Anonymous ID: 94cf60 June 26, 2020, 4:52 p.m. No.9759868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9882 >>9892 >>9918 >>9922 >>9949

>>9758021 pb


John Jacob Astor's Opium Trade




Much of what Astor acquired in the U.S. are the same hot points to this day that are centers of subversion in the U.S. The following is but a light touch on what this man had perpetrated.


Astor was of German stock, born Johann Jakob Astor on July 17, 1763, in Walldorf near Heidelberg. His father was Johann Jacob Astor, a butcher, and his mother was Maria Magdalena vom Berg. He worked first in his father's and also sold dairy. In 1779, at the age of 16,he went to Londonto join his older brother George to work for an uncle at his piano and flute factory, Astor & Broadwood. He soon learned English and changed his name accordingly. Around late 1783 or early 1784, Astor immigrated to NYC, staying in the boarding house of Sarah Cox Todd, a widow. He and her daughter by the same name married in 1785. He had gone to NY to work for his older brother Henry in his butcher shop, but on the voyage there he had met a fur trader. While working for his brother, he also bought hides from descendants of Pre-Columbians, tanning them himselfand selling them in Londonfor a huge profit. He soon established his own shop in NY in the late 1780s, while also working as a representative of his uncle's musical instrument factory. The discovery of gold impelled him to branch out around the country. With the Jay Treaty passed in 1794 between Britain and the U.S., he was able to open establishments in Canada and around the Great Lakes, ===and in London, he procured a contract with the North West Company, perhaps with the aid of Alexander Henry.


Astor was recruited by the British/British spies.


Alexander Henry (called "the elder" to differentiate him from another younger relative), was a justice of the peace in Montreal, Canada, and had been since 1794, and would continue to be until 1821. He had previously been a captain in the militia.He was in the habit of entertaining the top merchants in his home,and attended parties. Born in 1739 in New Brunswick, NJ, of a merchant family, he was a relative of the minister Matthew Henry.His father, Alexander Henry, had emigrated to British North America from the West of England. Alexander, his son, was also a merchant in Albany, NY, supplying the British army during the French and Indian War. He was the first Englishman known to have visited the area of Milwaukee, in 1760.


In early 1761, Henry met the one time fur trader Jean Baptiste Leduc, who encouraged him to trade in the area and around Lake Superior.He then got a fur-trade permission at Montreal from the British who had just taken over the New France in Canada.He hired a guide who would be his longtime canoer, Etienne-Charles Campion. In 1765, Henry got a license to trade in the Lake Superior area. ==Backed by British funds, and having had relations with French Canadians, able to deal among both groups, and formed a partnership with Jean Baptiste Cadotte, Sr., a man he had met during that time of adventure. He had the trade monopoly of the area for a few years since he had no competition. He made a killing with overcharging.


In 1767–68 he added to his partnership Sir William Johnson, the Duke of Gloucester, along with others, forming a silver mine around Lake Superior, but it went bust. In 1775, Henry, in canoes, explored with with forty men northwest of Lake Superior, and his partners became rivals of the Hudson Bay Company. He returned to Montreal with plenty of furs, giving the governor, Sir Guy Carleton, a map of the western region through which they had traveled. Apparently, fur trading was really his cover/side job, as he seemed to be gathering intelligence for the British while maintaining contacts with French Canadians. He then was to explore the northwest territories, so he traveled to England in the fall of 1776 with the cover of making a deal with the Hudson's Bay Company, but he was transmitting intelligence to the British.

Anonymous ID: 94cf60 June 26, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.9759882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9892 >>9918 >>9949

>>9758021 pb





Henry returned to British North America in 1777 now partnered with Jean-Baptiste Blondeau to continue to travel around the area of Sault Ste Marie, again joined by Cadot.Between 1778 and 1781 he returned to England on three occasions, in contact with Sir Joseph Banks, the advisor of King George III. He was detailed to find a passage to the Pacific Ocean based on faulty intel from Captain Cook.


He then "settled" in Montreal as a general merchant in 1781.His mission however was to continue to gather intel and set up a scheme to gather together successful traders to "trade stories", while he regaled them, and making occasional trips to Detroit or the previous areas for the fur trade, his original cover. He supposedly had taken losses with the American Revolution, so he continued these trading trips--to continue getting intel not only about the French, but now also about the Americans.In 1785, to begin his main scheme,he, with seventeen other top fur traders founded the Beaver Club at Montreal. The Beaver Club was a gentleman's dining club of English speaking traders and some French traders trading in Montreal.


