Anonymous ID: 871d53 Q Research General #12435:Ruthless.Relentless.Digital Pursuit! Edition June 22, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.9714328   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4925

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Monday 06.22.2020

>>9712575 ————————————–——– INFORMATION WARFARE

>>9712508 rt >>9712392 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Use 'topic' as target practice. Adapt. Overcome.

>>9712328 ————————————–——– Memes prep. Music prep. Organize. Unite. Prepare.

>>9712258 ————————————–——– Surrender to None ['Digital Battleground']. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9712387)

>>9707125 ————————————–——– β€œEvery record has been destroyed or falsified.......George Orwell, 1984 Sound familiar?

>>9707079 ————————————–——– What happens if coordination exists with select states to deliver 'printing' and 'paper' ballot recipe(s)? [secrets] to select [F] adversaries? (Cap: >>9707110)


Sunday 06.21.2020

>>9701493 ————————————–——– Reconcile (Cap: >>9701526)

>>9701237 ————————————–——– How do you reasonably explain what occurred? (Cap: >>9702887)

>>9698045 ————————————–——– Do not let the media control you (Cap: >>9698065)

>>9697394 ————————————–——– Seeing is believing. You can't censor the world. (Cap: >>9697449)

>>9697079 ————————————–——– Can you see and understand their attempts to slow-stop accountability? (Cap: >>9710756)

>>9696071 rt >>9695854 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” It will not happen again. Remember, they also phone in to report 'threats' [deliberate]. Heightened security due to recent events.


Saturday 06.20.2020

>>9684792 ————————————–——– Barr says Pres. Trump has fired SDNY attorney Geoffrey Berman despite the prosecutor saying he would not leave (Cap: >>9684830)

>>9684383 ————————————–——– CIA Director _early 2017 - April 2018? External Advisory Board (CIA) members during this time? Was Bill Barr a member of the board?

>>9684036 rt >>9683570 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Correct.

>>9682825 ————————————–——– SDNY Weiner Clinton Epstein Ukraine The stakes are high. (Cap: >>9682872, >>9682885, >>9682919)


Thursday 06.18.2020

>>9665903 ————————————–——– Thin_Blue_Line_Flag_United_States_.png

>>9663491 ————————————–——– Difficult truths. This is not another 4-year election. (cap: >>9663555)

>>9662999 ————————————–——– Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves. (Cap: >>9663017, >>9663112)


Wed 06.17.2020 >>9713365

Sat 06.13.2020 >>9697880

Thu 06.11.2020 >>9607406

Wed 06.10.2020 >>9580536


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Anonymous ID: 871d53 June 22, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.9714338   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Global Announcements

>>9698938 Announcing a new resource for bakers and anons

>>9650176 BO: The index page limit was changed to 15 from 25 at the suggestion of CM about this time last year because of performance issues on the website.


Notables are NOT endorsements



>>9713649 Bubba Wallace hoax getting blown up

>>9713661 NEW POTUS: "Numerous people arrested in D.C. for the disgraceful vandalism, in Lafayette Park, of the magnificent Statue of Andrew Jackson, in addition to the exterior defacing of St. John’s Church across the street

>>9713692 PIKES PLAN

>>9713704 POTUS Schedule for Tuesday, June 23, 2020

>>9713735 "Multiple acts of arson witnessed at #dcprotest. @MayorBowser reportedly refuses to allow police officers to respond.

>>9713753 For those anons who don't know how to counter the 'fascist' argument.


>>9713907 NSWC Crane and NIWC Atlantic seek latest technology for ANTX 2021 military demonstration

>>9714006 We have a week to prepare if you like my idea. 6 days before 7-4 is 6-29, which totals 17.

>>9714022 Nadler (D-NY) revealed that Congress is willing to play a drastic card to make sure Attorney General William Barr respects their subpoena/he still has no nads, cards I don't know

>>9714030 INSANE Far left Theory Claims CIA Is Spreading Fireworks To Destabilize The Revolution

>>9714074 Joel Schumacher, director of β€˜St. Elmo’s Fire,’ dies at 80

>>9714187 MEME WAR 2020 IS UNDERWAY

>>9714204 Newly-installed technology in Dream City Church β€œkills 99.9% of COVID-19 within 10 minutes"

>>9714226 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Blasts John Bolton: The Information He Released Puts Criminal Liability Squarely on Him

>>9714252 Happy Birthday Brit Hume!

>>9714282 #12434



>>9712902 , >>9713176, >>9713359 On protests at the White House

>>9712906 More LIVE STREAMS of Protestors at the WH

>>9713181 BLM DC Live info account: One of the main BLM DC relay accounts

>>9713478 Fresh DJT

>>9713473 Hussein was hell-bent on destroying America so we must keep #OBAMAGATE trending

>>9713383 #RecallGavinNewsom: Made $1b secret mask deal with China, made masks mandatory

>>9713377 HW producer accused of several sex crimes has turned himself in to authorities

>>9713353 Italian Doctor: CV is losing virulence, may vanish

>>9713289 , >>9713303 Maggie Haberman calls Biden a flawed candidate and libs go nuts

>>9713284 Fresh DJT: "The China Trade Deal is fully intact"

>>9713205 Answer to masks: "I have a medical condition and cannot wear a mask"

>>9713180 Peter Navarro: Trade Deal between Trump and China is over, POTUS tweets 'still on'

>>9713103 Could it be Mercer unleashed? Mercer's a lawyer in Washington DC - diggz

>>9713060 Canadian college exec apologizes, resigns after 'Liking' conservative tweets

>>9713043 Re new Q on prepping - How can bakers prep?

>>9713026 Cotton: Feds have to impose legal consequences for statue destruction

>>9713016 More on 'Is vandalism of a national monument a misdemeanor or felony?'

>>9712949 Seattle police investigations diggz & Digg Call cont.

>>9712931 Video: Tucker calls out POTUS and Reps for selling the people out to the mob

>>9712921 Patriot groups stand ready to retake CHOP Zone if Mayor does not act

>>9712892 Preparing: War Music

>>9713530 #12433

Anonymous ID: 871d53 June 22, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.9714341   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


>>9712681 State Department torches media for comparing US. to Chinese Communist Party

>>9712101 , >>9712248 Green windows at The White House as reporters ordered to leave

>>9712141 Protestors at the White House I

>>9712647 More LIVE STREAMS of Protestors at the WH

>>9712448 Great interview with Lou Dobbs and Devin Nunes

>>9712392 Extremely damaging piece on (D)s nursing home deaths

>>9712301 Planefag Updates

>>9712290 More on POTUS calling "Treason. Treason. It's treason"

>>9712256 , >>9712274 Is vandalism of a national monument a misdemeanor or felony?

>>9712251 Sen. Mazie Hirono: Barr's behaviour is very dangerous and he should resign

>>9712250 Meme - Democratic or partially democratic countries which require Voter ID

>>9712209 From the CIA Reading Room: Manly Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages pdf

>>9712171 , >>9712183, >>9712207 Ideas for POTUS' HUSTORY misspelling and 212 cont.

>>9712150 US Army Soldier charged with terrorism for planning deadly ambush on his unit members

>>9712833 #12432



>>9711599 , >>9711636, >>9711475, >>9711972, >>9711995 LIVE STREAMS of Protestors at the WH

>>9711977 , >>9711928, >>9711940, >>9711911 Protestors at the White House II

>>9711727 , >>9711746, >>9711834, >>9711494 Protestors at the White House I

>>9711919 White House adviser Kevin Hassett leaving administration

>>9711798 30% Of Americans didn’t make their housing payment in June

>>9711685 Breaking: Jim Jordan letter to Jerry Nadler regarding his subpoena attempt of AG Barr

>>9711662 New Comey tweet

>>9711653 Ousted US Attorney Berman refused to sign DOJ letter criticizing NYC Mayor

>>9711648 These 9 brands of hand sanitizer may be deadly

>>9711633 Don Jr's voice message in support of Nicole Malliotakis for NY11

>>9711603 San Francisco Police responding to shooting with β€˜several victims’

>>9711546 , >>9711597, >>9711692 Real stats about covid-19 June 2020

>>9711551 White rabbit on Anderson Cooper's baby's clothing

>>9711485 Video: Kayleigh McEnany scolds media for not spreading Obamagate 'conspiracy'

>>9711469 , >>9711658 Steven Mnuchin: Trump 'will consider' decoupling from China

>>9711455 Russiagate spy Christopher Steele returns with zany new tale of Kremlin conspiracy

>>9711446 Hussein joining his friend Sleepy Joe tomorrow to talk about 'what's at stake'

>>9711445 Father of Cleveland Heights children - looks and smells fishy: Dig Call

>>9711434 Macron accuses Turkey of playing β€˜dangerous game’ in Libya

>>9711422 , >>9711506 POTUS' call for support: Vote Chris Jacobs For Congress #NY27

>>9711419 White Lives Matter flag at UK match deemed 'hateful and racist'

>>9711410 , >>9711514 Seattle Mayor sends in police to retake East Precinct in the CHOP Zone

>>9711399 , >>9711477, >>9711647, >>9711968 Steve Bing suicide, connections to Liz Hurley, Bill, Hanks & Gates

>>9711394 , >>9711406, >>9711426, >>9711476, >>9711552 More ideas for POTUS' HUSTORY misspelling and 212

>>9711508 CHAZ Governor Raz Simone's shady activities in Seattle & Digg Call

>>9711384 Seattle police investigations diggz & Digg Call

>>9712159 #12431


Previously Collected Notables

>>9711298 #12430,

>>9708918 #12427, >>9709752 #12428, >>9710550 #12429

>>9706635 #12424, >>9707383 #12425, >>9708119 #12426

>>9704302 #12421, >>9705296 #12422, >>9705816 #12423

>>9702879 #12418, >>9702899 #12419, >>9703503 #12420


Notables Aggregators: &

Anonymous ID: 871d53 June 22, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.9714346   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Anonymous ID: 871d53 June 22, 2020, 8:46 p.m. No.9714349   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

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Iwo Jima video TOR posting:,

Anonymous ID: b701b4 June 22, 2020, 8:49 p.m. No.9714385   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4654 >>4667 >>5172

This article and photo is from 2015 but relevant to Marxist BLM movement.


Anonymous ID: 098cb0 June 22, 2020, 8:50 p.m. No.9714390   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4417 >>4437

thanks bakery


>>9712328 ————————————–——– Memes prep. Music prep. Organize. Unite. Prepare.

was an rt


>>9712328 rt >>9712276



thanks for bakerfaggin



you guys short on bakers, strange to knight to strange to knight?

fugg man

wish i could help

make sure yall ghost it to graveyard at least next bread

Anonymous ID: 75e741 June 22, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9714403   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4460 >>4514 >>4536 >>4925 >>5059 >>5078

More than 2 dozen COVID-19 cases reported at Modesto senior center


More than two dozen novel coronavirus cases are linked to a Modesto senior center.

The El Rio Memory Care Community, a skilled nursing facility that is part of Koelsch Communities, reported last week it has 28 confirmed cases of COVID-19 among residents and staff.

Officials said nearly all 130 staff members and residents were tested for the virus. With 95% of results in, 18 residents and 10 staff members tested positive.

β€œThe community is under quarantine and all residents and their families have been notified of the situation,” Koelsch Communities said in a statement online.


According to Stanislaus County Public Health, as of Monday, there were 1,639 cases of COVID-19 in the county and 37 deaths related to the virus.

