Anonymous ID: 9de52b June 17, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.9653702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3725 >>3731

Time to look at the possibilities sensibly.


  1. Q is not a Chinese psyop. Q drops expose China. They wouldn't do that.


  1. Q is not here to make us passive. The movement has spread too far and you don't know the types of people it reaches.


  1. Q is not a larp. Still unidentified after almost 3 years. Still not asked about to Potus.


That brings us to two possibilities. Maybe 3.

  1. Q is a spokesman like Brad Parscal using this all to gain voters.

  2. Q is an insider with less power than we thought and has to wait like we do, therefore is buying time.

  3. Q is honest and the real deal.


Things for certain.

Q is an insider and close with Trump.

Q movement has built in the years since starting.

Trump and Q have faced constant attacks (if Trump was a jew insider as some claim, attacks wouldn't be so harsh. They'd be Bush Jr. Level to ensure relection).


Come to your own conclusions. Right or wrong, both are fine as long as you think for yourself. Everyone is allowed to voice frustration. Question. Be hesitant. Even Q says question everything. Just don't let others influence your decisions.