Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.9768523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8617 >>8627 >>8654 >>8685 >>8710 >>8831

WATCH: US Postal Worker Caught on Video Throwing Stack of GOP Congressional Candidate Campaign Mailers in Dumpster






WATCH: US Postal Worker Caught on Video Throwing Stack of GOP Congressional Candidate Campaign Mailers in Dumpster

By Cristina Laila

Published June 27, 2020 at 2:16pm

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A US Postal worker was caught on video throwing a stack of GOP congressional candidate campaign mailers in a dumpster.


Sheriff Troy Nehls is running for Texas Congressional District 22.


Mr. Nehls is a pro-Trump conservative, a church-going family man, tough on crime and tough on border security.


No wonder why the left is trying to derail his campaign.


“A US Postal worker was just caught on video throwing a stack of my campaign mailers in a dumpster. Some patriots nearby heard a noise when she tossed them in & went to investigate. They found a stack of them and called me. No wonder people are skeptical of mail in voting.” Sheriff Nehls said.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.9768548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8624 >>8901

Into Darkness: Where The Fed Is Leading Us


As you may know, I was one of the very first voices publicly reporting on covid-19, issuing an alert that the virus was a significant pandemic event on Jan 23rd, 2020.


This was long before most media outlets even managed to write their first “It’s just the flu, bro!” article.


Using the same logic and scientific methodology I was trained in as a PhD, I was able to “predict” things well in advance of nearly every official or mainstream news source.


I’m using quotation marks around the word “predict” because it’s not really a prediction when you’re just extrapolating trends that are already underway.


Just as it’s not really a “prediction” to estimate where a thrown pitch will travel, it wasn’t much of a prediction to state that a novel virus with an R-Naught (R0) of well over 3 would be extremely difficult to contain once it arrived in a country. Note that I didn’t say impossible — South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Taiwan and Vietnam all get high marks for containment — but certainly difficult.


The US and the UK proved this in spades, as they’re both led by below-average ‘managers’ rather than leaders.


Leaders make tough decisions based on imperfect information. Managers dither and hedge and only make up their minds after the facts are already in and events well underway. Naturally, the US/UK managers were simply no match for the exponential rate that the Honey Badger Virus (aka Covid-19) spreads at.


I call it the Honey Badger virus because of its incredible ability to evade quarantine, as eagerly and easily as Stoeffle, as seen in this short enjoyable video:


Such a determined foe as covid-19 cannot be reasoned with, halted by decree or – much to the puzzlement of the central banks – resolved by printing more thin-air money.


It simply operates by natural laws and rules. Which, by the way, makes it rather easy to predict.


Much more difficult to predict, though, is when we humans will truly wake up to our true plight and begin making better decisions. And I’m not just talking about the coronavirus here. I’m talking about the dangerous levels of social inequity that the Federal Reserve is responsible for creating, both pre- and post-covid-19.


Given the enormous difficulty in getting whole swaths of the managerial and retail classes to grasp such simple and obvious logic as “Everyone should wear a mask!”, it seems thoroughly unrealistic to expect these same folks to thoughtfully tackle the hazards of runaway monetary and fiscal policy.


But they really need to.




Because the current monetary and fiscal trajectory society is on has been well-trod throughout history. We know where it ends — no place we want to be.


Commerce gets destroyed. Households fail. Government and social order fall apart. Fairness and freedoms are lost as it becomes difficult to distinguish between official policies and overt looting.


Real leaders know this history and would both think and act differently in order to avoid the worst risks. But managers? They just keep operating from the same manual, mindlessly repeating the same steps while hoping for a different result.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.9768581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8593 >>8610 >>8612 >>8799 >>8965 >>8991 >>9002 >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

Dick Cheney and the Neocon “Resistance”


Establishment Republicans are on the war path. They are determined, in unison with “woke” Democrats, to get rid of Donald Trump come November. In 2019, a number of these Republicans formed the so-called “Lincoln Project,” an organized effort to trash Trump and throw support behind Joe Biden, thus once again demonstrating there is very little difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats.