The county reports that 9% of the COVID-19 cases are connected to skilled nursing facilities, and 62% of virus-related deaths are connected to those facilities.


Koelsch Communities said it is working with local and state health officials and continue to follow β€œheightened sanitation and protection protocols.”

β€œWe remain vigilant in our protection practices that continue to help us manage the spread of the virus and continue to follow the guidance of the CDC and local public health officials. Protecting the well-being of our residents and staff remains our top priority.”


need some target practice?

Anonymous ID: b7bfb6 June 22, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9714404   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4491 >>4662 >>4677


Thank you Bakers.

Thank you Notetakers.

Thank you Diggers.

Thank you Meme Makers.

Thank you NewsFags.

Thank you BoatFags.

Thank you PlaneFags.

Thank you SocialMfags.

Thank you Candle Stick Makers.

Thank you Anons.

>We Love you, We Thank you.






[M]ore [O]rganized [R]each [N]ow! [I]ncoming [N]ew(s) [G]ood


[N]ew(s) [I]ncoming [G]et [H]eard [T]ogether


Be the News



We see you Write

< WE read your words

YOU read what YOU wrote?



We see you News

<WE watch your news

YOU Share your News?


We must make WWG1WGA not a slogan LIVE IT

< WE share Patriots

YOU share Patriots?


We Know you.


You are why WE fight.


We See you.

You know who you are, you GLOW (Made a faggot look)


Expect Us

Expect Us ALL.



Anonymous ID: a0eb8f June 22, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9714407   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun






Here's a quick script for a video. Fill in images…


Qanon 2020


[image of sun]

During the the 2020 summer equinox,

The entire world was suddenly

[landscape emerging from shade]

flooded with light.


The day of the great rebirth.


[People hugging]

The day people woke up and shed

their differences and embraced

each others.


As equals.


[image of Jefferson Statue toppled]

Just like Thomas Jefferson

.. and


[image of Lincoln statue desecrated]

Abraham Lincoln


This is Qanon.


We are an army of digital warriors who believe


in the constitution.


in equal rights for everyone.


In freedom and the liberty

to pursue happiness.


Let's write our future together.


God bless y'all.

Anonymous ID: 8b7f2e June 22, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9714408   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

I know we hashed the latest narrative from FBI/ SDNY, but I'd like to just re-iterate how retarded this is:


>Jewish name private

>Working with neo-nazis

>who are also anarchists

>who were then going to give info to islamic jihadists

>To attack US troops

>pleads guilty so it'll never be tried in court.



Anonymous ID: 5beb3f June 22, 2020, 8:51 p.m. No.9714410   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4470 >>4607

Ever feel like this when talking to a liberal?


My lips are moving and the sound's coming out

The words are audible but i have my doubts

That you realize what has been said

You look at me as if you're in a daze

It's like the feeling at the end of the page

When you realize you don't know what you just read

What are words for when no one listens anymore

What are words for when no one listens

What are words for when no one listens it's no use talkin at all

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.9714438   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4619

Trump Tweets China Trade Deal Is 'Fully Intact' After Reports of it Being 'Over'


The trade agreement has been hampered by economic challenges due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in China, with US President Donald Trump putting the blame for the rapid spread of the disease on Beijing.


US President Donald Trump took to Twitter on late Monday to say that the trade agreement between Wahington and Beijing is "fully intact".


Earlier in the day, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said "it's over", when asked about the China trade deal, accusing Beijing of sending "hundreds of thousands of people" to the United States to "spread the virus".


"It's over", Navarro told Fox News on Monday. "Here's the turning point. They came here on 15 January to sign that trade deal, and that was a full two months after they knew the virus was out and about. I think that everybody here inside the perimetre and around this country now understands that China lied, and Americans died", Navarro said.


He later clarified that the phrase "it's over" referred to "the lack of trust" between the two nations, while Phase One remains in place.


"My comments have been taken wildly out of context", Navarro said in a statement. "They had nothing at all to do with the Phase I trade deal, which continues in place".


In mid-January, the United States and China struck the Phase One trade agreement. Beijing agreed to increase purchases of US goods and services by $200 billion over the next two years. For its part, the United States agreed to trim some tariffs but maintain them on $360 billion worth of Chinese imports.


President Trump said earlier that although the deal is just starting to be implemented, it now means "less" to him than it did before. "It was very exciting, one of the biggest deals ever made. But once the virus came in, I said, 'How did they let that happen?'", the president said.

Anonymous ID: c6971f June 22, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.9714447   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4453 >>4464 >>4571


Trump says Obama may have committed treason



Anonymous ID: 18d263 June 22, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.9714448   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4475 >>4576

>>9714304 lb

>A BIG federal crime.


Check this one out!


POTUS just tweeted there is a 10 year prison sentence for destroying public statues!

So . . . THIS black women gets on twatter and gives and play by play of them trying to take down the Jackson statue! lmfao


@Jsc_35 To start, police tried to clear protestors and open up H st. earlier today. They reportedly pepper sprayed protestors in the process but protestors were able to push back police and set up barricades of their own to keep police out. Black Lives Matter plaza is a autonomous zone.


We then begin to organize and move closer to the White House. Organizers told us by moving to the White House we would be risking arrest but encouraged us to stay peaceful and strong. After chanting and speaking, we turn our attention to the Andrew Jackson statue in front of us.


We take down the fence protecting the statue, most of the protestors link arms in a chain to protect those going up and wrapping chains around the statue in order to take it down. We are in a circle protecting those in the center.


Police moves in to protect the statue. They immediately get violent, pepper spraying and assaulting protestors who are linking arms peacefully.(LMFAO WTAF?) My friends and I hold the line strong and continue pushing back against police along with other protestors.


Police move forward and become violent despite being unprovoked. They swing their batons, push with riot shields, and pepper sprayed us in the face. I got pepper sprayed again, and as I tried to get away a police officer grabbed my arm, twisted it and pepper sprayed me twice more



Completely fucking nuts! lol

They was just "peacefully" trying to tear down dat dare statue cuz ...oh yeah, RACIST! smdh

Anonymous ID: 2a0100 June 22, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.9714455   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4503 >>4848 >>4881

>>9714006 (lb)


Will you create thread for coordination? (Can do if not)

Will check back in a few



We have a week to prepare if you like my idea. 6 days before 7-4 is 6-29, which totals 17. I think we should wage a meme campaign like we haven't done since the the Fake News Awards and get this target practice in Q is asking of us. With a week to prepare, and our sheer numbers at this point, I think it would be epic.


















Anonymous ID: 75e741 June 22, 2020, 8:57 p.m. No.9714460   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4628 >>4632 >>4638 >>4744 >>4905 >>4925 >>5078


Gov. Newsom: 1st coronavirus wave not over in California


Gov. Gavin Newsom held a news conference Monday and implored Californians to wear face coverings as the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase.

"We are not out of the first wave of this virus," Newsom said. "We're not yet discussing the second wave because we still need to work through the first wave of this virus."

Newsom announced Thursday that the state was requiring people to wear masks in most indoor spaces and some outdoor ones in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.


There have been 46,735 new cases in California in the past 14 days, comprising 35.6% of all cases, according to Newsom's office.

Hospitalizations have also increased. There were 3,574 people hospitalized with confirmed cases of COVID-19 in California on Saturday – the highest number since the state began reporting data. The previous high was 3,497 on April 29.


"Those that suggest we're out of the woods, those that suggest that this is somehow going to disappear, these numbers tell a very, very different and sobering story," he said.

The state is monitoring several counties including San Joaquin and Stanislaus because of elevated disease transmission, increasing hospitalization and limited hospital capacity.

Anonymous ID: 70af0f June 22, 2020, 8:58 p.m. No.9714476   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Why are Random Mutations a Problem for Evolution? - Dr. Kevin Anderson


Effects of mutation and how Darwinism got it wrong, and how science proves God exists.

Anonymous ID: 3aac9a June 22, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.9714483   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

It's time. ALL THE BIG GUNS.


Red pill strangers en masse on twitter or wherever - they will engage blindly and people will be lurking absorbing - if you can be cheeky - be cheeky - they will dance with you and you will win


Pray that strangers are red pilling your family and friends - I advise not to do it yourself - have faith they will come to you


Then be the calm in the storm for them - relieve them that no one wished them harm but they needed to be initiated that we're all in this together. As road hard and come up wet as they are - they have been fucked over too and most can and will be cool again and then





Anonymous ID: 387226 June 22, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.9714489   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4624 >>4643

Anons, need some help.

Q has tasked us with meme firing and I am Twitter illiterate.

I have an account and have posted a coupla tweets and answered a few more than that but essentially I don’t get it.

What is the # for?

What is the @ thing for?

Why should I use them?

Who do I send memes to?

Our people or [THEM] or both/either depending on meme?

Basically I’m a fringe dweller with no idea and the boss has specifically directed us.

I’ve tried to figure it out but most descriptions use the very lingo I don’t understand.

Anonymous ID: 75d581 June 22, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.9714490   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Remember that Defuca family that lost a lot of members to covid all at once? And we were wondering if it was connected to Vincent Defuca or whatever his name is. Anyway they were a horse racing family iirc. Like trainers or something.

Anonymous ID: ac6bcb June 22, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.9714502   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4513 >>4656 >>4836 >>4863 >>4925 >>5078

Could fewer babies dying from SIDS during lockdown be related to fewer infants getting vaccinations?


Lessons from the Lockdownβ€”Why Are So Many Fewer Children Dying?

Children's Health Defense, June 18 2020

June 18, 2020


End of article has the best parts…


A few select paragraphs


But the pandemic experience has brought on a surprising effect on this expected death rate among children. Starting in early March, expected deaths began a sharp decline, from an expected level of around 700 deaths per week to well under 500 by mid‐April and throughout May.


As untimely deaths spiked among the elderly in Manhattan nursing homes and in similar settings all over the country, something mysterious was saving the lives of children. As springtime in America came along with massive disruptions in family life amid near universal lockdowns, roughly 30% fewer children died.


Virtually the entire change came from infants. Somehow, the changing pattern of American life during the lockdowns has been saving the lives of hundreds of infants, over 200 per week.


We have no specific data on the trend in SIDS deaths during the pandemic. We have, however, heard anecdotal reports from emergency room (ER) doctors suggesting some have observed a decline in SIDS. One doctor who says he might see 3 cases of SIDS in a typical week has seen zero cases since the pandemic and associated lockdowns began.


One very clear change that has received publicity is that public health officials are bemoaning the sharp decline in infant vaccinations as parents are not taking their infants into pediatric offices for their regular well‐baby checks. In the May 15 issue of the CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), a group of authors from the CDC and Kaiser Permanentereported a sharp decline in provider orders for vaccines as well as a decline in pediatric vaccine doses administered. [8] These declines began in early march, around the time infant deaths began declining.


Full article and graphs @

Anonymous ID: 2f6f17 June 22, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.9714505   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4925 >>5078



So in 2009, it was Steve Bing who "loaned" his jet to Bill Clinton to go pickup the "journalist" held in NK. Remember the pizza pics?


WHY would the US Govt not provide a plane instead? WHY would Clinton, an ex-POTUS FFS, on a "humanitarian" mission, need to borrow a private plane??? Makes no sense.


"Aug. 5, 2009β€” Hollywood mogul Steve Bing didn't just lend Bill Clinton his private plane for the former president's trip to North Korea he's footing the cost of the whole flight.


