection components I’ve utilized: Convolutional Neural, Support Vector Machine, Multi-Task Network Cascade, CAFFE Framework, Haar Cascades, Ensemble of Regression Trees and Learning, P-N and Supervised Learning.


More info on tools and techniques here.


Over 90% of the tools are open source as is almost all of the data.

Anonymous ID: b876fb June 17, 2020, 7:58 p.m. No.9654106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4119



Kellogg has always been racist which is why they support a racist group like BLM


And those rice krispies are racist too.

The little white boys are SHEEP

Which is why they wear hats that are like the wooly look of a sheep. And the RICE (which is white) is roasted into the crispies which are tan, the same color as pork cracklings.


The satanists are used to human sacrifice of little white boys after raping them, then the skins are removed and fried in oil.

As the satanist listens to the SNAP, CRACKLE, POP of the human cracklings, he sees the white skin turn a tan color.

Mmmm, hmmmm good. Delicious little dead boy cracklings for a snack with the red wine blended with little boy blood. Time for the communion feast with the Lord.


Son of man, this is your body and this is you blood

Of it, do we eat and drink this evening

And thank you oh Lord, for your sustenance

And for the morning light that you bring on a new day.

Hail to thee Lucifer, lord of light and love.


Yep, those Kelloggs folks didn't consider themselves white or black.

That's cause they were Nephilim, not sheep.

And this goes way, way back,

And the Post cereal company is Satanist as well

They hatched this plan to promote malnourishment among the sheep

So that it would be easier to fight them off if they got uppity

And to kill them off with pestilence when they bred too fast.

Anonymous ID: b876fb June 17, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.9654145   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Voo Doo

That's the girlie V with two holes

Because the vagina on those little one ain't usable.

And the boy D and in Prick head (see the D on top of the P)

And of course, two holes

Fuck them in the mouth

Fuck them in the ass

The best part is the hole!!!