On June 27, Darth Vader of the neocons, former vice president and war criminal Dick Cheney, joined the establishment “resistance” to the reelection of Trump.


The Lincoln Project says it will work to defeat Trump and restore the Constitution. If the latter is true, why the hell did Republicans welcome Constitution-buster Cheney to the party? In addition to filling the Pentagon with Israel-first neocons and kick-starting the disastrous Afghanistan and Iraq wars, Cheney claimed special powers under the unitary executive, a theory that “asserts that all executive authority must be in the President’s hands, without exception.”


In addition, Cheney proclaimed the VP office to be a “fourth branch” of the state that does not answer to the American people.


“Cheney has tried to increase executive power with a series of bold actions — some so audacious that even conservatives on the Supreme Court sympathetic to Cheney’s view have rejected them as overreaching,” Dana Milbank wrote in 2004 for the establishment newspaper The Washington Post. “Many of the restraints on executive authority — the War Powers act, anti-impoundment legislation, the legislative veto and the independent counsel statute — have already disappeared or become insignificant.”


The Lincoln Project “is holding accountable those who would violate their oaths to the Constitution and would put others before Americans,” according to its website.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.9768636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8799 >>8965 >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

Twitter permanently suspends ‘Father Ted’ writer after he replies ‘men aren’t women’ to pro-trans tweet


The outrage police have managed to get comedy writer Graham Linehan ‘permanently’ suspended from Twitter for alleged hateful conduct. He is a vocal critic of a no-holds-barred approach to transgender issues.


Linehan, famous for his work on sitcoms ‘Father Ted’ and ‘The IT Crowd,’ was kicked out by Twitter on Saturday. The service said his account was “permanently suspended after repeated violations of our rules against hateful conduct and platform manipulation.”


The ban happened shortly after Linehan responded to a post by the Women’s Institute wishing a happy Pride to all its transgender members. Linehan reportedly said to it: “Men aren’t women tho,”according to the UK newspaper Metro.


Following the expulsion, a post appeared on the parenting website Mumsnet under Linehan’s handle, which appears to explain his understanding of the situation. He said it came after a protracted pressure campaign by radical supporters of trans rights. His opponents apparently took on the task of digging up tweets from the past that did not violate any rules at the time of posting, but have since been deemed unacceptable by the service.


“Recently, I keep being locked out of my account and forced to delete tweets to get back in,” the post reads. “The latest tactic by trans rights activists is to run a search for any time I've used the word 'groomer,' a phrase Twitter recently decided was Not Allowed.”

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.9768678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8707

They Created Flu Hysteria to Enslave Us


The coronavirus is the seasonal flu, also called influenza.


Last year, between 300,000 and 600,000 people died worldwide from the common flu.


In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 36 million illnesses,

370,000 hospitalizations, and 22,000 deaths this season alone. No doubt these are included

in the coronavirus stats.


They upgraded the common flu to "pandemic"

as a flimsy pretext to attack our civil rights.


  1. The common flu infects millions of Americans every year and causes as many as 50,000 deaths annually, as the above chart indicates. In contrast, there is no way to know if the coronavirus virus is anything more than the common flu "sexed up." Nevertheless, millions of people have lost their jobs and thousands of businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy. The politicians responsible for this travesty need to be held accountable.


  1. The coronavirus is the common flu masquerading as a pandemic. The variations in Wuhan and Italy may have been more severe. But google "flu" and you will get the following info:


Very common


Spreads easily…

Short-term: resolves within days to weeks


By airborne respiratory droplets (coughs or sneezes).

By touching a contaminated surface (blanket or doorknob).

By saliva

By skin contact

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.9768715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8799 >>8965 >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

Exactly how much is Benjamin Netanyahu worth?