Bing, a real estate heir and the owner of Shangri-La Entertainment, will pay an estimated $200,000 for the round-trip flight, said Marc Foulkrod, the chairman and CEO of Avjet, the charter company that operates Bing's plane, a Boeing 737.


Clinton used the plane on his trip to secure the release of Laura Ling and Euna Lee, two American journalists held by North Korea on allegations that the two illegally entered the country.


Bing, a long-time friend of Clinton's, has a colorful background: He fathered a child with supermodel Elizabeth Hurley and once sued billionaire investor Kirk Kerkorian, claiming that private investigators hired by Kerkorian invaded his privacy by sorting through his garbage.


Bing is also known for donating millions to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including Clinton's wife, former presidential candidate-turned-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


Bing will pay the six-figure tab for the trip as part of his monthly bill for Avjet's services, Foulkrod said.


MOAR here:

Anonymous ID: 224609 June 22, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.9714510   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Behind Bars: America's Biggest Coronavirus Clusters


Out of America's eight biggestΒ coronavirus outreaks, Statista's Niall McCarthy reports that seven are in jails or correctional facilities.


That's according toΒ a list from the New York TimesΒ which shows that the biggest national cluster is in the Marion Correctional Institution in Ohio which has 2,439 cases as of June 16, 2020. Another facility in Ohio, the Pickaway Correctional Institution, has 1,791. The third largest cluster was identified in the Trousdale Turner Correctional Center in Hartsville, Tennessee.


You will find more infographics at Statista


Even though prisons account for the largest outbreaks in the U.S. with deaths within their walls increasing 73 percent in the past month alone, the vast majority of outbreaks have occurred in U.S.Β nursing homesΒ and long-term care facilities. The toll on inmates has still been heavy, however, with 600 estimated to have died during the pandemic so far.

Anonymous ID: f11824 June 22, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.9714518   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4591


digits vis-a-vis story makes one hmmmm…so, the horse in the trailer was just a cover to bounce "cargo" from town to town ? ; often wondered why a horse was shipped to just lose with how much it costs to do such a thing

Anonymous ID: 47cdc0 June 22, 2020, 9:03 p.m. No.9714520   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4592

>>9714382 (pb)


>>9714313 (pb)




We have an army with several divisions…now lets get their hands off their cocks and their feet in their socks and roll the fuck out and engage the enemy.


That's what I'm saying.


Let's gather up the truth and take the fight to them. I'm tired of fighting over the same fucking ground again and again.


Think about it.


I got three hours before i am oscar mike.


we can win this fucking thing but no one is going to hand it to us.


we gotta smarten up.


we gotta get tough.


and we gotta take the fight to them.


you want in? I'll be back on tomorrow late morning EST.


If not, I'm doing it alone.


So whatever.


o7 and much love for my fellow Patriots...


the rest of you can get the fuck on to dying or start turning your coat.


go pull down a statue or set you mother on fire.


just don't you dare ever call yourself a patriot or my countryman.

Anonymous ID: 0a4378 June 22, 2020, 9:04 p.m. No.9714529   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Are you serious?

Do you not remember history? They vote as a block, everywhere they exist. Straight Demoncrat. That little Hispanic bitch judge is why I have to wear a mask to buy beer now. THAT pisses me off…

Anonymous ID: 807add June 22, 2020, 9:04 p.m. No.9714533   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4566 >>4925 >>5078

Is The O9A Really Neo-Nazi?




As many articles written in the past seven years by some of those associating themselves with O9A have pointed out, the O9A is not a conventional Western Occult group, of the Left Hand Path or otherwise, with a membership, a hierarchy, and led by some individual be that individual described by a title such as High Priest/High Priestess or Magus or even β€œIpssisimus”.


Instead, when esoterically understood, the O9A is both a particular esoteric philosophy and a collection of at least three distinct Occult methods or praxises which an individual can choose to follow and practice. {1} This makes the O9A a specific β€œOccult movement”, or Occult sub-culture, rather than an organization or group.


In addition, and despite what its critics assume or believe often due to a lack of research into and a lack of knowledge regarding the O9A, this leaderless sub-culture also means that the O9A is as Anton Long has maintained all along anarchic in nature. (2}


What has confused the issue about the physis of the O9A, for outsiders, for critics, or for those who have not researched O9A texts in detail, are three things.


Β§ The first source of confusion arises because one and only one O9A praxis, the Seven Fold Way, has some suggested ordeals and tasks associated with its early stages which tasks include β€œInsight RΓ΄les” and which Insight RΓ΄les can involve joining a β€œneo-nazi” group. Another suggested task is β€œculling”, while another is forming a β€œsatanist” group and performing such rituals as given in the O9A Black Book Of Satan, first published in the 1980s.


It is therefore not surprising, because of the outrΓ© nature of such tasks, that outsiders, critics, many academics, and the majority of journalists who have written about the O9A, have assumed that such short term tasks, limited as they are to just one O9A praxis, represent the nature and intent of the O9A. Thus have such individuals, for personal, or political, or for other reasons, tended to sensationalize or criticize the O9A often due to a lack of research into and a lack of knowledge regarding the O9A.


That is, they fail to appreciate, or do not know about, the esoteric and the wider, context; which context, in respect of the praxis that is the Seven Fold Way is, as described in the chapter Progressive, Traditional, Or Synthesis? The Evolution Of The O9A,


β€œthe decades-long Seven Fold Way with its hermetic and sinister-numinous ἄνοδος, with its goal of discovering Lapis Philosophicus, and with the stage of External Adept commonly lasting eighteen months or so if only one Insight RΓ΄le is undertaken and lasting two and half to three years if another Insight RΓ΄le is, as suggested in some Order of Nine Angles texts, undertaken.”


A classic example of misunderstanding the O9A is described in the chapter Another Academic Misinterpretation Of The O9A which analyses an academic paper in which the author concentrates on β€œculling” and does not consider the wider context which is not only of the decades-long Seven Fold Way but also of the other two practical Occult methods, such as the mystic, pagan, Rounwytha Way.


Β§ The second source of confusion is that they do not, again often due to a lack of research into and a lack of knowledge regarding the O9A, know about the pagan origins of the O9A and of how it manifests a modern, evolved form, of an ancient non-Kabbalistic tradition of pagan esotericism.


This pagan tradition is explained in texts included in the following three compilations: (i) the 69 page The Pagan Order Of Nine Angles, published in 2015; (ii) the 159 page The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles, published in 2016; and (iii) the two volumes (157 pages) of A Compilation Of Some Recent O9A Texts, 2017-2019, published in 2019. {3}

Anonymous ID: 550233 June 22, 2020, 9:06 p.m. No.9714559   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4575



I honestly feel for you and pray that these difficult times will be over soon. A lot of people are being ruined with this, but that is so in any war. Hopefully what is happening will bring an end to war for many, many years.

God bless you, your family and friends.

Anonymous ID: b3821a June 22, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.9714563   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


All of the horsemen, and women, were very hard, reserved people and it felt kind of culty, even though they didn't all get along with each other they would all gang up on outsiders. They made sure you knew you weren't part of their clique. Anyone with situational awareness wouldn't feel safe in that crowd alone.

Anonymous ID: fa2925 June 22, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.9714566   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4595 >>4925 >>5078


it's probably not Neo-Nazi so much as satanic, but if the DOJ called them 'satanic' in their published document, they could be accused of attacking this soldier for his religious faith.


if the DOJ says they are going after Nazis, few people will blame them for that.


In any case, they got the bad guy.

Anonymous ID: f6ba87 June 22, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.9714600   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4691 >>4925 >>4945 >>5078

RCAF CFC3060 Bombardier Challenger-over the continent after departing Ottawa and a ground stop at CFB Trenton for about 1hr 40 min. on descent for Berlin.

This AC is used as a VIP transport. When transporting their Prime Minister within Canada, it's call-sign is "CanForce1".

Anonymous ID: 7d7ae9 June 22, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.9714609   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4925 >>5078

Teens say they found suitcase of human remains on Seattle beach in a TikTok video





Bags containing human remains were found Friday afternoon on a beach in West Seattle, Washington, KIRO reported.


β€œThere was a police boat and an inflatable boat and they had a hook and they took black plastic bags out,” said nearby resident Steven Buty, KOMO reported. β€œI saw them take two bags.”


”Several” bags of remains were found on Alki Beach, according to the Seattle Police Department.


Teens shooting a TikTok video say they initially found a black suitcase on the rocky beach, The New York Post reported.


β€œSomething traumatic happened that changed my life,” reads a description on the video, which shows a teen prying open the suitcase with a stick. A caption says they hoped to find money inside.


β€œAs soon as she opened it, the smell was overwhelming,” the next caption reads. The teens then call 911., the video shows


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Police found another bag of human remains floating in the ocean, KIRO reported.


β€œI was stunned and shocked,” said John Rodie, a West Seattle resident, KING reported. β€œIt’s frightening to think that there’s someone out there that would do something like that.”


Police are working with the county medical examiner to identify the remains, the Seattle Police Department release says.


Investigators also are trying to determine whether the bags were dumped on the beach or washed ashore, KOMO reported.

Anonymous ID: 5e09ff June 22, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.9714621   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4639 >>4642 >>4757 >>4785 >>4925 >>5078 >>5146 >>5161

The kickoff for all this shit.


Beer Summit Fakery/Bad White Cops/Test Run/Obama/Biden/Professor Gates

Same shit different decade.

Jake Tapper was at ABC, now at CNN.


Beer Summit: Refreshing Race Relations?

ABC's Jake Tapper recaps the president's meeting with Prof. Gates, Sgt. Crowley. For more, click here:


Professor Gates went on to do the cable TV series "Finding Your Roots"

Every person who he did genealogy on is a left leaning celebrity and all have family ties to all we dig on.

And all relate to al going on today with all the race shit.


Another series called "Who Do You Think You Are"…same findings.


Masons, Royalty, Salem Witches, Confederates, Slave Owners, etc.


Liv Tyler Freemason family

Sarah Jessica Parker Salem Witches

Cindy Crawford Charlemagne

Anderson Cooper Civil War era ancestors,

Jimmy Kimmel


on and on every one of them have a connection sketchy shit. Go look at every one featured:

Anonymous ID: 80f37a June 22, 2020, 9:13 p.m. No.9714624   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5115


#'s- organizes/catogorizes posts

for instance #WWG1WGA #OBAMAGATE

when you use it anyone who clicks on the hashtag can find all the posts that have that same #


@ is how you find or tag the persons account

example: @realDonaldTrump


post memes as answers to other posts or news articles with a relevant hashtag.


send em to both us and them… better [them] though really because to us you are preaching to the choir (though it is great morale booster).. be prepared with sources to back up your post because shills be on twitter too

Anonymous ID: 5e09ff June 22, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.9714639   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4642 >>4785 >>4925 >>5078


Obama, Biden Sit Down for Beers With Gates, Crowley

Obama thanks professor, policeman for "a friendly, thoughtful conversation."



July 30, 2009, 4:17 AM

9 min read

July 30, 2009β€” – On a hot summer night, President Obama sat down for cold beers in the Rose Garden of the White House with the two men at the center of a recent uproar over racial profiling.

Obama and Vice President Joe Biden shared a drink and some snacks with Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Two weeks ago, Crowley arrested Gates after a confrontation at Gates' home. The resulting war of words escalated July 22 when Obama said the police acted "stupidly."

Obama hoped that tonight's meeting would dial back the controversy and create what he called a "teachable moment."

