>go get a good Louis L'Amour to get comfy and forget about this crap for a while.
can't go wrong with that
>go get a good Louis L'Amour to get comfy and forget about this crap for a while.
can't go wrong with that
>4AM talking point?
THAT IS my guess.
I am waiting for Trump's Friday night Trolling
i won't go to Costco anymoar.
some body wrote a long-ass piece about the 1918 'spanish flu' in French.
I tranlated the 15 pages….is interesting. said it started with Rockerfeller vaccines on soldiers who died from bacterial infections, not a virus.
here is part of it…i suppose I could post the rest if anybody is interested…like I said it is in french, unless some anon can find it already translated to English…I did it user translater.
Is the psychopath Rockefeller behind the 1918 "Spanish flu" pandemic?
The so-called "Spanish" influenza pandemic began with the Rockefeller Institute's brutal experiment on vaccinating U.S. troops against bacterial meningitis.
This experiment conducted in 1918-1919 may have killed fifty to one hundred million people.
What if the story we were told about this pandemic was not true? What if, on the contrary, the deadly infection was neither the flu nor of Spanish origin?
Recently analysed documents reveal that the "Spanish flu" may have been a military vaccine experiment gone wrong.
The reason modern technology has not been able to identify the deadly viral strain of this pandemic influenza is that it was not the flu itself that was fatal.
During world War I, more soldiers died of disease than shot.
The pandemic was not by influenza. It is estimated that 95 percent (or more) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not an influenza virus.
The pandemic was not of Spanish origin. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 date back to military bases, the first at Fort Riley, Kansas.
From January 21 to June 4, 1918, an experimental vaccine against bacterial meningitis grown on horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.
For the rest of 1918, when these soldiers — often living and travelling in poor sanitary conditions — were sent to Europe to fight, they spread the bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the trenches of the front line in France.
One study described soldiers as
[…] with active infections [which] spread by aerosolization bacteria that had colonized their noses and throats, while others — often [confined] in the same spaces — were extremely vulnerable to invasion and rapid spread in their lungs of their own colonizing bacteria or those of others. (1)
The so-called "Spanish" flu has attacked healthy people in the prime of their lives. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Influenza is against young people, the elderly and people with immunosuppression. When World War I ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading deadly bacterial pneumonia around the world.
During World War I, the Rockefeller Institute also sent its experimental serum against meningococcal disease to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, contributing to the spread of the epidemic worldwide.
During the 1918-1919 pandemic, the so-called "Spanish" flu killed fifty to one hundred million people, many of them soldiers.
Many people do not realize that the disease has killed many more soldiers of all stripes than machine guns or mustard gas or anything typically associated with the First World War.
I have a personal connection to the Spanish flu. Among those killed by the disease in 1918-1919 are family members of both my parents.
On my father's side, his grandmother Sadie Hoyt died of pneumonia in 1918. Sadie was chief secretary in the navy. When she died, my grandmother Rosemary and her sister Anita were raised by their aunt. Sadie's sister, Marian, also joined the navy. She died of the "flu" in 1919.
On my mother's side, two of her father's sisters died in childhood. All the family members who died lived in New York.
I suspect that many American families, and many families around the world, have been similarly affected by the mysterious "Spanish" flu.
In 1918, "flu" or "influenza" was a catch-all term for a disease of unknown origin. It did not have the specific meaning it has today. This term meant a mysterious disease falling from the sky. In fact, the term "flu" comes from the medieval Latin influenceia in the astrological sense, which means coming from the influence of the stars.
Why is what happened a hundred years ago important today?
Between 1900 and 1920, enormous efforts were made in the industrialized world to build a better society. I will use the example of New York to talk about three major changes in society that occurred there at that time and their impact on mortality from infectious diseases.
Clean water and sanitation
From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, New York built an extraordinary system to bring clean water to the city from the Catskills, a system still in use today. New York City has also built nearly 10,000 kilometres of sewers to evacuate and treat waste, which protects drinking water. The World Health Organization recognizes the importance of clean water and sanitation in the fight against infectious diseases.
From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, New York built a power grid and wired the city to make electricity available in every home. Electricity allows refrigeration. Refrigeration is a little-known hero as a public health benefit. When food is refrigerated from farm to table, the public is protected from potential infectious diseases. Cheap renewable energy is important for many reasons, including the fight against infectious diseases.