As the Knesset Finance Committee approves the prime minister's request for a retroactive tax return worth about NIS 1 million (approx. $291,000), we take a look at his personal assets and what the decision means for the country


While Israel struggles with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic crisis, the Knesset's Finance Committee on Tuesday approved a request from the Prime Minister's Office for a retroactive tax return worth about NIS 1 million (approx. $291,000) for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which come from the state coffers.


According to the committee's decision, income tax paid by the prime minister until December 31, 2017 will be returned to Netanyahu from the Treasury, due to a clause that allows the state to fund an incumbent prime minister's administrative costs, services and benefits.


By eight votes to five, the panel ruled that the state will pay Netanyahu NIS 600,000 (approx. $175,000) in tax returns on expenses incurred at his private residence in Caesarea from 2013 to 2017, and another NIS 324,000 ($95,000) for expenses pertaining to the use of his service vehicle from 2017 to 2019.

But just how much money does the prime minister actually have?

In all, Netanyahu's personal fortune is estimated at around NIS 50 million (approximately $14.5 million).

Apart from their luxurious villa in Caesarea, the Netanyahu family also has a duplex penthouse apartment on Gaza Street in Jerusalem. In addition, Netanyahu owns half of his parents' house on Pioneer Street in Jerusalem.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.9768730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8799 >>8965 >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

Kurdish Forces And Turkish-Backed Militants Suffer Casualties In Northern Aleppo Clashes


On June 27, fierce clashes broke out between Turkish-backed militants and Kurdish forces near the town of Maraanaz in northern Aleppo.


The Syrian National Army (SNA) claimed that its militants had raided the positions of Kurdish forces in the outskirts of Maraanaz. However, Kurdish sources reported that Kurdish fighters had targeted a number of militants who had been laying mines near the town, and this had led to the clashes.


According to the SNA, six Kurdish fighters were killed in the clashes. The group claimed no casualties among its soldiers. Nevertheless, Kurdish sources said that at least three Turkish-backed militants had been killed.


Maraanaz is located in a narrow area jointly controlled by Kurdish forces, mainly by the People’s Protection Units, and the Syrian Arab Army.


Turkish-backed militants and Kurdish forces clash with each other in northern Aleppo on a regular basis. However, the Turkish military rarely intervenes to support its proxies in this area. This prevents any serious escalation.


Ezekiel 38

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.9768750   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zuckerberg loses $7.2 BILLION after corporate ad boycott pressing Facebook to police ‘hate speech’


Plummeting Facebook shares have wiped out billions of founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s personal wealth. The impetus? Corporations such as Coca-Cola and Verizon have pulled their ads, demanding that Facebook censor hate speech.


Zuckerberg lost $7.2 billion, after Facebook’s shares fell by 8.3 percent on Friday, Bloomberg reported. The dive in value happened after Unilever, one of the largest advertisers in the world, joined the list of major companies that suspended their ad campaigns on Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram. At around the same time, Coca-Cola said it was also pulling all its social-media advertising for 30 days.


More than 120 corporations, including Verizon, Dove, Lipton, Hershey’s, and Honda joined the boycott organized by activists and civil-rights groups that demanded Facebook combat what they term hate speech and disinformation on its platform.


Responding to the criticism, Zuckerberg, whose remaining net worth is now being estimated at $82.3 billion by Bloomberg, has promised to ban ads with “hateful content.” The prohibited advertising will include materials that describe a specific demographic as “a threat to the physical safety, health or survival of others.” He also vowed to fight potential voter suppression, and to take down posts by politicians and government officials if the company deems them to be an incitement to violence.


While Zuckerberg did not explicitly mention the boycott, it was clear from the announcement he was trying to appease its critics. The US media landscape has been deluged by a wave of calls for advertiser boycotts that came in the wake of the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests. The action targeted primarily conservative outlets and speakers, and ended up being so widespread that it garnered the attention of US President Donald Trump, who considered making such behavior “illegal.”