The media was kept about 30 feet away from the table where the four men sat with their beers in frosty mugs and snacked on pretzels and peanuts.

After the meeting, the White House released a statement from the president, who thanked Gates and Crowley for coming to the White House for "a friendly, thoughtful conversation."

Obama said he learned before the sit-down over beers that Gates and Crowley already had their own private conservation, which he called "a testament to them."

"I have always believed that what brings us together is stronger than what pulls us apart," Obama said. "I am confident that has happened here tonight, and I am hopeful that all of us are able to draw this positive lesson from this episode."

Crowley told reporters there were no apologies offered at the meeting, but that he and Gates already have planned a follow up meeting to continue the conversation.

"I think what you had today was two gentlemen [who] agree to disagree on a particular issue," Crowley said. "I don't think we spent too much time dwelling on the past. We spent a lot of time discussing the future."

Crowley did not offer any specifics on what was said at the table in the Rose Garden.

"It was a private discussion, it was a frank discussion," he said.

Gates said in a statement on that after tonight's meeting, "There's reason to hope that many people have emerged with greater sympathy for the daily perils of policing, on the one hand, and for the genuine fears about racial profiling, on the other hand.

"The national conversation over the past week about my arrest has been rowdy, not to say tumultuous and unruly. But we've learned that we can have our differences without demonizing one another," Gates said.

Tonight's beer choices? Obama had Bud Lite, Biden had non-alcoholic Buckler, Gates went for Samuel Adams Lite and Crowley chose Blue Moon.

Before sitting down in the Rose Garden, Obama met with Gates and Crowley in the Oval Office.

Earlier today, President Obama washed down any ideas that that he was hosting a "beer summit".

It's just about "three folks having a drink at the end of the day and hopefully giving people an opportunity to listen to each other," the president told reporters this afternoon.

"This is not a university seminar; it is not a summit," Obama said of the get-together, as he sat next to Philippines' President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. "It's an attempt to have some personal interaction when an issue has become so hyped and so symbolic that you lose sight of just the fact that these are people involved, including myself, all of whom are imperfect."

The president added that "hopefully instead of ginning up anger and hyperbole, you know, everybody can just spend a little bit of time with some self-reflection and recognizing that everybody has different points of view."

The White House billed the event as just a couple of guys sitting down for a beer.

"There is no formal agenda, there is no legislative agenda," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, adding that the sit-down is "not an after-action report," and he did not expect they will go over the details of what happened at Gates' house.

"To get together and talk about what's going on in this country is a positive thing, even if you're not able to hear each and every word of it," Gibbs told reporters. "I think that kind of dialogue is what has to happen at every level of … our society if we're going to make progress on issues that … we've been dealing with for quite some time."

Gibbs, instead, called it an opportunity to foster a dialogue. When told that Gates wants an apology, Gibbs said, "We're not here to mediate apologies."

Gates' and Crowley's families arrived separately at the White House at different times but met up as both groups were taking tours of the president's residence before the beer meeting. The Gateses and Crowleys continued their tours together, which Crowley called "a start."

Anonymous ID: 5e09ff June 22, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.9714642   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4742 >>4785 >>4925 >>5078



So would the beer fest steer the conversation in the direction the president is hoping for?

"It's a teachable moment if it's larger than the cop and the professor," said Paul Butler, former federal prosecutor and law professor at George Washington University. "The president isn't some civilian dispute mediator. He's got the biggest soapbox in the world and he's an African American man whose been [racially] profiled himself, so if he doesn't cave in to the politics and doesn't like he took back his comment about the police – if he keeps it real, there's the opportunity for real change."

The president last Friday said he helped "contribute to ratcheting" up the media frenzy surrounding the Gates arrest.

"I could have calibrated those words differently, and I told this to Sgt. Crowley," the president told reporters Friday.

An Apology on the Way?

The seemingly heart-to-heart session has been the butt of many a late-night joke, but underneath the humor simmers a real controversy.

Gates has repeatedly demanded an apology from the officer.

Crowley is sticking by his claim that he was just doing his job and that Gates was loud and hurled allegations of racism when police arrived at his house in response to a 911 call reporting a possible break-in.

A spokesman for Crowley said, "It is his understanding that they are all going to agree to disagree" at the suds summit tonight.

"I think that he is probably trying to protect himself," Gates said of Crowley in an interview with Gayle King on Sirius Radio. "I think he feels very vulnerable. I think he knows that A, what he did was wrong and B, that he falsified his report."

That's a reference to Crowley writing in his report that Lucia Whalen, the 911 caller, "went on to tell me that she observed what appeared to be two black males with backpacks on the porch of Ware Street. She told me that her suspicions were aroused when she observed one of the men wedging his shoulder into the door as if he was trying to force entry."

But Whalen denied she ever mentioned race in her conversation with the police.

On her 911 call, Whalen didn't mention the race of the men whom she said might be residents of the house, though when asked, she said she thought one man looked "kind of Hispanic" but she couldn't tell.

"I hope people can see that I tried to be careful and honest with my words," Whalen said at a press conference Wednesday. "It never occurred to me that the way I reported what I saw be analyzed in an entire nation."

Whalen's attorney, Wendy Murphy, said her client "didn't speak to Sgt. Crowley at the scene except to say, 'I'm the one who called.' And he said, 'Wait right there,' and walked into the house. She never used the word black and never said the word backpacks to anyone."

Obama's Reaction

The president was aiming to defuse the controversy caused by his remarks last week that the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" in arresting Gates. He's backtracked since then, saying that he could have framed his words differently but has stuck by his claim that his friend Gates should never have been arrested, though he's suggested both men are at fault.

Obama called both men last Friday, which is when Crowley suggested they hoist a cold one together.

Some, such as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, have said Gates should have showed more restraint and been more careful with his words. But some point the finger at Crowley for being too hasty in his arrest.

"Professor Gates should've been nicer but it's not against the law to say bad things to the police. Police hear much worse things," Butler, who authored a book about race and the justice system, told ABC News. "The concern is that when the police were messing with a 58-year-old man with a cane, they weren't out catching the real bad guys and ultimately that's the problem with racial profiling. It doesn't help the police do their job effectively.

"It's not about kum-ba-ya," he said.

And yet some others echo the president's comments that cooler heads should have prevailed on both sides.

"My guess is that they both think that they might have reacted, perhaps, a little differently and this situation might have… been avoided," Eric Holder, the country's first African American attorney general, told ABC News' Pierre Thomas on Wednesday. "Sometimes people need to take a deep breath."

Meanwhile, the fallout from the incident continues. The Boston Police Department this week suspended one officer after he wrote a racist e-mail about Gates, calling the Harvard professor a "jungle monkey." And in New York, an aide for Democratic Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer resigned after she called Gates a racist and Obama as "O-dumb-a" on Facebook.

Anonymous ID: 5b2023 June 22, 2020, 9:15 p.m. No.9714643   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5115


>What is the # for?

Used to create a conversation around a subject. Search for #QAnon and you'll get to the stream of all tweets including the hashtag #Qanon. You don't need followers, you can help by following patriots, anons and POTUS and retweet good content to make the collective voice louder.

You can make it even louder by 'retweet with comment' and add the hashtags you want to spread / increase volume on. Look at the War Room thread for current hashtags to use.

Or.. Create your own tweets with news, info, meme and hashtag, such as #Obamagate

>What is the @ thing for?

Used to 'tag' a person, @TwitterUsername

>Why should I use them?

When you're tweeting to a specific person. You can also tag your friends in a tweet to share it with them. If you tag someone, it'll show up in their 'notifications'.

Who do I send memes to?

Reply under POTUS tweets with a comment and a meme, or under HRC's tweets, Pelosi's, you get the idea. Follow all players so their tweets show up in your stream. Then you can reply to them and make our voice louder.


Hope that helps anon. Godspeed.

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.9714658   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4671 >>4688

Trump threatens vandals with β€˜10yrs in prison’ for defacing Andrew Jackson statue, St. John’s Church amid clashes near White House


US President Donald Trump has warned of harsh consequences for anyone defacing statues or monuments in Washington, DC, saying the vandals could spend up to a decade in prison.


β€œNumerous people arrested in DC for the disgraceful vandalism, in Lafayette Park, of the magnificent Statue of Andrew Jackson, in addition to the exterior defacing of St. John’s Church across the street,” Trump tweeted on Monday night, after several protests erupted in the city.


10 years in prison under the Veteran’s Memorial Preservation Act. Beware!


Demonstrators gathered in Lafayette Park near the White House earlier on Monday, attempting to topple the Jackson statue and vandalizing the historic St. John’s Church with graffiti. Police reinforcements were sent in to protect both locations, with videos shared online showing clashes between protesters and law enforcement.


A number of arrests were made amid the skirmishes, as was also seen in footage from the protests.

Anonymous ID: 86f4ee June 22, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.9714661   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4716 >>4925 >>4932 >>5078

Trump Admin Shuts Down Radio Station Run by Chinese Propaganda Outlet


FCC denies Phoenix TV license after Sen. Cruz exposed station’s China ties


A radio station controlled by the Chinese Communist Party propaganda outlet Phoenix TV has been ordered by the Trump administration to cease its broadcasts within 48 hours. The Federal Communications Commission ruled on Monday that a Mexico-based radio station owned in part by Phoenix TVβ€”one of the Communist regime’s leading propaganda organsβ€”must end its broadcasts due to its failure to disclose its ties to China. Prior to the FCC’s ruling, the station was exploiting a loophole that allows content produced in the United States to be broadcast from foreign radio towers, such as those in Mexico. Phoenix TV, which is headquartered in California, produced its content domestically and then used the more powerful Mexican station to broadcast across the U.S. border.


The FCC denied a license for that radio station, XEWW-AM, because it "failed to include in their application a key participant, Phoenix Radio, which produces the Mandarin programming in its studio," the agency disclosed. Phoenix Radio, Phoenix TV's radio affiliate, was using the station to broadcast Chinese propaganda across Southern California, in violation of FCC statutes. Phoenix TV first found itself in Congress’s crosshairs earlier this year, after one of its reporters confronted President Donald Trump during a White House briefing about the coronavirus pandemic and Chinese government efforts to cover up the illness. The station’s presence at the White House generated concerns about the proliferation of Chinese state-controlled press organs in the United States. The Mexican radio station failed to disclose Phoenix TV's "extensive role" in producing content, an FCC spokesperson told the Washington Free Beacon. "It was a violation of the Communications Act for that company, which has ties to the Chinese government, not to be included on the application filed with the Commission. Therefore, the application was deficient and was dismissed."


Phoenix TV used Mexican radio towers to skirt U.S. laws barring the dissemination of foreign propaganda in America. The FCC’s ruling is a sign the Trump administration seeks to more aggressively police these types of outlets, which for years have operated with little oversight. Congress has moved in recent months to crack down on a range of Chinese broadcasters and social media accounts that help the Communist regime saturate the American marketplace with state-approved propaganda.

Anonymous ID: f11824 June 22, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.9714681   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4711 >>4737 >>4741 >>4749


they tricked my parents with german ovens and atom bombs…and me with moon landings, Nam and shooting everyone from JKF to MLK…,and then my kids with those melting steel beams and the internet…and now my grand kids with a virus and institutional racism …what is next?