In 1786, led by Simon McTavish and the Frobisher brothers, 28 partners had established thethe North West Companywith an army of 2,000 men and pre-Columbian descendants working with them. In 1792, Henry and his nephew Alexander Henry the younger, got a share in the North West Company. They all made a killing trading furs.Having earned their laurels, they turned to conduct trading with London and Paris out of Montreal.They would parade in their canoes with the finest of luxuries with giant canoes filled with guides and hunters whom they paid very well, ensuring their loyalty.Some portion of the members lived so large, they would spend their fortunes, unable to curb their lusts making up for the years they had spent in their wilderness journeys. This played right into the scheme, since when they were broke they could be lured with funds in exchange for doing other "jobs".


Potential members were selected by ballot and then invited as a guest to one of the gatherings. Following the dinner, a vote was taken and only if approved of unanimously would they then be invited to join the Club. Members were Highland Scots, French Canadians, English, Irish, and Loyalists. They would also meet at hotels and taverns around Montreal. Among famed guests were Lord Selkirk, General Sir Gordon Drummond, General Sir Isaac Brock,Washington Irving,General Sir Roger Sheaffe, Sir John Franklin, Thomas Moore, Lord Dalhousie,and out of NY, John Jacob Astor.(Note: ==Irving modified the history of Florida, exaggerating the myth of the Fountain of Youth in two books on the Spanish conquest of the Americas. What was the purpose for this? We know the British were dealing with the Spaniards to keep Florida. It was a political manipulation.)

Anonymous ID: 94cf60 June 26, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.9759892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9918 >>9949

>>>9758021 pb






The dinners would begin at 4:00 in the afternoon, every one dandily attired, and sporting the club's large gold medal with the inscription "Fortitude in Distress", hung from a light blue ribbon around the neck.First they passed around a calumet–a native pipe. One can only imagine what they were smoking. A speech would follow to allow it to take effect.Then toasting began to get the alcohol flowing, including toasts to "the Mother of all Saints", the King, their trade company(s), the guides, wives and children, those absent. They were entertained afterward by Highland Pipers to get the adrenaline flowing.


They would be on a stage of red velvet, and as they played a flaming boar's head was presented with a wad of camphor in its mouth filling the room with its pungency.Camphor come from the wood of the camphor laurel,anevergreenfound in Asia, especially in Sumatra and Borneowhere the natives practice cannibalism (ahem).Besides being used to produce embalming fluid, and for medicine,it was used in certain religious rites.It was used in India from ancient times in Hinduism as offerings to their gods, and also in Buddhism and Jainism. So the flaming boar's head was given a grand entrance into the dining hall.


After this, the members and their guestsdid whatever their lust desired.Plates of food were brought in stages filled with costly, exotic morsels, but they included local foods from around the Great Lakes such as was eaten in the wilderness, taken in hunting, birding, fishing, and gathering. It was served and eaten with fine implements in low candlelight.The last course was served with the check.Whatever formalities of serving and at table may have persisted, were put off after dinner, with singing canoeing songs and telling stories of their adventures in trading. This would continue through the wee hours, with the members dancing on tables, breaking chairs, dishes, glasses, and bottles. Another thing–the men would get on the floor arranging themselves in a row (nesting???) as if they were in a giant canoe paddling, using whatever they could grab as paddles. They would mount wine barrels to "shoot the rapids". If it sounds like an orgy to you, you're not the only one.


Meeting for honorary members were held only in the summer.It surely seemed like a blackmail/extortion racket as well. Now having influence with these traders, he could groom those cooperating, or perhaps those whom he had blackmailed through having placed them in a compromising position, to in turn conduct intelligence gathering or to extort funds from them, or if in positions of power, to sway things to their favor and agenda.During the mid-1780sHenry convinced an acquaintance in NY, William Edgar to trade in furs with China,as the British had plans for them also.He also convinced NY merchant, John Jacob Astor in this favorite "plan" of his.Now we know how Astor becamea tool of British globalists.He got Astor into the Canadian trade, and Astor was Henry's guest during the annual meetings in Montreal. In the 1790s,Henry and Astor assisted Simon McTavish and the North West Company to make shipments of furs to China.


And another thing, during the 1790s, Henry and another associate, John Askin, began land speculation in Ohio. So now we have involvement in Albany, Detroit, and Ohio.Yeah.

Anonymous ID: 94cf60 June 26, 2020, 4:56 p.m. No.9759918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9949

>>9758021 pb







Anyhow, a long story to set the stage onhow John Jacob Astor became what he was, and what he was really doing--working for Britain after he had compromised himself.However, he was richly rewarded, beyond what he could have imagined, but he had made a deal with the Devil. Astor, having been shipping furs to Europe, had by now amassed nearly a quarter of a million dollars, becoming one of the top of his field.He took Henry's direction and, following in the wake of the Empress of China ship, sent the first American trading ship to China. He traded furs, teas, and sandalwood with Canton, China, prospering even more. With his profits in the China trade, he started buying real estate in NYC, acquiring large swathes of waterfront properties.He was a Freemason, and was the Master of Holland Lodge #8, NYC in 1788, and later the Grand Treasurer for the Grand Lodge of NY.