Still, while Facebook has largely avoided explicit Twitter-style hounding of ‘wrong’ political opinions so far, the social-media platform has been frequently accused of censorship. Despite its proclaimed strive for “transparency,” Facebook is very vague on its policies about ‘forbidden’ content. It has been repeatedly caught flagging and removing certain posts for no obvious reason. One of the most recent scandals involved a colored version of an iconic World War II photo depicting a Soviet flag over the Reichstag - that was sanctioned on V-Day for showing “dangerous individuals and organizations.”

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.9768869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8881 >>8922 >>8926 >>8965 >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

Portland Police Rush in and Manhandle Antifa Militants Trying to Barricade Central Precinct – Police Knock Rioters to the Ground


Antifa militants in Portland tried to barricade the Central Precinct on Friday night.


Antifa had just set fire to the North Precinct.


The anarchists did all their usual stuff in targeting the North Precinct, such as tagging the police building, setting up pallets and barricades, and lighting random stuff on fire, before the police moved in and actually did their job.


However, last night, Portland police rushed in to stop the rioters trying to barricade the Central Precinct.


Police in riot gear manhandled Antifa terrorists and tossed them to the ground like rag dolls.


Their comrades were furious the police were actually doing their job!

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.9768885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8965 >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

Militants Shell Towns in Syria's Idlib, Aleppo, Russian Military Says


Militants from the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham* terrorist group have attacked three settlements in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Idlib, Rear Admiral Alexander Shcherbitsky, the head of the Russian Defence Ministry's centre for Syrian reconciliation, said on Friday.


"We have registered one attack on the settlement of Saqqarib and one attack on the settlement of Hanoutine in the Idlib province and one attack on the settlement of Abreh in the Aleppo province from the positions of Jabhat al-Nusra* terrorist organization", Shcherbitsky said.


He noted that no attacks by Turkey-controlled armed groups had been recorded within the Idlib de-escalation zone.


On Wednesday, the terrorist group shelled the settlements of Ruaiha, Urum al-Kubra, and Urum al-Sughra in the war-torn country's Idlib and Aleppo provinces.


On 5 March, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, agreed on a ceasefire in Idlib, which started at midnight. The sides also agreed to create a security corridor six kilometres (3.7 miles) north and south of the M4 highway in Syria, which connects the provinces of Latakia and Aleppo. In addition, Moscow and Ankara agreed to jointly patrol the M4 highway.


Militants remain in control of a small pocket of the Idlib province in northwest Syria.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.9768931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8935 >>8947 >>8949 >>8965 >>8973 >>9053 >>9109 >>9123 >>9250

Police announce charges against suspect who viciously beat Macy's employee in 'unprovoked attack'


'This was an unprovoked attack'


Michigan police have finally announced criminal charges against the suspect who brutally attacked a Macy's store manager.


On Friday afternoon, Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton announced he has charged 18-year-old Damire Palmer with "assault to do great bodily harm less than murder," WJRT-TV reported.


The crime is a felony and carries a maximum prison sentence of 10 years.


In a viral video, Palmer is allegedly seen brutally beating a Macy's store manager in Flint. Palmer's brother, who filmed the attack, later claimed the victim called his brother the N-word, which provoked the attack. However, Macy's debunked the claim after investigating the June 15 incident, explaining the attack was completely "unprovoked."


Police have been searching for the brothers for more than a week, but they have yet to locate them.


At a press conference, Leyton confirmed the attack was unprovoked.


"This was an unprovoked attack," Leyton said. "The internal video for Macy's shows the suspect approaching from behind the victim. The store manager appears unaware that he's even there."


In fact, the district attorney explained that Palmer and the victim called prior to the attack, when Palmer asked if a jacket fit him.


Regarding the accusation that the store manager used a racial epithet, Leyton said there was no evidence proving that happened — and even if it had occurred, the use of racial slurs do not legally permit assault.