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.9714686   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4753 >>4796 >>4925 >>5078

John Kerry Warns of Revolution in November if Trump Wins While He Lays the Foundation for It


Former Secretary of State John Kerry is using some dangerous rhetoric about the 2020 election. In a recent panel discussion for the Alliance of Democracies, he made the following statement:


β€œIf people don’t have adequate access to the ballot, I mean that’s the stuff on which revolutions are built. If you begin to deny people the capacity of your democracy to work, even the Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, we have an inherent right to challenge that. And I’m worried that increasingly, people are disaffected.”


Kerry’s comments should not be construed as typical Democrat rhetoric about voter suppression in the current environment. Especially when Kerry’s remarks specifically accuse Republicans of suppressing votes by denying Democratic voters access to the ballot box.


He does not limit this accusation to the upcoming election. Instead, Kerry says this is why he and Al Gore lost their elections. Then he paints it as systemic by stating the pattern repeated itself recently in Georgia. No doubt, he is referring to failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’ evidence-free claims of voter suppression in 2018. Despite this assertion being thoroughly debunked, Democrats have repeated it consistently for almost two years.

Another Revolution


To understand why this rhetoric is so dangerous, you have to follow some history related to the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine and the activities of our own State Department in a program called Civil Society 2.0. During the impeachment, I did a fair amount of research into Ukraine. I arrived at the same conclusions that Oliver Stone and Glenn Beck did. Pretty odd group to come to a consensus:


The U.S. State Department and their associated NGOs (USAID, Freedom House, NED, and others) have given significant money to George Soros funded organizations in Ukraine.

The U.S. State Department developed a program called Tech Camps to teach people in other nations how to use technology, tools, and media to form protest movements.

These movements and media outlets also received funding from U.S. agencies, and Soros related NGOs.

Our diplomats and members of Congress took active measures to support the Maidan protesters in Ukraine and depose the government of Viktor Yanukovych.

Members of our diplomatic corps took a leading role in determining who would be in the government of Ukraine following the Maidan Revolution and took a heavy-handed approach to the formation of new institutions.

Maidan is not the first time the State Department engaged in this behavior, and there are serious indications our embassies are undertaking similar activities in other nations right now.


The Seven Pillars


Kerry would have been well aware of all of this as the successor to Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Maidan is included in the list of revolutions called Color Revolutions. Obama’s former Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul identified the seven common features of successful color revolutions after they first occurred in the states of the former Soviet Union:


A semi-autocratic rather that fully autocratic regime

An unpopular incumbent

A united and organized opposition

An ability to quickly drive home the point that voting results were falsified

Enough independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote

A political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud

Divisions among the regimes’ coercive forces


The evidence for items one, two, three, and six is indisputable, thanks mostly to the complicit corporate media in number five. We also know the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and some members of the military are at odds internally and with the administration. These divisions have bubbled up into the public consciousness.


So that leaves number four. In reality, number four just requires an invigorating event. It can be an election. In Ukraine, the president decided to move away from the European Union and closer to Russia. Or it could be the death George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

Anonymous ID: 5c3e04 June 22, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.9714688   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Realize each monument has been wired to the brim w new cameras and such. Anyone even thinking about doing something will be known about. Proximity sensors and the like.. cellphones mics turned on and all their talk recorded as they are doing it. During this time they may have all assets deployed, but all tech is deployed on our side.

Anonymous ID: e41f9c June 22, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.9714698   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4750 >>4786 >>4929


It is unclear what the Q-requested OP shall be.

Is it Cuomo Murdered thousands?

Is it Obamagate?

Is it a trial balloon to see if anons can do an Op, or is it a real Op?

Did the anon who suggested doing an Op in a week's time after a week of preparation even state the topic? No they didn't.

Anonymous ID: b3821a June 22, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.9714702   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


I should divulge this was in Canada but the head of security was a former North Carolina cop. It sounded like he rolled on his cop buddies instead of go to jail with them for some kind of drug and theft ring. His name was Mark Blount, pronounced blunt.

Anonymous ID: 5c3e04 June 22, 2020, 9:24 p.m. No.9714719   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4859


Not true, some of us are bakers and autists who are just shit posting, which odddly enough helps bakers. Also we are meme’n so is that meaningless also? Just shut the fuck up and filter and not much bread (which you are accusing others of doing)

Anonymous ID: 35ca2c June 22, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.9714730   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5112


Bill Clinton


I loved Steve Bing very much. He had a big heart, and he was willing to do anything he could for the people and causes he believed in. I will miss him and his enthusiasm more than I can say, and I hope he’s finally found peace.

11:38 PM Β· Jun 22, 2020Β·Twitter for iPhone



Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.9714738   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4762

Territorial Claims of New Delhi, Beijing Remain Unchanged After Long Talks - Indian Army Source


India and China have finished a meeting on the level of corps commanders with not much deviation in their stances on conflicting territorial claims amid a recent escalation on the borderline, a source in the Indian army said on Monday.


"Corps Commander level meeting between India and China ended after 11 hours. China is adamant about withdrawal from Galwan Valley and Finger 4 area. India, too, remained firm in its demand that China must go back to its pre-May, 2020 position. The Indian side also demanded that China must stop buildup along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and set a timeline for withdrawal of troops", the source said.


The meeting began earlier in the day with its focus on a deadly confrontation that took place between Indian and Chinese forces in the Galwan Valley, where India's Ladakh region borders China's Aksai Chin region.


The clash left 20 Indian servicemen killed and over one hundred injured, and while Beijing has not confirmed the number of casualties on its part, media have claimed it could be several dozen Chinese soldiers killed.


Since the 1962 war between India and China, the two lack a duly demarcated borderline in the Himalayas. As a consequence, the area has since seen frequent altercations between the military of both sides.β€”indian-army-source/

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:27 p.m. No.9714747   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4844

Man Rams Car Into Chinese Embassy in Buenos Aires


The suspect, according to preliminary data, is a 24-year old man with a history of mental issues who confessed that he tried to break the gate to enter the embassy and claimed to have explosives.


A man has driven his car into the Chinese Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, local media reported on late Monday.


The Chinese ambassador to Argentina was not at the premises at the time of the incident.


A bomb squad was called to the scene, but found no explosives in the man's vehicle.


According to footage circulating on social media, the suspect said that he "knows the truth about COVID-19" and needed "help from the Chinese Embassy".

Anonymous ID: f6ba87 June 22, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.9714758   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4925 >>5078

SoftBank agrees to sell most of T-Mobile stake in $21bn deal


Deal brings technology group closer to $41bn asset sale target. TOKYO – SoftBank Group on Tuesday said it is selling nearly two-thirds of its stake in U.S. carrier T-Mobile, currently worth around $21 billion, and give its German parent options to buy most of its remaining stake, bringing the Japanese technology group a step closer to completing its plan for $41 billion of asset sales.


The announcement boosted SoftBank's Tokyo-listed shares and will likely ease pressure from activist shareholders and lenders after the conglomerate posted a $9 billion loss in the year ended in March. But it also marks the end of Chairman and CEO Masayoshi Son's years-long attempt to crack the U.S. telecommunications market. The deal, announced by both companies on Tuesday, involves SoftBank selling up to 198 million shares, worth around $21 billion based on T-Mobile's closing price on Monday.


T-Mobile will then sell the shares via public and private offerings, to T-Mobile shareholders and to Marcelo Claure, a SoftBank director. In the second sale, SoftBank will give T-Mobile's parent Deutsche Telekom the option to purchase another 101 million shares, worth around $10.8 billion, until June 22, 2024.


If both transactions are completed, SoftBank's stake in T-Mobile will fall from about 24% to less than 0.4%. T-Mobile said director Ronald Fisher, a director appointed by SoftBank, will leave its board. SoftBank is paying a $300 million fee to T-Mobile, on top of fees and expenses related to the transactions. The exact price and number of shares that will be sold will be determined on Tuesday, U.S. time, SoftBank said. SoftBank announced plans in March to "monetize" up to $41 billion in assets to boost share buybacks and cut debt after its stock and bond prices tumbled during market turmoil. Shares have since more than doubled. They rose another 2% in early trading on Tuesday.


SoftBank has already struck deals to raise $11.5 billion using a chunk of its stake in Alibaba Group Holding, as well as about $3 billion worth of shares in its Japanese mobile arm SoftBank Corp. A SoftBank spokesperson declined to comment on whether it will sell more assets after the T-Mobile sale. The string of deals may ease the pressure on Son ahead of a shareholders meeting on Thursday. In May, SoftBank reported its biggest loss in history due to a string of investments that had gone sour.


SoftBank acquired its stake in T-Mobile after merging its Sprint mobile unit with the German carrier's US business this year. SoftBank bought Sprint for $21.6 billion in 2013 to start an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to challenge the dominant U.S. carriers.

Anonymous ID: f36ab1 June 22, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.9714760   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Mr. Know-It-All-Cuomo doesn't know that his State policy is in conflict with the federal policy?


The governor β€” who himself has described nursing homes as a β€œfeeding frenzy’’ for the deadly coronavirus β€” said that the facilities can’t challenge a state regulation forcing them to admit patients with the contagion.

Anonymous ID: 42ea7d June 22, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.9714763   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

satan has no balls…satan has no balls. satan has no balls… satan has no balls… satan has no balls.satan has no balls…satan has no balls. satan has no balls… satan has no balls… satan has no balls.satan has no balls…satan has no balls. satan has no balls… satan has no balls… satan has no balls.satan has no balls…satan has no balls. satan has no balls… satan has no balls… satan has no balls.

Anonymous ID: 86f4ee June 22, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.9714780   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4925 >>5078

Tech Company Tied to China Cashes in on Small Business Relief


Ideanomics saw stock price soar as it received hundreds of thousands in PPP loans


A corporation with close ties to the Chinese government received hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in pandemic relief money as small businesses struggled to access the fund. Ideanomics, a U.S.-based tech company founded by Chinese billionaire Bruno Wu, was valued at more than $50 million based in part on its collaboration with Chinese provincial governments and state-owned enterprises dating back to its 2017 founding. The company, which specializes in financial technology and electric cars, collected $400,000 in forgivable loans from the taxpayer-funded Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) designed to aid small businesses hurt by the coronavirus, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. But even as it chased taxpayer loans, Ideanomics reassured investors that the coronavirus posed little threat to its financial well-being, noting that its cash and cash equivalents had doubled between December 2019 and March 2020 as the deadly virus spread worldwide. The company, which controls several Chinese corporations through its web of subsidiaries, has partnered with the Chinese government to facilitate its state-backed infrastructure projects. A Chinese provincial government is slated to invest in Ideanomics's Malaysian subsidiary to support Beijing's efforts to gain influence in Southeast Asia, according to its 2019 annual report to the SEC. Ideanomics is one of several multimillion-dollar multinational corporations that benefited from PPP, which was created to support small businesses affected by the shutdowns caused by the pandemic. While the program was supposed to benefit businesses that would have laid off employees struggling during the economic shutdown, large corporations have sparked criticism by applying for and receiving millions in taxpayer dollars. It is unclear whether Ideanomics has returned its PPP loans, and the company did not respond to a request for comment.


Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R., Pa.), a member of the congressional China Task Force, said that the PPP money should not be provided to China-linked firms such as Ideanomics and has referred the matter to the Department of the Treasury and the Small Business Administration. "Given the popularity of this program, we must ensure dollars are reserved for American small businesses, the backbone of our national economy," Reschenthaler told the Washington Free Beacon. "Companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party should not receive taxpayer-funded assistance programs." The publicly traded company has surged on the NASDAQ since the small business relief fund was passed. Share prices, which plummeted to $0.30 on March 6, the lowest point in company history, have since rebounded to $2.05 per share as of Thursday. The company acknowledged that the coronavirus posed little threat to its financial well-being, stating in a March SEC filing that it "does not anticipate that the COVID 19 pandemic will adversely affect its ability to raise funds in the near-term." It's cash and cash equivalents on hand actually grew between December 2019 and March 2020, from $2.6 million to $5.9 million.


