Anonymous ID: 807add June 22, 2020, 9:04 p.m. No.9714533   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4566 >>4925 >>5078

Is The O9A Really Neo-Nazi?




As many articles written in the past seven years by some of those associating themselves with O9A have pointed out, the O9A is not a conventional Western Occult group, of the Left Hand Path or otherwise, with a membership, a hierarchy, and led by some individual be that individual described by a title such as High Priest/High Priestess or Magus or even “Ipssisimus”.


Instead, when esoterically understood, the O9A is both a particular esoteric philosophy and a collection of at least three distinct Occult methods or praxises which an individual can choose to follow and practice. {1} This makes the O9A a specific “Occult movement”, or Occult sub-culture, rather than an organization or group.


In addition, and despite what its critics assume or believe often due to a lack of research into and a lack of knowledge regarding the O9A, this leaderless sub-culture also means that the O9A is as Anton Long has maintained all along anarchic in nature. (2}


What has confused the issue about the physis of the O9A, for outsiders, for critics, or for those who have not researched O9A texts in detail, are three things.


§ The first source of confusion arises because one and only one O9A praxis, the Seven Fold Way, has some suggested ordeals and tasks associated with its early stages which tasks include “Insight Rôles” and which Insight Rôles can involve joining a “neo-nazi” group. Another suggested task is “culling”, while another is forming a “satanist” group and performing such rituals as given in the O9A Black Book Of Satan, first published in the 1980s.


It is therefore not surprising, because of the outré nature of such tasks, that outsiders, critics, many academics, and the majority of journalists who have written about the O9A, have assumed that such short term tasks, limited as they are to just one O9A praxis, represent the nature and intent of the O9A. Thus have such individuals, for personal, or political, or for other reasons, tended to sensationalize or criticize the O9A often due to a lack of research into and a lack of knowledge regarding the O9A.


That is, they fail to appreciate, or do not know about, the esoteric and the wider, context; which context, in respect of the praxis that is the Seven Fold Way is, as described in the chapter Progressive, Traditional, Or Synthesis? The Evolution Of The O9A,


“the decades-long Seven Fold Way with its hermetic and sinister-numinous ἄνοδος, with its goal of discovering Lapis Philosophicus, and with the stage of External Adept commonly lasting eighteen months or so if only one Insight Rôle is undertaken and lasting two and half to three years if another Insight Rôle is, as suggested in some Order of Nine Angles texts, undertaken.”


A classic example of misunderstanding the O9A is described in the chapter Another Academic Misinterpretation Of The O9A which analyses an academic paper in which the author concentrates on “culling” and does not consider the wider context which is not only of the decades-long Seven Fold Way but also of the other two practical Occult methods, such as the mystic, pagan, Rounwytha Way.


§ The second source of confusion is that they do not, again often due to a lack of research into and a lack of knowledge regarding the O9A, know about the pagan origins of the O9A and of how it manifests a modern, evolved form, of an ancient non-Kabbalistic tradition of pagan esotericism.


This pagan tradition is explained in texts included in the following three compilations: (i) the 69 page The Pagan Order Of Nine Angles, published in 2015; (ii) the 159 page The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles, published in 2016; and (iii) the two volumes (157 pages) of A Compilation Of Some Recent O9A Texts, 2017-2019, published in 2019. {3}

Anonymous ID: 807add June 22, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9714845   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4865

Music prep?

Maybe there will be some opportunities to protest

And to counter protest

Where we can turn it into a street celebration

With all races singing and dancing together



Anonymous ID: 807add June 22, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.9714881   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Just got suspended by Twitter for unknown reasons.

I appealed of course.

In the past they replied in a few days and lifted the suspension

But there is NEVER any reason give

NEVER any kind of warning


I mostly retweet no more than 50-60 times a day

And a few times a day I retweet with comments and additional hashtags.

I used to write more original tweets when I had original stuff to say.

Anonymous ID: 807add June 22, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.9714973   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5097



Legally is straightforward.

The USA is in a state of war.

The enemy are attacking.

There is no way to stop all the enemy in all the places at one time.

And, in fact, there is no way to be certain who is and who is not the enemy.

So everything that is done is best effort

And the military bears no legal liability for not stopping some random enemy attack.


You are stuck in some kind of dream state with a fantasy view of reality.


You are a slave.

The New World Order exists and controls the USA and all other countries of the world.

There isNO LAWbeyond the NWO law.

Everything that you see which seems to be the USA with a constitution and legal systemIS THEATER

You are watching a movie.

The people who are saving you are FAKING IT UNTIL THEY MAKE IT.

That is why they are sticking to what the old American Constitution says

And what the old US legal code says.

The only way to bring it back into effectIS TO EXERCISE IT.


That is all.