Trump: Best to let ‘disaster’ in cities under siege play out until local Dems ask for help
FYI: Seattle Anon's email response_2 to normie friend . . .
(Anons, perhaps you can use or modify as you see fit for communicating with your norm friends and family.)
Good to hear from you. Based on your email, it appears you are visiting old, familiar territory. Perhaps visiting with old friends? If so, please say hello from me in sanctuary-insane-asylum Seattle.
Yes, articles like the one you provided (link below) are interesting commentary, however they do not scratch what is going on behind the curtain. It is my continuing belief that Seattle, much like Minneapolis (Mogadishu North) is a terrorist back channel that is being fronted as a temper tantrum, repressed teenager-style block party populated by all the usual ‘progressive’ freaks, heroin junkies, SJWs, BLMers and the unhinged LGBT crowd.
It is not that, and it is not an ‘unjust police (fraud) brutality’ protest occupation. If it was, Trump would not even comment on it, as the whole thing would just be a dimwit fad that would move on after a week.
What is going on, based on my research and now confirmed by Trump mentioning it to a WORLDWIDE audience, is that Seattle is the west coast channel for illegal weapons running and an aggregator for sleeper Islamic terrorists and other bad characters currently in the country. Trump and mil intel know there is this bullshit going on here. Quietly the lions watch and study their prey, networks and communications . . .
At some stage the insurgent plan is to activate the sleeper cells and ramp up the chaos, fear and havoc to revolutionary levels, much like the ‘color’ revolutions of Ukraine. The mechanics and plans are parallel and have the deeper ‘Bolshevik-type’ mirroring. This is Marxism being given focused sanctuary while everyone under the media spell is transfixed by the street artwork, rapper wanna-be ‘war lord characters’, SJW demonstrations and theatrics. All this while so many ask, ‘What’s going on with CHAZ CHOP now?’ There are more murders around that whole incubation site each passing day. Now there are black garbage bags washing up on Seattle’s shoreline containing dismembered body parts. Spiritual warfare gets messy when this becomes more common, as selling the cloth in order to pick up the sword occupies many people’s minds.
As stated before, this thing known as CHAZ CHOP is all a setup for launching the insurrection once the Dem/Globalists stumble over their next set of idiotic moves to steal the election with fake ballots, fraud, fear pitching and corruption. The question is when, and will it be coordinated with other events? Gee, I bet you can guess the answer to that one . . .
And then there is the post-election ‘party’ after Trump wins . . . I’m sure all the CHOPPERS will be doing more than crying in their soy lattes after that extravaganza . . .
Remain in Light digital soldier. The next round approaches as the plotters have regrouped their troops for the next wave.
For God and Country