Rockefeller's Pharmaceutical Industry
From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, New York became the headquarters of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University). The Institute is the birthplace of the modern pharmaceutical industry and was the pioneer of many approaches used today by the pharmaceutical industry, including the preparation of vaccine serums, for better or for worse. The vaccine used on soldiers in the Fort Riley experiment was grown on horses.
Data on mortality rates in the United States from the early 20th century to 1965 clearly indicate that clean water, flush toilets, efficient sewer systems and refrigerated foods have all combined to effectively reduce mortality from infectious diseases BEFORE vaccines against these diseases are available.
Have doctors and pharmaceutical companies boasted of reducing mortality from infectious diseases that legitimately affect urban miners [who work in underground or underwater construction projects] , plumbers, electricians and engineers?
If the pride of the Rockefeller Institute in 1918 led to a pandemic that killed millions of people, what lessons can we learn from it and how can we apply them to 2018? [Article originally published on FirstFreedoms in 2018, and re-published on FortRussNews in 2020 with permission.
The disease was not Spanish
cont part 3
Watching an episode of American Experience on PBS a few months ago, I was surprised to learn that the first cases of "Spanish flu" occurred in Fort Riley, Kansas, in 1918. I wondered how it was possible that this event of historical importance could have been so mis-named a hundred years ago and never corrected.
Why "Spanish"? Spain was one of the few countries not to have participated in the First World War. Most of the countries involved in the war have censored their press.
Freed from censorship concerns, the first press reports of deaths of sick people in large numbers came from Spain. The countries at war did not want to scare the troops further, so they merely made Spain a scapegoat. Soldiers from all sides had to cross no man's land under machine gun fire, which was already quite frightening without knowing that the trenches were a breeding ground for disease.
One hundred years later, it is high time to drop the word "Spanish" from any discussion of this pandemic. If the so-called "Spanish" flu started at a U.S. military base in Kansas, then this pathology/pandemic could and should be named more appropriately. To prevent future disasters, the United States — and the rest of the world — must carefully consider what really caused the pandemic.
part 4
The name "Spanish" influenza may never have been corrected because it helps in part to conceal the origin of the pandemic.
If the origin of the pandemic is related to a vaccination experiment on American soldiers, the United States may have preferred to call it "Spanish flu" rather than "Fort Riley bacteria" from 1918, or any similar name. The so-called "Spanish" flu started at the very site where this experimental bacterial vaccine was administered, making it the main suspect as the source of bacterial infections that caused the deaths of so many people.
If a vaccine experiment originating in the United States in the most rudimentary years of production caused the deaths of fifty to one hundred million people, it would be much more difficult to maintain the marketing mantra "vaccines save lives".
© Public DomainSee wearing masks provided by the American Red Cross in Seattle in 1918
The disease that caused so many victims was neither influenza nor a virus. It was a bacterium.
"Preparing for a pandemic" became a recurring topic of discussion in the mid-2000s. To develop vaccines to prevent any other deadly pandemic "flu" such as the one in 1918-1919, influenza vaccine manufacturers in the United States received billions of dollars from taxpayers.
Even though scientists knew at the time that bacterial pneumonia was the real cause of death, vaccine manufacturers were able to obtain billions of dollars in government subsidies by capitalizing on the "flu" component of the so-called "Spanish" flu.
Today, I believe that bacterial pneumonia was responsible for this pandemic — thousands of autopsies confirm it.
According to a 2008 National Institute of Health document, bacterial pneumonia was the cause of death in at least 92.7 percent of autopsies conducted in 1918-1919. It is even likely to be more than 92.7 per cent, since of the nine thousand autopsies performed by scientists, "none had negative (bacterial) results in lung cultures."
[…] In the 68 of the most qualitative rounds of autopsies, in which the possibility of unreported negative cultures could be ruled out, 92.7 per cent of autopsy lung cultures were positive for the bacterium. … in a study of approximately 9,000 subjects who were followed from their clinical presentation due to influenza to recovery or autopsy, the researchers obtained pneumococcal or streptococci cultures using a sterile technique from 164 of the 167 lung tissue samples.
There were 89 pure pneumococci crops; 19 cultures in which only streptococci were present; 34 cultures resulted in mixtures of pneumococci and/or streptococcus; 22 cultures resulted in a mixture of pneumococci, streptococci and other organisms (mainly pneumococci and non-hemolytic streptococci); and 3 cultures resulted only in non-hemolytic streptococci. No negative results were obtained from lung cultures. (3)
Pneumococci or streptococci were found in "164 of the 167 pulmonary tissue samples" autopsied. That's 98.2 per cent. The bacterium was the pathogen.