"Even if there were verbal provocation, which we have no evidence of, violent retaliation is not permitted by the law," Leyton explained, WJRT reported.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.9768942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8965 >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

Radical Feminist Who Argued for the Extermination of Men Glorified in the 'NY Times'


The New York Times has been running a series of “obituaries” of “Overlooked” people who were not given an obit in the newspaper at the time of their death. They include people of color, feminists, queers, gays — anyone that the Times thinks now should have had an obit when they passed.


Of course, this leads to some rather interesting choices.


Kate Worley — a “pioneering” writer of erotic comics.


FN Souza — India’s anti-establishment writer


Roberta Cowell — trans trailblazer, pilot, and auto racer


And other minor historical figures.


But today’s installment of “Overlooked” is a doozy. Valerie Solanas was a writer, of sorts, whose main claim to fame is that she put a bullet in Andy Warhol in 1968. She apparently thought that Warhol and his friend, French publisher Maurice Girodias, were conspiring against her so she walked into Warhol’s New York apartment and shot him.


Warhol survived and Solanas ended up in a mental institution for a few months. But as a radical feminist, her obscure, nonsensical writing somehow survives.


It is her book Scum Manifestor that still receives attention today. It’s a threatening rant against all men, where she proposes exterminating all males.


That and her play, Up Your A**, are celebrated by feminists for their radicalism and anti-male sentiments.


The manifesto, self-published in 1967, reads as satire, though Solanas defended it as serious. Its opening line is at once absurd and a call to arms for the coalition she was forming, the Society for Cutting Up Men:


Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex.


On the subject of reproduction, she wrote: “We should produce only whole, complete beings, not physical defects or deficiencies, including emotional deficiencies, such as maleness.”


Satire? You decide.


In it, the author, Breanne Fahs, writes about an exchange between Solanas and her friend Jeremiah Newton. Newton asked Solanas if her manifesto was to be taken literally. “I don’t want to kill all men,” she replied. But, using an expletive, she added: “I think males should be neutered or castrated so they can’t mess up any more women’s lives.”


I would say “man-hater” would be a mild descriptive.


Feminists themselves are quoted throughout the obit approving of Solanas for her “revolutionary” ideas.


“I keep thinking what a shame it is that she’s mad, utterly mad,” Ultra Violet wrote in her 1988 memoir, “Famous for 15 Minutes: My Years With Andy Warhol.” “For in the beginning, beyond her overheated rhetoric, she had a truly revolutionary vision of a better world run by and for the benefit of women.”


Her attack on Warhol was controversial with feminists, as some defended her actions.


Her attack on Warhol fractured mainstream feminist groups, including the National Organization for Women, whose members were split on whether to defend or condemn her. Those who defended her, including the writer Ti-Grace Atkinson and the lawyer Flo Kennedy, formed the bedrock of radical feminism and presented Solanas as a symbol of female rage. The shooting became wrapped up in a larger narrative on gun violence when Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot the next day.


They aren’t called “radical” for nothing.


The author of the obit, Bonnie Wertheim, writes approvingly of Solanas’s dysfunctional worldview.


The text distilled the anger and yearning that Solanas had exhibited throughout her life. In college, as a recently-out lesbian, she rallied against the idea that educated women should be defined as wives and mothers, even as she acknowledged that, in a society ruled by men, such fates were probably inevitable. Her ideas about gender and power calcified in the early 1960s, when she hitchhiked across the country and back again. She arrived in New York City in 1962 with the start of a play she was writing and several versions of “SCUM Manifesto.”


Whatever Solanas truly believed about the ultimate fate of men in her Brave New World, she wasn’t interested in including them in any meaningful way as true and equal partners with women. It was she who was beyond redemption, not men. She and other feminists never learned reason or logic. They totally escaped Solanas, who was probably suffering from some mental illness in addition to holding radical views.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.9768956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

Biden cancer nonprofit paid millions to top executives before shuttering


The Biden Cancer Initiative spent nearly two-thirds on staff compensation


The Biden Cancer Initiative, the nonprofit that former Vice President Joe Biden established two years ago after leaving the White House, spent nearly two-thirds of its budget on staff compensation.


