Anonymous ID: 8d2c6c June 27, 2020, 1:25 p.m. No.9768974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9009 >>9023

It is odd that in our modern, scientific, logical society, we are wearing (and mandating) use of a mystical talisman against disease. In this, we are no better than our barefoot ancestors in mud huts carving wooden charms.


The only way I see to help make it end is to make fun of those who wear masks - preferably celebrities or other public figures against whom ridicule is especially effective. I think with some memelords work, and getting 4chan to helpdrive (as this is right up their alley), we can start pushing back against this tyranny.


Link below to unassailable article with fantastic information (and 52 references), including discussions on filtering and fit. Whole article is gold - you should read it. Highlights:


COMMENTARY: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data

Sweeping mask recommendations—as many have proposed—will not reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission, as evidenced by the widespread practice of wearing such masks in Hubei province, China, before and during its mass COVID-19 transmission experience earlier this year. Our review of relevant studies indicates that cloth masks will be ineffective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, whether worn as source control or as PPE.


Filter efficiency was measured across a wide range of small particle sizes (0.02 to 1 µm) at 33 and 99 L/min. N95 respirators had efficiencies greater than 95% (as expected). For the entire range of particles tested, t-shirts had 10% efficiency, scarves 10% to 20%, cloth masks 10% to 30%, sweatshirts 20% to 40%, and towels 40%. All of the cloth masks and materials had near zero efficiency at 0.3 µm, a particle size that easily penetrates into the lungs.4


In sum, cloth masks exhibit very low filter efficiency. Thus, even masks that fit well against the face will not prevent inhalation of small particles by the wearer or emission of small particles from the wearer.

One study of surgical mask fit described above suggests that poor fit can be somewhat offset by good filter collection, but will not approach the level of protection offered by a respirator. The problem is, however, that many surgical masks have very poor filter performance. Surgical masks are not evaluated using worst-case filter tests, so there is no way to know which ones offer better filter efficiency.


Kellogg,21 seeking a reason for the failure of cloth masks required for the public in stopping the 1918 influenza pandemic, found that the number of cloth layers needed to achieve acceptable efficiency made them difficult to breathe through and caused leakage around the mask. We found no well-designed studies of cloth masks as source control in household or healthcare settings.


Household studies find very limited effectiveness of surgical masks at reducing respiratory illness in other household members.22-25


Clinical trials in the surgery theater have found no difference in wound infection rates with and without surgical masks.26-29 Despite these findings, it has been difficult for surgeons to give up a long-standing practice.30