Where does the bacterial pneumonia of the Spanish flu of 1918-1919 come from?
When the United States declared war in April 1917, the nascent pharmaceutical industry had an unprecedented resource — a large number of human subjects for testing as the first draft of the U.S. military.
Before the war, in 1917, the U.S. army had 286,000 men. After the war, in 1920, the U.S. military disbanded and had 296,000. [Although the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918, the First World War did not end that day: on the Western Front, demobilization was slow and partial until 1921, and in the east, new type of fighting continued until 1923.
During the 1918-1919 war years, the U.S. Army had grown to 6,000,000 men, of whom 2,000,000 were sent overseas. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research took advantage of this new reservoir of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments.
Report on meningitis vaccination and observations on clumps in the blood of chronic meningococcal carriers, as recorded by Frederick L. Gates, MD in 1918 from The Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York. Received on July 20, 1918. [Author's note: Please read Fort Riley's Pdf document in its entirety so that you can appreciate the negligence of the experiments conducted on these troops.]
Between January 21 and June 4, 1918, Dr. Gates reported on an experiment in which soldiers received three doses of a vaccine against bacterial meningitis.
The people who conducted the experiment on the soldiers were content to measure the vaccine serum made from horses to the small luck.
part 5
The vaccine program was designed on the basis of three doses. The first dose was administered to 4,792 men, but only 4,257 received the second dose (a decrease of 11%), and 3,702 received all three doses (a decrease of 22.7%). A total of 1,090 men did not receive the third dose. What happened to those soldiers? Were they sent east by train from Kansas to board a boat bound for Europe? Were they at the Fort Riley Hospital? Dr. Gates' report doesn't tell us.
An article accompanying the show "American Experience" that I watched sheds light on where these 1,090 men might have been. Gates began his experiments in January 1918. In March of that year, "one hundred men a day" entered the Fort Riley Infirmary. Are some of these men the ones who are missing in Dr. Gates' report — the very men who did not receive the second or third dose?
[…] Shortly before breakfast on Monday, March 11, the first domino fell, signalling the beginning of the first flu wave of 1918. The company's cook, Albert Gitchell, showed up at the camp's infirmary complaining of a "bad cold." Just behind him was Corporal Lee W. Drake expressing similar complaints. At noon, camp surgeon Edward R. Schreiner was in charge of more than 100 sick men, all apparently suffering from the same pathology… (5)
Gates reported that several of the men who participated in the vaccine experiment subsequently developed flu-like symptoms: cough, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms are a disaster for men who live in barracks, travel by train to the Atlantic coast, sail to Europe, live and fight in trenches. Unsanitary conditions at each stage of travel provide an ideal environment for the spread of a contagious disease such as bacterial pneumonia.
part 6
According to Dr. Gates' report:
Several cases of bowel relaxation or transient diarrhea have been reported. This symptom had never been seen before. A thorough investigation of individual cases often revealed that men who complained about the effects of vaccination were suffering at the time of injection of light coryza, bronchitis, etc.
Sometimes the reaction was triggered by a feeling of cold or chilliness, and a number of men complained of fever or feverish sensations the following night.
Then there is nausea (sometimes vomiting), dizziness and general "pain" in the joints and muscles, which in some cases are particularly localized in the neck or lower back area, causing stiff neck or back. Some injections were followed by diarrhea.
The reactions sometimes resembled the onset of epidemic meningitis and several vaccinated men were sent to the Base Hospital for diagnosis. (4)
According to Gates, they injected soldiers with random doses of an experimental vaccine against bacterial meningitis. Subsequently, some of these soldiers developed symptoms that "imitated" those of meningitis, but Dr. Gates said whimsically that it was not real meningitis.
Soldiers developed flu-like symptoms. Bacterial meningitis, both then and now, is known to cause flu-like symptoms. (6)
The similarity of the early symptoms of bacterial meningitis and bacterial pneumonia to flu symptoms may be the reason why vaccination experiments at Fort Riley may have escaped scrutiny as a potential cause of the so-called "Spanish" flu for a hundred years or more.
How did the so-called "Spanish" flu spread so widely and so quickly?
An element that creates a perfect storm exists in the way Gates' bacteria spread. The First World War ended only ten months after the first injections. Unfortunately for the 50 to 100 million dead, the soldiers who were injected with horse bacteria moved quickly during these ten months.
A 2008 article on the CDC website describes how sick Soldiers of the First World War were able to transmit the bacteria to others by becoming "vectors of spread."