More than 210 public companies have benefited from the program. But Ideanomics has uniquely strong business ties with the Chinese government and government entities that are not seen in its peers, according to its filings. "[Ideanomics] does have joint ventures, partnerships and agreements with the State Own [sic] Entities (SOE) described above," the company wrote in its 2019 report. Despite the company's claim that it "does not contract directly with the government of the PRC," its SEC disclosures show that the Chinese government is slated to invest in the company. In its 2019 report, the company revealed that China's Yunnan province, "in its capacity as the PRC's province responsible for China's Belt and Road initiative in the ASEAN countries," will invest in Ideanomics's Malaysia-based subsidiary that specializes in electric vehicles. The multibillion-dollar government initiative seeks to erect China-built infrastructures across the developing world in a bid to improve China's global prestige and influence.

Anonymous ID: ea93e6 June 22, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.9714781   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Colorado Polis death total covid-19


But I thought Colorado was having a spike?…oh they must be corrupting the data still……..

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.9714791   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Doorknocking 'army' to hit streets after day seven of double-digit rises


Victoria recorded 17 new cases of coronavirus on Tuesday, marking a full week of double-digit growth in case numbers.


From Wednesday an "army" of hundreds of public health workers will hit the streets of the six local government areas identified as coronavirus hotspots, liaising with families and reminding them that they must get tested and stay home if they are unwell.


The 17 fresh cases included one from hotel quarantine, three picked up via routine testing and 11 that are under investigation, with more information expected later on Tuesday, Premier Daniel Andrews said on Tuesday morning.


Two cases are linked with the Keilor Downs family cluster that has reached 13 cases across eight homes. Five members of one family household in the City of Maribyrnong have also tested positive, with the source of the infection still under investigation.


"What we can be certain of is that there will be some significant community transmission within those numbers," Mr Andrews said.


The advice to residents in Moreland, Darebin, Hume, Cardinia, Casey and Brimbank remains to stay vigilant, although the Premier said only those who are unwell should avoid travelling within Victoria over the school holidays that begin this weekend.


Mr Andrews also flagged an increased, targeted testing regime in those local government areas, which would include asymptomatic residents.


He said it was not yet time for a more severe lockdown of those suburbs.

Anonymous ID: ac7fae June 22, 2020, 9:32 p.m. No.9714798   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5104 >>5114

A Long March 3B rocket carrying the Beidou-3GEO3 satellite lifts off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in China's southwestern Sichuan province.


China has launched the final satellite in its homegrown geolocation system

Anonymous ID: 11382d June 22, 2020, 9:32 p.m. No.9714799   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom’s political ascent


Anonymous ID: c689fa June 22, 2020, 9:32 p.m. No.9714804   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4849



Trump: Best to let β€˜disaster’ in cities under siege play out until local Dems ask for help


FYI: Seattle Anon's email response_2 to normie friend . . .

(Anons, perhaps you can use or modify as you see fit for communicating with your norm friends and family.)


Good to hear from you. Based on your email, it appears you are visiting old, familiar territory. Perhaps visiting with old friends? If so, please say hello from me in sanctuary-insane-asylum Seattle.


Yes, articles like the one you provided (link below) are interesting commentary, however they do not scratch what is going on behind the curtain. It is my continuing belief that Seattle, much like Minneapolis (Mogadishu North) is a terrorist back channel that is being fronted as a temper tantrum, repressed teenager-style block party populated by all the usual β€˜progressive’ freaks, heroin junkies, SJWs, BLMers and the unhinged LGBT crowd.


It is not that, and it is not an β€˜unjust police (fraud) brutality’ protest occupation. If it was, Trump would not even comment on it, as the whole thing would just be a dimwit fad that would move on after a week.


What is going on, based on my research and now confirmed by Trump mentioning it to a WORLDWIDE audience, is that Seattle is the west coast channel for illegal weapons running and an aggregator for sleeper Islamic terrorists and other bad characters currently in the country. Β Trump and mil intel know there is this bullshit going on here. Β Quietly the lions watch and study their prey, networks and communications . . .Β 


At some stage the insurgent plan is to activate the sleeper cells and ramp up the chaos, fear and havoc to revolutionary levels, much like the β€˜color’ revolutions of Ukraine. The mechanics and plans are parallel and have the deeper β€˜Bolshevik-type’ mirroring. This is Marxism being given focused sanctuary while everyone under the media spell is transfixed by the street artwork, rapper wanna-be β€˜war lord characters’, SJW demonstrations and theatrics. Β All this while so many ask, β€˜What’s going on with CHAZ CHOP now?’ There are more murders around that whole incubation site each passing day. Now there are black garbage bags washing up on Seattle’s shoreline containing dismembered body parts. Β Spiritual warfare gets messy when this becomes more common, as selling the cloth in order to pick up the sword occupies many people’s minds.


As stated before, this thing known as CHAZ CHOP is all a setup for launching the insurrection once the Dem/Globalists stumble over their next set of idiotic moves to steal the election with fake ballots, fraud, fear pitching and corruption. Β The question is when, and will it be coordinated with other events? Gee, I bet you can guess the answer to that one . . .Β 


And then there is the post-election β€˜party’ after Trump wins . . . I’m sure all the CHOPPERS will be doing more than crying in their soy lattes after that extravaganza . . .


Remain in Light digital soldier. The next round approaches as the plotters have regrouped their troops for the next wave.


For God and Country

Anonymous ID: 3584af June 22, 2020, 9:34 p.m. No.9714818   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4825 >>4931

The deep state includes Barr and Durham.

Don't let Q fool you.

Durham May do something before the end of summer (supposed to be early June, but hey, we all have short memories), but I would not hold my breathe.

Comey may as well be the AG.

Anonymous ID: 6ac276 June 22, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.9714830   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Bill Clinton


I loved Steve Bing very much. He had a big heart, and he was willing to do anything he could for the people and causes he believed in. I will miss him and his enthusiasm more than I can say, and I hope he’s finally found peace.

11:38 PM Β· Jun 22, 2020Β·Twitter for iPhone

Anonymous ID: 5e09ff June 22, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.9714831   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.


They have to see it:



Why Donald Trump



14 Nov 2017 - 7:25:09 PM

For the coming days ahead.

Ask yourself an honest question, why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, a warm and loving family, friends, etc. want to endanger himself and his family by becoming POTUS?

Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about?

Does he need money?

Does he need fame?

What does he get out of this?

Does he want to make the US/world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of?

Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?

Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.

Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose.

Perhaps he could not in good conscious see the world burn.

Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very private & highly secured/guarded meeting?

Why didn’t HRC give a concession speech?

When was the last time a presidential candidate didn’t personally give a concession speech?

What happens if the border remained open and the MSM continued to brainwash?

At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become the minority?

What about voting machines?

Who owns the voting machines?

What about voter ID laws?

Photo ID? When is it necessary and must be presented? Make a list. Laugh.


Would the chances of defeating evil grow less and less with each passing year?

What does β€˜red line’ mean?

Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?

What strings were immediately cut?

Follow the money.

When does a bird sing?


Anonymous ID: dd48cf June 22, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.9714833   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Your posting this tells me that when the time comes for action you won't be at the party.

When the ball is called, we won't be waiting around for a post on a message board.

In the absence of orders, you attack.

Anonymous ID: 3584af June 22, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.9714842   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4860


Oh??? Did Durham release the report supposedly and investigation?

Didn't think so.

What about all them grand juries???


Meanwhile the MSM Beats Trump over the head while the "patriots in control" SIT ON THEIR HANDS.

Anonymous ID: 5c3e04 June 22, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9714843   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Ask him, wasnt what I said. So you were a builder of missiles or a pilot? What know it all angle you trying to shove into our face? What i do know is the path that plane took and speed was not done by ordinary means.

Anonymous ID: 807add June 22, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9714845   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4865

Music prep?

Maybe there will be some opportunities to protest

And to counter protest

Where we can turn it into a street celebration

With all races singing and dancing together



Anonymous ID: 3ae3f1 June 22, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9714848   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5046



Thanks anon, I would appreciate if you can and I will help where I can and make memes all week. I am working 7-12's and won't be done with my week for 2 more days. Just got home and did a search to see if there was any interest and a need to follow up.

Anonymous ID: 7c8ee0 June 22, 2020, 9:40 p.m. No.9714875   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Is it just me, or does this BLM Protester feller seem like the type that uses a lot of hard R’s in his lexicon?

Anonymous ID: 807add June 22, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.9714881   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Just got suspended by Twitter for unknown reasons.

I appealed of course.

In the past they replied in a few days and lifted the suspension

But there is NEVER any reason give

NEVER any kind of warning


I mostly retweet no more than 50-60 times a day

And a few times a day I retweet with comments and additional hashtags.

I used to write more original tweets when I had original stuff to say.

Anonymous ID: ea93e6 June 22, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.9714883   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4909

Moar meme amp thoughts….

Many families in the United States observe National Grandparents Day on the first Sunday of September after Labor Day. This day honors grandparents.

Forget-me-not flowers not only beautiful but they also symbolize National Grandparents Day in the United States.

Is National Grandparents Day a Public Holiday?

National Grandparents Day is not a public holiday. It falls on Sunday,September 13, 2020and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in the United States.

Anonymous ID: 7707ea June 22, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.9714893   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Thought this guy was a LARP at first but his info is A1. Still like Basiago the best.


Another guy with Project Camelot talked a lot about how as they got closer to the great awakening the timelines would converge and nothing could stop what's coming.


Devs has an interesting scene - tl;dr of the show is an AI programmer that gets invited into an SAP that uses a bigdick quantum computer. They eventually learn how to peer into the past and future with it.


>looking glass and ayys is love

>looking glass and ayys is life

Anonymous ID: d55071 June 22, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.9714896   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4964 >>4983 >>5010 >>5012












Do any other anons find it a bit strange that GW just so happened to be way down south in Florida using school children as human shields on the morning of the attacks? There were many moving pieces that morning. Leaving NYC out of it. For the time being. Clinton blew up the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. And I see the attacks on DC that day as ChiCom retribution for same. But with Chinese manufacturing being as shitty as I have experienced today, almost twenty years later, here is how I model it going down in my feeble mind. Chinese flagged submarine launched cruise missiles aimed at DC targets. One did it's job. The pentagon. The second malfunctioned, did not find it's target, and flew blind until it ran out of fuel over Pennsylvania. Change my mind.

Anonymous ID: 1e9f30 June 22, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.9714897   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4973

>>9713353 PB notable


>>Italian Doctor: CV is losing virulence, may vanish


I’ve struggled with how the plan can account for not committing/abetting crimes. If we have full control and we know what they are going to do, are the good guys not culpable for not preventing it?


Well, you can let a drug dealer sell and deliver drugs during a sting. I imagine the line is drawn at harm to an individual and or property. Property can be replaced so i imagine for NatSec you can allow the destruction as long as you make the owner whole.


Ok so we know they are going to kill a bunch of folks with a virus. We have to let them do it for optics and to catch them In The act of yet more crimes. How can you legally let this happen?