1803:Astor purchased a 70-acre farm west of Broadway extending to the Hudson River between 42nd and 46th streets.He also bought in the same year and the following, considerable holdings from the ruined and disgraced Aaron Burr (who may have himself secretly worked for the British).


1807: News of Napoleon's extension of the Berlin Decree,globally banning British imports,arrived to the U.S. King George III had ordered an increase of impressment, including that of American sailors. Congress refused war, so Jefferson asked for an embargo, allowing him to increase defense, militias, and naval forces. Secretary of State James Madison supported the embargo, but Treasury Secretary Gallatin opposed it because it had no delineated time and because of its threat to the U.S. neutral policy.


1808: Jefferson allowed Astor to establish the American Fur Company, later forming its subsidiaries, the Pacific Fur Company and the Southwest Fur Company (that included Canadians), effectively controlling fur trading in the Great Lakes areas and Columbia River area.


Congress passed the act banning all exports to foreign nations. The embargo aided France in its war with Britain, keeping U.S. neutrality intact. The U.S. economy fell, resulting in some ignoring the embargo, causing Jefferson to send federal agents to find violators and smugglers. Jefferson felt if the embargo would have been obeyed, the U.S. could have avoided the war in 1812. He said he would not run for a third term. Monroe returned to Virginia, pressed to run in the next election for president. After J.Q. Adams had backed the embargo, the Massachusetts legislature elected his replacement before the end of his term, so he stepped down from the Senate. The embargo cut into Astor's import/export business who could no longer legally trade with Canada.


1810 - 1812: Astor financed the overland Astor Expedition to reach the area in Columbia to establish an outpost, and the South Pass was discovered, which would be used by thousands of settlers on the Oregon, Mormon, and California trails to pass through the Rockies.


1811: Astor established a trading post at Fort Astoria at the Columbia River location, the first U.S. settlement on the Pacific coast.

Anonymous ID: 94cf60 June 26, 2020, 5 p.m. No.9759949   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9758021 pb








June 18, 1812: Congress voted to go to war with Britain, beginning the War of 1812. Americans began invading Canada, still under Britain, who also was Spain's ally that had claimed Florida.The Northeastern governors refused to participate in the war (treason, abetting and aiding the enemy to keep their lucrative deals with British interests), and General William Hull surrendered to the Britishand their allies of the descendants of pre-Columbians at the Siege of Detroit, while another defeat occurred at the Battle of Queenston Heights. Madison's overtures for peace were rebuffed by the British. Monroe advised Madison to let the Navy's ships sail for the war.To acquire funding he lacked, Madison turned to high-interest loans from bankers in NYC and Philadelphia--the same places against the war. This went right along with the British plot to change the U.S. economy to one of a debt economy, under the control of the City of London, the banking center of Britain.In the meantime, the election was being held, Madison's challenger beingDeWitt Clinton, leading Federalists and dissenting Democratic-Republicans, in the pockets of the British.Clinton only won the Northeast, while Madison won the South and the West and Pennsylvania (one begins to see the early desire for western expansion because Britain had gained a foothold in the Northeast). Back at the war, Tsar Alexander of Russia offered to arbitrate, and Madison accepted. When Secretary of War William Eustis resigned, Madison wanted Monroe to be both Secretary of State and Secretary of War, but the Senate rejected this, allowing him to serve as acting Sec. of War until Brigadier General John Armstrong was confirmed.Because Monroe and Armstrong were at loggerheads, Armstrong blocked Monroe's plan to lead the invasion of Canada. Van Buren worked with Clinton, Governor Tompkins, and Ambrose Spencer in support of Madison during the war (for what deals, one wonders), and was named a special judge advocate prosecuting William Hull during Hull's court-martial for the surrender of Detroit, even while criticizing Madison during the war. Astor's fur trading business was again disrupted, with the British capturing his trading posts.==


1815: William Astor, Jacob's son,having attended school in Germany,returned to the states, and became his father's partner, who changed the firm's name to John Jacob Astor & Son.The Astors continued their China trading.William was also in charge of their subsidiary, the American Fur Company.He would carry on his father's real estate swallowing of NYC, mainly between 4th and 7th Avenues below what is now Central Park.


1816:Astor joined the opium-smuggling trade, purchasing ten tons of Turkish opium, and shipping it to Canton on the cargo ship Macedonian. This was a British plot to weaken the Chinese so they could get control of Chinese ports and their market. After Astor did his part, he stopped the opium trade and continued his trading, with Britain.


1817: Astor's trading firm became the dominant firm around the Great Lakes after Congress passed passed a protectionist law barring foreign fur traders from U.S. territories. He ate up rivals, creating a monopoly.