Finally, for brief periods and to varying degrees, affected hosts became "spread vectors" that increased aerosolization of strains of colonizing bacteria, particularly pneumococci, hemolytic streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae and Staphylococcusaureus [Pfeiller's bacillus and Golden Staphylococcusaus]
For several days during local outbreaks - particularly in busy places such as hospital wards, military camps, troop transport ships, and mines (and trenches) — some people were immunologically sensitive, infected or recovering from influenza infection.
People with active infections sprayed bacteria that had colonized their noses and throats, while others — often [confined] in the same spaces — were extremely vulnerable to invasion and rapid spread in their lungs of their own colonizing bacteria or those of others. (1)
On three occasions in his report on the Fort Riley vaccine experience, Dr. Gates states that some soldiers had a "severe reaction" indicating "unusual individual sensitivity to the vaccine."
Although the vaccine made many people sick, it only killed those who were sensitive to it. Those who became ill and survived became "vectors of spread" that passed the bacteria on to others, creating more vectors of spread, which spread to others by killing vulnerable people. And the cycle repeated itself beyond the conditions of unsanitary conditions that prevailed in times of war, and the millions of soldiers on whom to experiment were no longer there.
The toll for American troops was enormous and well documented. Dr. Carol Byerly describes how the "flu" spread like wildfire in the U.S. military — Substitute the terms "flu" or "virus" used by Dr. Byerly with "bacteria":
part 7
[…] Fourteen of the largest training camps had reported flu outbreaks in March, April or May, and some of the infected soldiers had carried the virus with them on ships bound for France…
When the soldiers in the trenches fell ill, the soldiers evacuated them from the front lines and replaced them with healthy men.
This process continually put the virus in contact with new hosts — healthy young soldiers in which it could adapt, reproduce and become extremely virulent without the risk of exhaustion.
[…] Before a travel ban could be imposed, a contingent of replacement troops left Camp Devens near Boston for Camp Upton on Long Island, which was the army's boarding point for France, and took the flu with him.
Upton's doctors stated that she arrived "suddenly" on September 13, 1918, with 38 hospital admissions, followed by 86 the next day and 193 the next day.
Hospital admissions peaked on October 4 with 483 people and in 40 days Camp Upton sent 6,131 men to hospital for influenza. Some developed pneumonia so quickly that doctors diagnosed it simply by observing the patient rather than listening to his lungs… (7)
The United States was not the only country to have the Rockefeller Institute's experimental bacterial vaccine.
A 1919 report by the Institute states that "it is worth mentioning that before the United States entered the war (in April 1917), the Institute had resumed the preparation of anti-meningococcal serum, in order to meet the demands of England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries."
The same report states that "In order to meet the suddenly increased demand for curative serums developed at the Institute, a stable specially dedicated to horses was quickly built… » (8)
What could go wrong, then, that an experimental anti-meningococcal serum is made from horses and injected into soldiers about to be subjected to the cramped and unsanitary living conditions of war?
Is this bacterial serum manufactured at the Rockefeller Institute, injected into American soldiers and distributed in many other countries, responsible for the fifty to one hundred million people killed by bacterial lung infections in 1918-1919?
The Institute claims to have distributed it during the First World War in England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries. Little is known about how these countries conducted their own experiments on their soldiers.
I hope that independent scientists will take an honest look at these issues.
Hell is paved with good intentions
I do not believe that anyone involved in these vaccine experiments attempted to harm anyone. Some will see the Rockefeller name and shout "Illuminati!" or "Population Reduction!"
I do not think that is what happened. I believe that standard medical pride is responsible — doctors "think they are God" and think they can tame Nature without creating unexpected problems.
As far as medical pride is concerned, I do not think that the situation has changed significantly in the last hundred years.
What about today?
part 8
The vaccine industry is always looking for human subjects. It is most successful when it manages to find populations that are unable to refuse.
Soldiers (9), infants, the disabled, prisoners, people in developing countries — all those who are not able to refuse.
Experimenting with vaccines on vulnerable populations is not a thing of the past. Watch this video clip of Dr. Stanley Plotkin where he describes the use of experimental vaccines on orphans, mentally retarded people, prisoners and people under colonial rule. The deposition took place in January 2018. The pride of the medical community is the same, if not worse, than it was a hundred years ago.
Here's what Dr. Plotkin admits to writing:
The question is whether we should experiment with fully functional adults and children who are potentially contributors to society, or whether we need to do initial studies on children and adults who are human in their form but not in their social potential.