Switch the virus out for not only a less lethal but more virulent strain but one that also degraded into the last flu shot the world ever needs as it immunizes the entire global population. The stats show that regular flu numbers are way down. Maybe they really are as we all get inoculated through infection. How could Q+ immediately stop governors from using color of law to kill people? He couldn’t because the courts are comped.


But people died!! No shit grandma. Bill Gates said his vaccine would kill 7X more folks than China flu has. All branches of govt make acceptances for % of adverse effects. I believe if it is a vaccine bio weapon, the good guys are absolved of the deaths as acceptable statistically. Lost 100K. Won’t lose 60k next year or any other going forward.


As for the other deaths…Kobe and Epstein included, maybe they already had death warrants or maybe we used the new 16 year plan propaganda laws to play along with the cabal and let them think their plans worked and these folks ain’t dead.


This sounds cat lady crazy, I know, but what other explanation is there if we truly believe we have full control and have all comms? Otherwise new boss same as the old boss when it comes to the congressionally passed and president signed laws of this country.

Anonymous ID: 86f4ee June 22, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.9714899   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Reporters instructed to leave White House Monday night as protests intensified outside


Demonstrators on Monday attempted to topple a statue in Lafayette Park


Reporters on Monday evening were instructed to leave the White House grounds as protests outside the executive mansion intensified. The event played out in real time on cable news, with CNN's Kaitlin Collins describing the instruction to leave the White House as "incredibly unusual." The instructions came as live video footage showed protestors located in Lafayette Square across the White House attempting to topple a statue of former President Andrew Jackson. More law enforcement officers were summoned to the area, and protesters were moved out of the park.

Anonymous ID: 2952db June 22, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.9714902   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Sibel Edmonds is doing a really great rant against a number of the usual suspects including Obama calling him an Uncle Tom!


Some excellent ideas for meme makers.

Anonymous ID: 3584af June 22, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.9714904   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4922 >>5009


Your memes still suck. FREDDY OWNS YOU.

How many arrests, again???

Where is Durham's report, again???


Are Niggers not rioting in the streets???

You have nothing but empty promises and hollow platitudes.

Anonymous ID: 5e09ff June 22, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.9714906   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4914 >>4929




"throw granny into a nursing home"


play on the throw granny over cliff the D's did to R's


β€˜Obamacare’ or the GOP: Which would throw granny off a cliff?


April 11, 2012


Granny Off The Cliff REEL

Anonymous ID: 42ea7d June 22, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.9714908   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4934


Suck my balls cockhead… you really think anyone gives a fuck about your bullshit…. truth has a ring…. nothing you say, has it….lmao…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous ID: 72d9da June 22, 2020, 9:44 p.m. No.9714910   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

>>9712285 pb

>>9712508 pb


Digital warriors ready.


Surrender to None ['Digital Battleground'].




Use 'topic' as target practice.

Test your strengths.

Know your weaknesses.




Anonymous ID: 5b2023 June 22, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.9714925   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4956 >>4968 >>5066

Updated Notables

Think they're all in. Check em.


>>9714850 , >>9714862 Happening now: Protest outside de Blasio's mansion #deBlasioMustGo

>>9714837 DC Protest Eyes On: Centre for Jewish youth offering safe house for DC protestors

>>9714753 , >>9714686 John Kerry warns of revolution if Trump wins while he lays the foundation

>>9714780 Tech Company Tied to China Cashes in on Small Business Relief

>>9714758 SoftBank agrees to sell most of T-Mobile stake in $21bn deal

>>9714701 , >>9714767 Green windows in The White House - "Good and green"?

>>9714661 Trump Admin shuts down radio station run by Chinese propaganda outlet

>>9714640 Gov. Newsom death toll stats as of today. 2299 deaths in skilled nursing facilities

>>9714621 , >>9714639, >>9714642, >>9714757 Beer Summit /Bad White Cops/ Obama/ Biden/ Gates

>>9714609 Teens say they found suitcase of human remains on Seattle beach in a TikTok video

>>9714600 Planefag Reports

>>9714533 , >>9714566 Is The O9A Really Neo-Nazi? Diggz

>>9714505 , >>9714699 Steve Bing and The Clintons diggz & a fresh tweet from Bill Clinton

>>9714502 Lessons from the Lockdown β€” Why are so many fewer children dying? Fewer vaccines?

>>9714451 Strong Cuomo Meme: Nursing home deaths are the "official" numbers from NYS

>>9714464 Trump says Obama may have committed treason -MEME AMMO

>>9714431 Graphic: Cuomo's Orders vs CDC Guidelines

>>9714403 , >>9714460 More than 2 dozen CV cases reported at Modesto Senior Center

>>9714328 Fresh WAR BREAD -For the OP


Baker requested for duty next bread

Anyone around?

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:48 p.m. No.9714941   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5078

Daily Caller Reporter Accused of Being a Cop and Assaulted While Covering DC β€˜Protest’


Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott was accused of being an undercover cop and assaulted by the β€œpeaceful protesters” in DC on Monday evening.


n a video of the incident, filmed by her colleague Matthew Miller, Talcott is surrounded by the Black Lives Matter activists and interrogated about who she is and why she was filming.


Miller tweeted that she was β€œsurrounded by BLM protesters and assaulted tonight in front of the WH. She is okay and was saved by a cop grabbing her out of the mob. I couldn’t get full altercation because we had to jump in. This is right before the cop saves her.”


The mob was upset that she was filming and warned that she should β€œleave before your sh-t gets f-cked up.” Another woman began clapping in Talcott’s face and demanding β€œyou’re a cop. You’re a cop.”


Multiple right-wing reporters, including Matthew Perdie from Breitbart, have been assaulted by the mobs outside the White House while attempting to do their jobs since the riots began.

Anonymous ID: 10d9fd June 22, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.9714954   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>4969 >>5078

Protesters Arrive to White House Carrying Black Wooden Shields and Wearing Helmets


Protesters began arriving at Lafayette Park in front of the White House with black-painted wooden shields, according to videos on social media, as they confronted police.


β€œThis is what we call community people,” one protester yelled to the police, according to one video by a Daily Caller reporter.


Protesters were heard chanting, β€œF*ck these pigs.”


Some of the protesters carrying shields could also be seen wearing black helmets.


Protesters and rioters clashed with police earlier in the day, as they tried to topple a statue of President Andrew Jackson in the park, and defaced the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church again.


Vandals spray-painted β€œBHAZ” on the church, reportedly for β€œBlack House Autonomous Zone.”

Anonymous ID: 5c3e04 June 22, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.9714958   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

You all OWS peeps from back in the day?


If not, fuck i wish i lived in the cities, i would go and try to inject some shizz into their protests, actually try to redirect their hate at city officials, or ithers. I would come up w facts that are aligned w BLM and Pantifa, but about those who are championing this bullshit. Called what habbened ti the original Occupy movement. I was apart if it for about 3 weeks, then when it was co-opted into give me free shit, let me camp out like a bumb forever.. i was totally pissed the original message was easily side slided.


What needs to go on now w BLM/Pantifa. Turn their monsters against them.

Anonymous ID: 86f4ee June 22, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.9714961   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Crap News Network, needs to be exposed for the legal propaganda that Obama put in place for his personal use after he left office. If anyone can expose it properly I believe Lion Ted can…

Anonymous ID: 50fcd8 June 22, 2020, 9:52 p.m. No.9714965   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5049



cuomo ventilator stockpile

Anonymous ID: 807add June 22, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.9714973   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5097



Legally is straightforward.

The USA is in a state of war.

The enemy are attacking.

There is no way to stop all the enemy in all the places at one time.

And, in fact, there is no way to be certain who is and who is not the enemy.

So everything that is done is best effort

And the military bears no legal liability for not stopping some random enemy attack.


You are stuck in some kind of dream state with a fantasy view of reality.


You are a slave.

The New World Order exists and controls the USA and all other countries of the world.

There isNO LAWbeyond the NWO law.

Everything that you see which seems to be the USA with a constitution and legal systemIS THEATER

You are watching a movie.

The people who are saving you are FAKING IT UNTIL THEY MAKE IT.

That is why they are sticking to what the old American Constitution says

And what the old US legal code says.

The only way to bring it back into effectIS TO EXERCISE IT.


That is all.

Anonymous ID: 35ca2c June 22, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.9714975   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5110



The images above are from a 2017 NASCAR β€œGarageCam” walk through during the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series garage at Talladega Superspeedway. The rope with a β€œnoose” on the end is a simple method to pull down the garage door to close it. The noose provides a place to put your hand/wrist when closing the door.


Hat Tip Tazio Nuvolari who shares: β€œMy guess on the β€œnoose” incident in Talledega, watch this video, look close at the Talladega garage doors. Each one has a rope hanging down with a loop on the end to pull down the doors. One probably broke and someone just tossed it aside, then the crew member found it and thought it was something it wasn’t, now NASCAR is trying to figure out how to explain their stupidity.”


The ropes and β€œnooses” are clearly visible [particularly at 03:20] as the cameraman goes from garage bay to garage bay. There are several rope nooses visible and a few of them are severely worn from use. Check it out:

Anonymous ID: 5e66e4 June 22, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.9714976   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Got a virus on here last night anons, killed it off, back on a diff OS tho. Be carefull, use a vpn, a vm, etc. OS does not matter as long as you know it inside and out, brush up on your attack types, firewalls, etc.


Because even behind 7 boxxys, stuff can get through during a war.

Anonymous ID: 3584af June 22, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.9714994   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5043


Lacking in evidence? Really?

Is Durham done with his investigation that was supposed to be ended weeks ago?

Are niggers not rioting in the streets?

has the MSM backed off on their abuses of Trump?

Is hillary still walking around? What about Comey, Etc., etc., etc., ?


Those are the facts. Deal with it.

Anonymous ID: a0eb8f June 22, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9715010   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5055



It's possible anon.

A Cruise missile won't do that damage to the pentagon.

I also won't create the Pennsylvania crater.


Why can't it just be planes? Would be easier for your adversary even in that scenario to use planes.


Why complicate the theory unnecessarily?

Anonymous ID: 5c3e04 June 22, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9715012   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5022


I worked at Sprint from 2001-2003. I spoke w a lady on the phone who told me the MIL had whole area in shanksville totally cordoned off. There were helos everywhere, and the debris field everyone forgets about was 1/2-1 mile wide and ~ 3 miles long. That plane was shit down. What landed in the earth wasnt a plane, but the devris field was very much there, she told me they picked up the crime scene before letting people get back to their daily routines.

Anonymous ID: ea93e6 June 22, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9715013   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Tucker: Why mobs are tearing down America's monuments

These aren't protests. This is a totalitarian political movement and someone needs to save us from it.

Tucker Carlson warns 'as of right now, only Republicans can save us' from rule by street mob

During his opening monologue Monday, Tucker Carlson said Americans should stop pretending the November election is a contest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden because, as he put it, "there is no Joe Biden."


"The Joe Biden you remember no longer exists," Carlson said. "The babbling husk you see may have the same name and similar features, but behind the mask there is nothing but a jumbled collection of talking points from the 70s. 'Turn on your record player, no malarkey'. The candidate has no independent thoughts of his own."


Carlson claimed that Biden's actual function is to serve as a "perfect Trojan horse" for the grave intentions of the activist wing of the Democratic Party.


"Their plan is to ride him to power," he said. "Once there, someone tough and calculating and purposeful Kamala Harris, probably will change the country."


According to Carlson, the Russia investigation was a "dry run" for Democrats' larger ambitions, in which they asked themselves, "'Can we convince millions of people to believe something that's completely absurd? Yes, we can.'