The Biden Cancer Initiative, a nonprofit to support cancer prevention and research, doled out high salaries to executives, according to a report from the Washington Free Beacon. The organization's president, Greg Simon, was paid $224,539 in 2017 and $429,850 in 2018.


Biden Cancer Initiative salaries made up nearly 65% of its total expenditures. The organization raised and spent $4.8 million over the two years it was in operation, and more than $3 million of that amount went to salaries, compensation, and benefits, according to 2017 and 2018 tax forms. The Biden Cancer Initiative spent $1.7 million on other expenses, including $740,000 for conferences, conventions, and meetings.


Charity Navigator, a website that rates charities for effectiveness, said charities "spending less than a third of their budget on program expenses are simply not living up to their missions."


The Biden Cancer Initiative did not cut a single grant check to other organizations. However, the nonprofit was not established as a grant-providing entity.


Many of the executives who were paid six figures at the Biden Cancer Initiative previously worked for the Obama administration's "Cancer Moonshot" program, that was created to "accelerate cancer research" and "aims to make more therapies available to more patients, while also improving our ability to prevent cancer and detect it at an early stage."


The report questions if the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's organization "allowed associates to profit off their access to him."


The organization's mission was to "develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research, and care, and to reduce disparities in cancer outcomes."


Biden and his wife Jill left the organization's board in April 2019 to avoid a conflict of interest as he prepared to launch his presidential campaign. The Biden Cancer Initiative suddenly shuttered on July 11, 2019.


"Today, we are suspending activities given our unique circumstances. We remain personally committed to the cause, but at this time will have to pause efforts," Greg Simon, president of the Biden Cancer Initiative, said. "We thank the community for their incredible response to our mission to improve the cancer journey for patients and to improve outcomes for all patients for generations to come."

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.9768966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9025 >>9053 >>9072 >>9080 >>9083 >>9109 >>9135 >>9148 >>9182 >>9238 >>9250

Rep. Ayanna Presley: 'It's Time to Pay Us What You Owe Us'


One of the members of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Squad stood up in the U.S. House of Representatives and let loose an epic rant about blacks in America.


It was amazingly unhinged — even for a radical in Congress. There were so many half-truths, falsehoods, exaggerations, laughable misinterpretations of history, and outright lies that even some Democrats must have cringed in embarrassment.


Washington Examiner:


“I rise today on behalf of every black family that has been robbed of a child,” the Massachusetts congresswoman and member of “the Squad,” said. “On behalf of every family member that has been forced to see their loved one lynched on national television. Driving while black. Jogging while black. Sleeping while black. We have been criminalized for the very way we show up in the world. Under the harsh gaze of far too many, my black body is seen as a threat, always considered armed.”


What channel is that “Lynching Show” on? I don’t recall seeing it in the TV Guide.


“Centuries of institutionalized oppression will not be undone overnight, for racism in America is as structural as the marble pillars of this very institution,” the Democrat added. “With the power of the pen we must legislate accountability, dismantle these systems, and move in the direction of justice and healing. The Justice in Policing Act is a critical step forward, and I applaud the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus.”


And if we could agree on the systems that need to be dismantled, that would be a step forward. Except the “structural” racism of which she speaks was legislatively and constitutionally undone decades ago. Before the law, blacks are as “equal” as they’re going to get.


The law is not the problem. Where there are racial insensitivity and ignorance, there is inequality. That is a cultural shortcoming and nothing that can be fixed legislatively — unless Presley wants to go all North Korean on us and force us to think a certain way. Racist acts are already punishable under the law.


