Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.9714438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4619

Trump Tweets China Trade Deal Is 'Fully Intact' After Reports of it Being 'Over'


The trade agreement has been hampered by economic challenges due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in China, with US President Donald Trump putting the blame for the rapid spread of the disease on Beijing.


US President Donald Trump took to Twitter on late Monday to say that the trade agreement between Wahington and Beijing is "fully intact".


Earlier in the day, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said "it's over", when asked about the China trade deal, accusing Beijing of sending "hundreds of thousands of people" to the United States to "spread the virus".


"It's over", Navarro told Fox News on Monday. "Here's the turning point. They came here on 15 January to sign that trade deal, and that was a full two months after they knew the virus was out and about. I think that everybody here inside the perimetre and around this country now understands that China lied, and Americans died", Navarro said.


He later clarified that the phrase "it's over" referred to "the lack of trust" between the two nations, while Phase One remains in place.


"My comments have been taken wildly out of context", Navarro said in a statement. "They had nothing at all to do with the Phase I trade deal, which continues in place".


In mid-January, the United States and China struck the Phase One trade agreement. Beijing agreed to increase purchases of US goods and services by $200 billion over the next two years. For its part, the United States agreed to trim some tariffs but maintain them on $360 billion worth of Chinese imports.


President Trump said earlier that although the deal is just starting to be implemented, it now means "less" to him than it did before. "It was very exciting, one of the biggest deals ever made. But once the virus came in, I said, 'How did they let that happen?'", the president said.

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.9714658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4671 >>4688

Trump threatens vandals with ‘10yrs in prison’ for defacing Andrew Jackson statue, St. John’s Church amid clashes near White House


US President Donald Trump has warned of harsh consequences for anyone defacing statues or monuments in Washington, DC, saying the vandals could spend up to a decade in prison.


“Numerous people arrested in DC for the disgraceful vandalism, in Lafayette Park, of the magnificent Statue of Andrew Jackson, in addition to the exterior defacing of St. John’s Church across the street,” Trump tweeted on Monday night, after several protests erupted in the city.


10 years in prison under the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act. Beware!


Demonstrators gathered in Lafayette Park near the White House earlier on Monday, attempting to topple the Jackson statue and vandalizing the historic St. John’s Church with graffiti. Police reinforcements were sent in to protect both locations, with videos shared online showing clashes between protesters and law enforcement.


A number of arrests were made amid the skirmishes, as was also seen in footage from the protests.

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.9714686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4753 >>4796 >>4925 >>5078

John Kerry Warns of Revolution in November if Trump Wins While He Lays the Foundation for It


Former Secretary of State John Kerry is using some dangerous rhetoric about the 2020 election. In a recent panel discussion for the Alliance of Democracies, he made the following statement:


“If people don’t have adequate access to the ballot, I mean that’s the stuff on which revolutions are built. If you begin to deny people the capacity of your democracy to work, even the Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, we have an inherent right to challenge that. And I’m worried that increasingly, people are disaffected.”


Kerry’s comments should not be construed as typical Democrat rhetoric about voter suppression in the current environment. Especially when Kerry’s remarks specifically accuse Republicans of suppressing votes by denying Democratic voters access to the ballot box.


He does not limit this accusation to the upcoming election. Instead, Kerry says this is why he and Al Gore lost their elections. Then he paints it as systemic by stating the pattern repeated itself recently in Georgia. No doubt, he is referring to failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’ evidence-free claims of voter suppression in 2018. Despite this assertion being thoroughly debunked, Democrats have repeated it consistently for almost two years.

Another Revolution


To understand why this rhetoric is so dangerous, you have to follow some history related to the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine and the activities of our own State Department in a program called Civil Society 2.0. During the impeachment, I did a fair amount of research into Ukraine. I arrived at the same conclusions that Oliver Stone and Glenn Beck did. Pretty odd group to come to a consensus:


The U.S. State Department and their associated NGOs (USAID, Freedom House, NED, and others) have given significant money to George Soros funded organizations in Ukraine.

The U.S. State Department developed a program called Tech Camps to teach people in other nations how to use technology, tools, and media to form protest movements.

These movements and media outlets also received funding from U.S. agencies, and Soros related NGOs.

Our diplomats and members of Congress took active measures to support the Maidan protesters in Ukraine and depose the government of Viktor Yanukovych.

Members of our diplomatic corps took a leading role in determining who would be in the government of Ukraine following the Maidan Revolution and took a heavy-handed approach to the formation of new institutions.

Maidan is not the first time the State Department engaged in this behavior, and there are serious indications our embassies are undertaking similar activities in other nations right now.


The Seven Pillars


Kerry would have been well aware of all of this as the successor to Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Maidan is included in the list of revolutions called Color Revolutions. Obama’s former Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul identified the seven common features of successful color revolutions after they first occurred in the states of the former Soviet Union:


A semi-autocratic rather that fully autocratic regime

An unpopular incumbent

A united and organized opposition

An ability to quickly drive home the point that voting results were falsified

Enough independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote

A political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud

Divisions among the regimes’ coercive forces


The evidence for items one, two, three, and six is indisputable, thanks mostly to the complicit corporate media in number five. We also know the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and some members of the military are at odds internally and with the administration. These divisions have bubbled up into the public consciousness.


