Anonymous ID: 18d263 June 22, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.9714448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4475 >>4576

>>9714304 lb

>A BIG federal crime.


Check this one out!


POTUS just tweeted there is a 10 year prison sentence for destroying public statues!

So . . . THIS black women gets on twatter and gives and play by play of them trying to take down the Jackson statue! lmfao


@Jsc_35 To start, police tried to clear protestors and open up H st. earlier today. They reportedly pepper sprayed protestors in the process but protestors were able to push back police and set up barricades of their own to keep police out. Black Lives Matter plaza is a autonomous zone.


We then begin to organize and move closer to the White House. Organizers told us by moving to the White House we would be risking arrest but encouraged us to stay peaceful and strong. After chanting and speaking, we turn our attention to the Andrew Jackson statue in front of us.


We take down the fence protecting the statue, most of the protestors link arms in a chain to protect those going up and wrapping chains around the statue in order to take it down. We are in a circle protecting those in the center.


Police moves in to protect the statue. They immediately get violent, pepper spraying and assaulting protestors who are linking arms peacefully.(LMFAO WTAF?) My friends and I hold the line strong and continue pushing back against police along with other protestors.


Police move forward and become violent despite being unprovoked. They swing their batons, push with riot shields, and pepper sprayed us in the face. I got pepper sprayed again, and as I tried to get away a police officer grabbed my arm, twisted it and pepper sprayed me twice more



Completely fucking nuts! lol

They was just "peacefully" trying to tear down dat dare statue cuz ...oh yeah, RACIST! smdh

Anonymous ID: 18d263 June 22, 2020, 10:06 p.m. No.9715083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well, FBI tip line wants all your fucking info to report anything so….fuck that!


Any twatfags want to tag the FBI on twatter about

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whining about them "peacefully" trying to take down Jackson statue when police got violent! lol

10 Years!