Fucking retards.
The internet is forever.
Fucking retards.
The internet is forever.
Just goes to show how soft the PC culture really is.
That video was fucking based.
The old protestor in the blue shirt was calling him "racist, racist!" so the man in the golf cart decided to shit post irl and trolled the shit out of him by saying white power.
Very highly doubt the dude dons a white hood every night and goes on a nigger lynching spree but this is the current state of affairs we're all living in.
Everyone panders to the blacks no matter how much violence they sow but a irl shitposting old man triggering a retarded protestor and the sky is literally falling.
The show will go on.
Maybe enough white people will realize now just how much the establishment is against white people in general with that twat and finally stand up for themselves.
>distractions are necessary
I'm expecting big moabs that will make this shit seem like nothing.
Anyway, here's one of the protestors.
Karen has become Sharon.
>from out of state
>blm shirt on
>fan of muh diversity
>last name sandler
Hmm, smells pretty kosher to me.