Anonymous ID: 86f4ee June 22, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.9714661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4716 >>4925 >>4932 >>5078

Trump Admin Shuts Down Radio Station Run by Chinese Propaganda Outlet


FCC denies Phoenix TV license after Sen. Cruz exposed station’s China ties


A radio station controlled by the Chinese Communist Party propaganda outlet Phoenix TV has been ordered by the Trump administration to cease its broadcasts within 48 hours. The Federal Communications Commission ruled on Monday that a Mexico-based radio station owned in part by Phoenix TV—one of the Communist regime’s leading propaganda organs—must end its broadcasts due to its failure to disclose its ties to China. Prior to the FCC’s ruling, the station was exploiting a loophole that allows content produced in the United States to be broadcast from foreign radio towers, such as those in Mexico. Phoenix TV, which is headquartered in California, produced its content domestically and then used the more powerful Mexican station to broadcast across the U.S. border.


The FCC denied a license for that radio station, XEWW-AM, because it "failed to include in their application a key participant, Phoenix Radio, which produces the Mandarin programming in its studio," the agency disclosed. Phoenix Radio, Phoenix TV's radio affiliate, was using the station to broadcast Chinese propaganda across Southern California, in violation of FCC statutes. Phoenix TV first found itself in Congress’s crosshairs earlier this year, after one of its reporters confronted President Donald Trump during a White House briefing about the coronavirus pandemic and Chinese government efforts to cover up the illness. The station’s presence at the White House generated concerns about the proliferation of Chinese state-controlled press organs in the United States. The Mexican radio station failed to disclose Phoenix TV's "extensive role" in producing content, an FCC spokesperson told the Washington Free Beacon. "It was a violation of the Communications Act for that company, which has ties to the Chinese government, not to be included on the application filed with the Commission. Therefore, the application was deficient and was dismissed."


Phoenix TV used Mexican radio towers to skirt U.S. laws barring the dissemination of foreign propaganda in America. The FCC’s ruling is a sign the Trump administration seeks to more aggressively police these types of outlets, which for years have operated with little oversight. Congress has moved in recent months to crack down on a range of Chinese broadcasters and social media accounts that help the Communist regime saturate the American marketplace with state-approved propaganda.

Anonymous ID: 86f4ee June 22, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.9714780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4925 >>5078

Tech Company Tied to China Cashes in on Small Business Relief


Ideanomics saw stock price soar as it received hundreds of thousands in PPP loans


A corporation with close ties to the Chinese government received hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in pandemic relief money as small businesses struggled to access the fund. Ideanomics, a U.S.-based tech company founded by Chinese billionaire Bruno Wu, was valued at more than $50 million based in part on its collaboration with Chinese provincial governments and state-owned enterprises dating back to its 2017 founding. The company, which specializes in financial technology and electric cars, collected $400,000 in forgivable loans from the taxpayer-funded Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) designed to aid small businesses hurt by the coronavirus, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. But even as it chased taxpayer loans, Ideanomics reassured investors that the coronavirus posed little threat to its financial well-being, noting that its cash and cash equivalents had doubled between December 2019 and March 2020 as the deadly virus spread worldwide. The company, which controls several Chinese corporations through its web of subsidiaries, has partnered with the Chinese government to facilitate its state-backed infrastructure projects. A Chinese provincial government is slated to invest in Ideanomics's Malaysian subsidiary to support Beijing's efforts to gain influence in Southeast Asia, according to its 2019 annual report to the SEC. Ideanomics is one of several multimillion-dollar multinational corporations that benefited from PPP, which was created to support small businesses affected by the shutdowns caused by the pandemic. While the program was supposed to benefit businesses that would have laid off employees struggling during the economic shutdown, large corporations have sparked criticism by applying for and receiving millions in taxpayer dollars. It is unclear whether Ideanomics has returned its PPP loans, and the company did not respond to a request for comment.


Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R., Pa.), a member of the congressional China Task Force, said that the PPP money should not be provided to China-linked firms such as Ideanomics and has referred the matter to the Department of the Treasury and the Small Business Administration. "Given the popularity of this program, we must ensure dollars are reserved for American small businesses, the backbone of our national economy," Reschenthaler told the Washington Free Beacon. "Companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party should not receive taxpayer-funded assistance programs." The publicly traded company has surged on the NASDAQ since the small business relief fund was passed. Share prices, which plummeted to $0.30 on March 6, the lowest point in company history, have since rebounded to $2.05 per share as of Thursday. The company acknowledged that the coronavirus posed little threat to its financial well-being, stating in a March SEC filing that it "does not anticipate that the COVID 19 pandemic will adversely affect its ability to raise funds in the near-term." It's cash and cash equivalents on hand actually grew between December 2019 and March 2020, from $2.6 million to $5.9 million.


More than 210 public companies have benefited from the program. But Ideanomics has uniquely strong business ties with the Chinese government and government entities that are not seen in its peers, according to its filings. "[Ideanomics] does have joint ventures, partnerships and agreements with the State Own [sic] Entities (SOE) described above," the company wrote in its 2019 report. Despite the company's claim that it "does not contract directly with the government of the PRC," its SEC disclosures show that the Chinese government is slated to invest in the company. In its 2019 report, the company revealed that China's Yunnan province, "in its capacity as the PRC's province responsible for China's Belt and Road initiative in the ASEAN countries," will invest in Ideanomics's Malaysia-based subsidiary that specializes in electric vehicles. The multibillion-dollar government initiative seeks to erect China-built infrastructures across the developing world in a bid to improve China's global prestige and influence.

Anonymous ID: 86f4ee June 22, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.9714899   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reporters instructed to leave White House Monday night as protests intensified outside


Demonstrators on Monday attempted to topple a statue in Lafayette Park


Reporters on Monday evening were instructed to leave the White House grounds as protests outside the executive mansion intensified. The event played out in real time on cable news, with CNN's Kaitlin Collins describing the instruction to leave the White House as "incredibly unusual." The instructions came as live video footage showed protestors located in Lafayette Square across the White House attempting to topple a statue of former President Andrew Jackson. More law enforcement officers were summoned to the area, and protesters were moved out of the park.

Anonymous ID: 86f4ee June 22, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.9714961   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Crap News Network, needs to be exposed for the legal propaganda that Obama put in place for his personal use after he left office. If anyone can expose it properly I believe Lion Ted can…