"That's what they learned. They'll do it again. This time, the 'Russians' will be 'Confederate sympathizers' or 'Nazis' or … whatever other name they'll choose to give to their political opponents. It doesn't matter. But once they pick when they will gin up mass hysteria, because that's what they are good at, the media will collaborate fully and we will have another witch hunt."




In time, Carlson went on, the new American leadership will seek to expand the definition of a "hate crime" to anything they disagree with – which will essentially criminalize dissent.


"Who can save us from that? As of right now, only Republicans can save us from that," he said. "Not because they're inherently virtuous, not because they want to they don't but because they're the opposition party to the extent they still have opposition to anything. We have no choice but to ask for their help."

Anonymous ID: e06301 June 22, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9715014   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



Correction - It wasn't about a Cruise Missile, but about an Airplane. Here's some sauce:


MR. MINETA:…I was made aware of it during the time that the airplane coming into the Pentagon. There was a young man who had come in and said to the vice president, "The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out." And when it got down to, "The plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the vice president, "Do the orders still stand?" And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

Anonymous ID: 58e649 June 22, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.9715020   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



I was there when corsi said he gave Pamphlet a million dollars. Also, said If he didn’t β€˜someone else would have’ .


All the Patriot Soapbox β€˜volunteers’ 24 hours a day were paid operatives too. Corsi had an Agenda, They were fake patriots, not volunteer patriots.


When Corsi called in, all stopped to listen to him, often Q would post at the same time and Corsi would ignore Q and refuse to read the Q drop, while he pontificated. Even though Q was supposedly the reason Patriot Soapbox started.

Anonymous ID: b7bfb6 June 22, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.9715025   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5090

Twitter users are starting without yoru influence.

Create a good tag and start now

Twitter users are taking Q's Ques

There are more.

You need a # tag for these

Anonymous ID: d55071 June 22, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.9715030   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Right. But when you don't have access to classified information. And just get it right by using sheer power of deduction. Then that is not a crime. That's called catching the bad guys with their pants down. Try harder next time. Or do a better job. Or better yet, stop killing people. Yeah. That sounds good.

Anonymous ID: 72d9da June 22, 2020, 9:59 p.m. No.9715032   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun



George Washington is pissed at Inslee.

George Washington grew Indian Hemp.

Governor Inslee won't let our Founding Father grow it in the Washington State .

Fucking Cog-dis shitbag commie bastard Inslee can fuck the fuck off.


Anonymous ID: 06ee69 June 22, 2020, 10 p.m. No.9715034   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

"Trump taught me a great lesson, 'There's no bad media, the more the mainstream media gets obsessed with this, the more they will become our biggest ally' ", Steve Bannon

Anonymous ID: df7632 June 22, 2020, 10:01 p.m. No.9715042   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5060 >>5068 >>5071 >>5084 >>5089 >>5103




  1. Surrender – Empty the precincts. Disarm & defund the police. Justice for George Floyd.


  1. Stand Down – End curfews and road closures. Withdraw the National Guard


  1. Free Food and Supplies – Allow the free redistribution of goods from damaged businesses.


  1. Amnesty for all – Drop all charges. Cease investigations.


  1. Free Assembly – Right to protest & grieve however we feel necessary.




This may be done directly at the border of the CAPITOL HILL OCCUPYING PROTEST.





























Anonymous ID: fe6bfc June 22, 2020, 10:01 p.m. No.9715043   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5051


Argument from ignorance

Argument from ignorance (from Latin: argumentum ad ignorantiam), also known as appeal to ignorance (in which ignorance represents "a lack of contrary evidence"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not yet been proven true. This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes the possibility that there may have been an insufficient investigation to prove that the proposition is either true or false.[1] It also does not allow for the possibility that the answer is unknowable, only knowable in the future, or neither completely true nor completely false.[2] In debates, appeals to ignorance are sometimes used in an attempt to shift the burden of proof. In research, low-power experiments are subject to false negatives (there would have been an observable effect if there had been a larger sample size or better experimental design) and false positives (there was an observable effect; however, this was a coincidence due purely to random chance, or the events correlate, but there is no cause-effect relationship). The term was likely coined by philosopher John Locke in the late 17th century.[3][4]

Anonymous ID: 72d9da June 22, 2020, 10:02 p.m. No.9715049   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5091


>cuomo ventilator stockpile



Anonymous ID: 0e093e June 22, 2020, 10:02 p.m. No.9715054   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Register to vote, see this


As a separate note, good resources for anons


Glownigger wiki


Kevin Shipp (From out of the Shaodws)


stay frosty anons

Anonymous ID: c8a2a5 June 22, 2020, 10:03 p.m. No.9715063   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Trump Says Next Stimulus Check Will Be β€˜Very Generous,’ Announced in Several Weeks

Anonymous ID: c6c7d5 June 22, 2020, 10:03 p.m. No.9715066   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5074 >>5078




followup on kerry at the copenhagen summit video link



2:02:25: kerry begins, talks mostly of climate change

2:14:05: question about American political institutions

2:15:10: kerry response includes revolution talk

2:15:45: mentions floyd and stuff, more climate change

2:28:20: kerry out


summary: kerry mostly talks climate change and globelisms

not super notable but interesting

Copenhagen Democracy Summit 2020 Day 2

Streamed live on Jun 19, 2020

Anonymous ID: 5e09ff June 22, 2020, 10:05 p.m. No.9715076   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5109


This is where America really fucked up due to feelings, pushed to feel fake shame not facts


Obama: "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America" Long Version


Here is what Candidate Obama wanted for our country when he was running for President of the United States of America. He said that "we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."


What he meant was what he said in the video, or was it? Or maybe he meant that he wanted to uproot our Republic and make it into something of his liking, something that would allow the "redistribution" of wealth like he promised during the election. Maybe he wants a country where those who produce supplement those who do not produce.


Obama said on February 16, 2008; "Don't tell me that words don't matter." Are we to believe him? Do words really matter?

Is "fundamentally transforming America" what he was talking about in this speech? Or is it something else that he wants to do to our country.

Only you can decide that. You be the judge. Your judgment will be counted on Election Day 2012.

Anonymous ID: b3821a June 22, 2020, 10:05 p.m. No.9715077   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Kent Moldenhauer


-Born in Hawaii

-Mother was a Bush

-Father died in a "mining" accident in Ireland

-Has claimed at least two Picton farm victims

-Had killed others

-Strange ties to pedos and psychologist

-Owed $160k to HA and was threatened with the kidnap and pimpout of 6 year old daughter to pay debt

-Tape of him raping child released by HA with $500k hit

-His best friend, who committed "suicide", was a sexually confused mess with a noteable psychologist furned gay for a father


Are these cabal people or do I just know some fucked up motherfuckers?

Anonymous ID: 5b2023 June 22, 2020, 10:05 p.m. No.9715078   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5104 >>5112


>>9714982 Fresh DJT

>>9714954 Protesters arrive to White House carrying black wooden shields and wearing helmets

>>9714941 Daily Caller reporter accused of being a cop, assaulted while covering DC Protest

>>9714850 , >>9714862 Happening now: Protest outside de Blasio's mansion #deBlasioMustGo

>>9714837 DC Protest Eyes On: Centre for Jewish youth offering safe house for DC protestors

>>9714753 , >>9714686, >>9715066 John Kerry warns of revolution if Trump wins while he lays the foundation

>>9714780 Tech Company Tied to China Cashes in on Small Business Relief

>>9714758 SoftBank agrees to sell most of T-Mobile stake in $21bn deal

>>9714701 , >>9714767 Green windows in The White House - "Good and green"?

>>9714661 Trump Admin shuts down radio station run by Chinese propaganda outlet

>>9714640 Gov. Newsom death toll stats as of today. 2299 deaths in skilled nursing facilities

>>9714621 , >>9714639, >>9714642, >>9714757 Beer Summit /Bad White Cops/ Obama/ Biden/ Gates

>>9714609 Teens say they found suitcase of human remains on Seattle beach in a TikTok video

>>9714600 , >>9714945 Planefag Report

>>9714533 , >>9714566 Is The O9A Really Neo-Nazi? Diggz

>>9714505 , >>9714699 Steve Bing and The Clintons diggz & a fresh tweet from Bill Clinton

>>9714502 Lessons from the Lockdown β€” Why are so many fewer children dying? Fewer vaccines?

>>9714464 MEME AMMO for 'Trump says Obama may have committed treason'

>>9714431 , >>9714451 Strong Cuomo Meme & Graphic using official numbers

>>9714403 , >>9714460 More than 2 dozen CV cases reported at Modesto Senior Center

Anonymous ID: 18d263 June 22, 2020, 10:06 p.m. No.9715083   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Well, FBI tip line wants all your fucking info to report anything so….fuck that!


Any twatfags want to tag the FBI on twatter about

β†’ >

whining about them "peacefully" trying to take down Jackson statue when police got violent! lol

10 Years!

Anonymous ID: a0eb8f June 22, 2020, 10:07 p.m. No.9715095   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5116



Unless them scientists can tell us why the last ice age happened no need to listen to them.


It's pretty simple really. Unless they can simulate the last ice age into existence and from there to 2020 within some reasonable error… they don't know shit.

Anonymous ID: 42ea7d June 22, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.9715105   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


Wanna cry some more….whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh


O fuck no… what…. no one will make the room for a few minutes….LMAO…. centuries I've been chasing you…. fucking centuries….. What?… a few fucking minutes helps you.


I got you mutherfuckers now….. no where for you to run

You really think that's going to stop the world from hosing you off this planet?…..NO



Anonymous ID: 74571a June 22, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.9715108   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5133 >>5149


According to Q they will stop at nothing so short of the DoJ maneuvering them into a corner my letter isn't going to do shit. The reason Bolton released his book is because for 3+ years no one of note has been held to account for anything. Why should he fear reprisal? The f'n country is burning is an I'm being asked to meme. The information war is over, we just haven't gotten the memo.

Anonymous ID: d55071 June 22, 2020, 10:09 p.m. No.9715118   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5147 >>5154


No it's not a joke. You want a joke anon? A joke anon is Musk selling Gene Wilders former home to a Chinese National at a profit and the showing flight history to the south Atlantic near Antarctica. Now THAT is a joke! Today's flight first cap. Then the 18th. Then the 15th.


Anonymous ID: c6c7d5 June 22, 2020, 10:10 p.m. No.9715123   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5131


fuckery afoot

love how it changed form global warming to climate change because it hasnt warmed globally since 2000

Anonymous ID: 8bb9c6 June 22, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.9715129   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Columbus, Ohio about to go down. Andy says. But he said that about DC too a half hour ago or so.

Anonymous ID: 74571a June 22, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.9715133   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun


We saved a lot of people and woke a lot of people up but they've entered the next phase. No one is still waking up. I'm not calling for violence or action from anyone other than the authorities. We knew they wouldn't go quietly, I just want to know at what point Q says "stand down memers, you've done well. It's our turn now. Enjoy the show"

Anonymous ID: b7bfb6 June 22, 2020, 10:14 p.m. No.9715153   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun   >>5165

Reminder this is less than a few weeks old

Small list of Antifa Terrorits Acts.

A study in contrasts.


and…just what the heck was this about?


Antifa set fire to a homeless man's only possessions. This is how we defeat racism.

They’re planning on entering residential and restaurant areas based on that location.



Anarchists, we see you! This is pitiful.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4… when the riots began