So that leaves number four. In reality, number four just requires an invigorating event. It can be an election. In Ukraine, the president decided to move away from the European Union and closer to Russia. Or it could be the death George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.9714738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4762

Territorial Claims of New Delhi, Beijing Remain Unchanged After Long Talks - Indian Army Source


India and China have finished a meeting on the level of corps commanders with not much deviation in their stances on conflicting territorial claims amid a recent escalation on the borderline, a source in the Indian army said on Monday.


"Corps Commander level meeting between India and China ended after 11 hours. China is adamant about withdrawal from Galwan Valley and Finger 4 area. India, too, remained firm in its demand that China must go back to its pre-May, 2020 position. The Indian side also demanded that China must stop buildup along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and set a timeline for withdrawal of troops", the source said.


The meeting began earlier in the day with its focus on a deadly confrontation that took place between Indian and Chinese forces in the Galwan Valley, where India's Ladakh region borders China's Aksai Chin region.


The clash left 20 Indian servicemen killed and over one hundred injured, and while Beijing has not confirmed the number of casualties on its part, media have claimed it could be several dozen Chinese soldiers killed.


Since the 1962 war between India and China, the two lack a duly demarcated borderline in the Himalayas. As a consequence, the area has since seen frequent altercations between the military of both sides.—indian-army-source/

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:27 p.m. No.9714747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4844

Man Rams Car Into Chinese Embassy in Buenos Aires


The suspect, according to preliminary data, is a 24-year old man with a history of mental issues who confessed that he tried to break the gate to enter the embassy and claimed to have explosives.


A man has driven his car into the Chinese Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, local media reported on late Monday.


The Chinese ambassador to Argentina was not at the premises at the time of the incident.


A bomb squad was called to the scene, but found no explosives in the man's vehicle.


According to footage circulating on social media, the suspect said that he "knows the truth about COVID-19" and needed "help from the Chinese Embassy".

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.9714791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Doorknocking 'army' to hit streets after day seven of double-digit rises


Victoria recorded 17 new cases of coronavirus on Tuesday, marking a full week of double-digit growth in case numbers.


From Wednesday an "army" of hundreds of public health workers will hit the streets of the six local government areas identified as coronavirus hotspots, liaising with families and reminding them that they must get tested and stay home if they are unwell.


The 17 fresh cases included one from hotel quarantine, three picked up via routine testing and 11 that are under investigation, with more information expected later on Tuesday, Premier Daniel Andrews said on Tuesday morning.


Two cases are linked with the Keilor Downs family cluster that has reached 13 cases across eight homes. Five members of one family household in the City of Maribyrnong have also tested positive, with the source of the infection still under investigation.


"What we can be certain of is that there will be some significant community transmission within those numbers," Mr Andrews said.


The advice to residents in Moreland, Darebin, Hume, Cardinia, Casey and Brimbank remains to stay vigilant, although the Premier said only those who are unwell should avoid travelling within Victoria over the school holidays that begin this weekend.


Mr Andrews also flagged an increased, targeted testing regime in those local government areas, which would include asymptomatic residents.


He said it was not yet time for a more severe lockdown of those suburbs.

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.9714941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5078

Daily Caller Reporter Accused of Being a Cop and Assaulted While Covering DC ‘Protest’


Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott was accused of being an undercover cop and assaulted by the “peaceful protesters” in DC on Monday evening.


n a video of the incident, filmed by her colleague Matthew Miller, Talcott is surrounded by the Black Lives Matter activists and interrogated about who she is and why she was filming.


Miller tweeted that she was “surrounded by BLM protesters and assaulted tonight in front of the WH. She is okay and was saved by a cop grabbing her out of the mob. I couldn’t get full altercation because we had to jump in. This is right before the cop saves her.”


The mob was upset that she was filming and warned that she should “leave before your sh-t gets f-cked up.” Another woman began clapping in Talcott’s face and demanding “you’re a cop. You’re a cop.”


Multiple right-wing reporters, including Matthew Perdie from Breitbart, have been assaulted by the mobs outside the White House while attempting to do their jobs since the riots began.

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.9714954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4969 >>5078

Protesters Arrive to White House Carrying Black Wooden Shields and Wearing Helmets


Protesters began arriving at Lafayette Park in front of the White House with black-painted wooden shields, according to videos on social media, as they confronted police.


“This is what we call community people,” one protester yelled to the police, according to one video by a Daily Caller reporter.


Protesters were heard chanting, “F*ck these pigs.”


Some of the protesters carrying shields could also be seen wearing black helmets.


Protesters and rioters clashed with police earlier in the day, as they tried to topple a statue of President Andrew Jackson in the park, and defaced the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church again.


Vandals spray-painted “BHAZ” on the church, reportedly for “Black House Autonomous Zone.”