Now you're talking! Stretched his face in a pepe manner!
And he is such a legendary military strategist. I'm sure that his hand picked troops will listen and understand.
That's overdoing it, keke.
Do any other anons find it a bit strange that GW just so happened to be way down south in Florida using school children as human shields on the morning of the attacks? There were many moving pieces that morning. Leaving NYC out of it. For the time being. Clinton blew up the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. And I see the attacks on DC that day as ChiCom retribution for same. But with Chinese manufacturing being as shitty as I have experienced today, almost twenty years later, here is how I model it going down in my feeble mind. Chinese flagged submarine launched cruise missiles aimed at DC targets. One did it's job. The pentagon. The second malfunctioned, did not find it's target, and flew blind until it ran out of fuel over Pennsylvania. Change my mind.
Of course it is always possible for one to get sidetracked anon supposes.
Right. But when you don't have access to classified information. And just get it right by using sheer power of deduction. Then that is not a crime. That's called catching the bad guys with their pants down. Try harder next time. Or do a better job. Or better yet, stop killing people. Yeah. That sounds good.
No it's not a joke. You want a joke anon? A joke anon is Musk selling Gene Wilders former home to a Chinese National at a profit and the showing flight history to the south Atlantic near Antarctica. Now THAT is a joke! Today's flight first cap. Then the 18th. Then the 15th.
BTW, anon is 99% certain this flight never happened and is purelyan example of ADS-B data spoofing on the part of Musk. For reasons of fuel range, and known prankster nature of Musk.