What Pressley is demanding is not equality before the law but equality of outcomes.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.9769027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9051 >>9053 >>9109 >>9250

UK university test COVID-19 vaccine derived from aborted fetal cell line in Africa, Brazil


Starting this past Wednesday, approximately 2000 volunteers in South Africa ranging in age from 18 to 65 began to receive the trial vaccine known commercially as AZD1222


The University of Oxford in the UK is conducting a large-scale trial of a COVID-19 vaccine in South Africa, Brazil, and Britain that was made from a fetal cell line harvested from an aborted baby decades ago.


Starting this past Wednesday, approximately 2000 volunteers in South Africa ranging in age from 18 to 65 began to receive the trial vaccine known commercially as AZD1222, which was developed by the University of Oxford’s Oxford Jenner Institute.


The technical name of AZD1222 is ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, and it is made from a common cold virus called ChAdOx1. It is also a “replication-deficient adenovirus type vaccine” which uses the HEK-293 cell line made from fetal cells harvested from an aborted baby decades ago.


Oxford University scientists worked with AstraZeneca, who has the license to produce AZD1222, on the development and production of the vaccine. In addition to being tested in South Africa, the vaccine is already in trials in the United Kingdom and Brazil.


Alan Moy, M.D., founder and scientific director of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute and CEO of Cellular Engineering Technologies, told LifeSiteNews that vaccines which use the fetal cell line HEK293, such as the Canadian Ad5-nCoV coronavirus vaccine and AZD1222, are “not a good vaccine solution if pro-life or pro-choice.”


When asked about AZD1222, Moy confirmed for LifeSiteNews that the vaccine does indeed use an unethical cell line.


“It’s a chimpanzee adenovirus vector that indeed uses the HEK293 cell lines [derived from aborted baby] to manufacture,” Moy told LifeSiteNews.


“Yes, it’s ethically controversial.”


LifeSiteNews reported in May that the Canadian government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau teamed up with a Chinese vaccine company to test Ad5-nCoV in Canada.


Ad5-nCoV uses the aborted fetal cell line HEK293, which is licensed from Canada’s National Research Council (NRC). In May, Health Canada approved human trial testing of Ad5-nCoV.


The clinical trial of AZD1222 was announced via a “virtual press conference” Tuesday, which was hosted by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, who is collaborating with the University of Oxford on the trial.


The South African “Ox1Cov-19 Vaccine VIDA-Trial” is being led by Shabir Madhi, who serves as Professor of Vaccinology at Wits University and Director of the South Africa Medical Research Council Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit.


In Wednesday’s announcement, Madhi called it a “landmark moment for South Africa and Africa at this stage of the Covid-19 pandemic.”


“As we enter winter in South Africa and pressure increases on public hospitals, now more than ever we need a vaccine to prevent infection by Covid-19,” Madhi said in the virtual press conference.

Anonymous ID: 76a485 June 27, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.9769104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9133 >>9250

US House of Representatives Committee Proposes $3.8 Billion to Fund Anti-Russia Measures in 2021


The United States House of Representatives Armed Services Committee has proposed allocating $3.8 billion to fund anti-Russia measures in the 2021 fiscal year, according to the committee's National Defence Authorization Act proposal.


"The proposal provides an additional $3.789 billion for strategic sealift, satellite communications, refueling, submarine, and antisubmarine warfare capabilities that enhance deterrence against Russia", the document read.


Additionally, officials in Washington are pushing to limit any military cooperation between the US and Russia, although exceptions will be made for the purposes of building dialogue that will reduce the risk of conflict, according to the document.


The committee is also looking to fully fund the European Defence Initiative and provide $250 million to the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. One-fifth of these funds can be used to purchase lethal weapons, the committee said.


The proposal, which was tabled by Chairman Adam Smith, would authorize roughly $730 billion in spending for the purposes of national defence.


In December, President Donald Trump approved the 2020 National Defence Authorization Act, which had a topline budget of $738 billion.