Anonymous ID: 0f6ae4 June 27, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.9768859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8906 >>8921 >>9165


You think someone isn't paying attention to you when you use 3 vpns and tor browser to get a quick wank over a pornhub? They know, anon. Q already explained it:


>You have been selected to help serve your Country.

Because Q has suggested, already, that the US Mil cannot do it alone. It has to ~~seem~~ be organic from the people.


>Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.].

Keep your twitter/FB accounts because that's where all the rest of the people (that haven't woken up yet) are.


>Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.

Organize on Parler, 8kun, your mom's basement, etc.


>Organize and connect [bridge through linking].

Link Posts from Parler to Twitter, and Vice Versa.


>Source meme(s) material from battlefield and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]

Same as above, but use those memes, man! @Jack has known about the memes for years, and still can't get a decent algorithm to combat them, so, share away!


Look, the bottom line is, if you don't trust or believe what's going on, just head on back over to reddit and suck on Spez's nutsack. Nobody here is stopping you.

Anonymous ID: 0f6ae4 June 27, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.9769021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9090



I've asked Q lots of questions, and never received an answer. I've been (you)'d once.


I called this "going public" a long time ago, asking Q directly if they wanted folks to start doing it. I'm not sure if I'm just ahead of the curve on some of this or what, but as much shit I've caught from shills (and some anons) over "avatar fagging", I'm still anonymous as can be (and it'll stay that way by my own volition). Besides, as me and other anons have said, we "took that oath" a while back. No need for 15 minutes of fame to publicly express it; especially since I have a big fat "Q" on the back of my car anyway.


It doesn't change the fact that there are still tons of folks out there that are still ignoring all this as a wacky conspiracy theory, and those are the exact same groups of people that will argue till they are blue in the face that HCQ doesn't work (it's already been proven; look at them studies and shiet), being pregnant during COVID-19 is a death sentence, we are now living in a "new normal", shaking hands is fucking DEADLY, statues hurt fee fees, and David Muir is a trustworthy news source.


I'm in it till the end, which has already been predicted by this site's owner to be around Nov. If it doesn't end there (I'm betting it will not), then we will be in for a very long 4 more years.

Anonymous ID: 0f6ae4 June 27, 2020, 1:49 p.m. No.9769176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9226 >>9234


>What is No Such Agency - Q group?

>Who has clearance to full picture?

They knew who you were long before you ever discovered this place. Which, if you think really hard about it, presents a very difficult thing to reconcile considering there's lots of DS actors, out there, still doing fucky stuff. Truth is, they probably had more than enough to hang them all 100x over before ever posting to 4chan. Now someone will post the excuse "Gotta let 'em go so they'll fuck up again, and expose all their connections", but really, that's a hard bargaining argument.


The bad guys get your profile because you hand it to them with platforms like FB/Twitter/Instaslut, etc. Q told us that even if you've never created a FB before, they likely have some sort of profile for you already, so then the question becomes "What option did I ever have to begin with?"


Again, the more we learn here, the more questions abound, and fewer and fewer answers. Anons can dig till their hands fall off, but it's all circumstantial until someone puts it into a case and the prosecutor's mountain of evidence parallels that of anons.


Again, not that the NSA didn't already have all that long, long ago.


So in the end, if you want to put yourself out there over twitter and lose anonymity, feel free to knock yourself out. I'll remain anonymous here, as well as there, too. But especially here.