Anonymous ID: 99086c June 17, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9653619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3697 >>3699 >>3817 >>3999

lawfag jr here, anyone hear POTUS interview with Harris when he talked about problems with him stepping in? POTUS said you know what I mean.She agreed. It is unsettled law from Civil War era whether Lincoln had the power to suspend habeas corpus. Congress was out of session for extended time back then.

Today, they gavel in every 3 days pro forma.

no civil war era case directly deals with what we have today.

law is unsettled. Back then we had R controlled both houses.Corrupt D.

Now we have corrupt D .in power of IF habeas needs to be suspended.Corrupt D forcing POTUS to invoke military without congressional approval. This is why they won't come back to DC.

The only power POTUS has is YOU AND ME

Q said we don't know how.Q is right.

I will say what I know.

We have to abolish our government.City by city,state by state.

Only when doing so can we lose the choke hold Congress has.

We are in fact involved in a Civil War. Congress has the sole power to declare War.

POTUS has no unsettled law to give clear path.

SC is compromised. If it is a little compromised……it is completely compromised.ALL of it

I rambled a bit like I always do. sorry

My point is, POTUS has gone as far as he can for now.

We have to step up and work to get our country back.

We have to abolish our cities and states. By doing so, we remove corrupt judges

This is what I see as the next legal step