Anonymous ID: c803d6 June 29, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.9791455   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you've never lived in South Dakota, you may not be aware that native Americans are openly racist.


This isn't my opinion, upon arrival Ellsworth AFB, you are briefed "do not go near the reservations, nobody will come to your rescue". They run commercials on the radio/TV that state "White Man evil, devil, bad" etc…


I'm not here to argue the semantics of the past/history, just the fact that they HATE "white people" openly, It's not a secret.


Fun fact, met my wife in the Dakotas, she's pro 2nd Amendment because, never in my life have I had to pull a gun on another human being as often as I did in the Dakotas.