Anonymous ID: 1e9f30 June 22, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.9714897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4973

>>9713353 PB notable


>>Italian Doctor: CV is losing virulence, may vanish


I’ve struggled with how the plan can account for not committing/abetting crimes. If we have full control and we know what they are going to do, are the good guys not culpable for not preventing it?


Well, you can let a drug dealer sell and deliver drugs during a sting. I imagine the line is drawn at harm to an individual and or property. Property can be replaced so i imagine for NatSec you can allow the destruction as long as you make the owner whole.


Ok so we know they are going to kill a bunch of folks with a virus. We have to let them do it for optics and to catch them In The act of yet more crimes. How can you legally let this happen?


Switch the virus out for not only a less lethal but more virulent strain but one that also degraded into the last flu shot the world ever needs as it immunizes the entire global population. The stats show that regular flu numbers are way down. Maybe they really are as we all get inoculated through infection. How could Q+ immediately stop governors from using color of law to kill people? He couldn’t because the courts are comped.


But people died!! No shit grandma. Bill Gates said his vaccine would kill 7X more folks than China flu has. All branches of govt make acceptances for % of adverse effects. I believe if it is a vaccine bio weapon, the good guys are absolved of the deaths as acceptable statistically. Lost 100K. Won’t lose 60k next year or any other going forward.


As for the other deaths…Kobe and Epstein included, maybe they already had death warrants or maybe we used the new 16 year plan propaganda laws to play along with the cabal and let them think their plans worked and these folks ain’t dead.


This sounds cat lady crazy, I know, but what other explanation is there if we truly believe we have full control and have all comms? Otherwise new boss same as the old boss when it comes to the congressionally passed and president signed laws of this country.