Please watch Dr. Stanley Plotkin's frightening video clip testifying under oath to the pharmaceutical industry's experiments on patients unaware of the issues because they are uninformed.
Partly because the global community is well aware of the medical pride and poor record of medical ethics, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
has developed international standards on the right to informed consent for preventive medical procedures such as vaccination.
The international community is well aware that the pharmaceutical industry is making mistakes and is always on the lookout for human subjects to be tested. The Declaration states that individuals have the right to consent to any preventive medical intervention such as vaccination.
Article 3 — Human Dignity and Human Rights
Human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms must be fully respected.
The interests and well-being of the individual should outweigh the interests of science or society alone.
Article 6 - Consent
Any preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic medical intervention must be implemented only with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on sufficient information. If so, consent should be express and the person concerned may withdraw it at any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or prejudice. (11)
Clean water, sanitation, flush toilets, refrigerated foods and healthy diets have done and are doing much more to protect humanity from infectious diseases than any immunization program. Doctors and the vaccine industry have usurped the credit that goes right to plumbers, electricians, urban miners, engineers and urban planners.
For these reasons, policy makers at all levels of government should protect the human rights and individual freedoms of individuals from evading immunization programs through exemptions. The pride of the medical community will never go away. Policy makers need to know that vaccines, like all medical interventions, are not foolproof. Vaccines are not magic. We all have a different sensitivity to disease. Human beings do not respond to a good approach for all and have needs that are specific to each individual.
In 1918-1919, the vaccine industry experimented with soldiers, probably with disastrous results.
In 2018, the vaccine industry is experimenting every day on infants. The vaccine schedule has never been tested as it is administered [in time and in relation to the accumulation of injections]. However, the results of the experiment are known: one in seven fully vaccinated American children attends some form of special education, and more than 50% of them have a chronic disease. (12)
part 9
In 1918-1919, no monitoring of the risk or risks was carried out after vaccinations.
In 2018, there is virtually no follow-up of the risk or risks after a vaccine is given.
Who exactly gave you this flu vaccine at Rite Aid? Do you have the store employee's cell phone number if something goes wrong?
In 1918-1919, the manufacturer was not responsible for vaccine damage or deaths.
In 2018, there are no liabilities for vaccine manufacturers for vaccine-related injuries or deaths, which was formalized in 1986. (13)
In 1918-1919, no independent investigation was conducted to challenge the official story that the "Spanish flu" was a mysterious disease that fell from the sky. I suspect that many people at the Rockefeller Institute knew what was going on, and that many of the doctors who administered the vaccines to the troops knew that as well, but these people have long died.
In 2018, the pharmaceutical industry is the largest donor to politicians in election campaigns and the largest advertiser in all forms of media, so little has changed in a hundred years. This story will probably be ignored by the mainstream media because their salaries are paid by pharmaceutical advertising.
The next time you hear someone say "vaccines save lives," remember that the true story of the cost-benefit ratio of vaccines is much more complicated than their three-word slogan. Also, remember that vaccines may have killed 50 to 100 million people in 1918-1919. If true, these costs have far exceeded any benefit, especially considering that plumbers, electricians, urban miners and engineers have done, and continue to do, the real work that reduces mortality from disease.
Vaccines are not magic. Human rights and bioethics are of paramount importance. Policy makers must understand the history of medical pride and protect individual and parental human rights as described in the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.
Deaths from Bacterial Pneumonia during 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic – John F. Brundage and G. Dennis Shanks† – Author affiliations: Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA; †Australian Army Malaria Institute, Enoggera, Queensland, Australia
World Health Organization: Unsafe drinking water, sanitation and waste management
J Infect Dis. 2008 Oct 1; 198(7): 962-970 – « Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness » – David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, and Anthony S. Fauci
PDF of Fort Riley Study (1918)
American Experience, « The First Wave », PBS
Mayo Clinic: Meningitis
Public Health Rep. 2010; 125(Suppl 3): 82-91 – « The U.S. Military and the Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919 » – Carol R. Byerly, PhD
Rockefeller Institute pamphlet PDF (1919)
« Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health? Lessons Spanning Half a Century, A Staff Report Prepared for the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs » – United States Senate, December 1994
Dr. Stanley Plotkin: vaccine experiments on orphans, the mentally retarded, and others (January 2018)
Déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les droits de l’homme (19 octobre 2005)
CDC Offers New Stats On Disability Prevalence
1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act
I checked it out…it is real…but he was quoting somebody else.