Q - there are many that follow this movement who are not Christian. The 1st Amendment protects this right. It frightens many of us that a group (Q) uses ideology as a method for propagation. I support Christians, will fight along side them and will defend their beliefs, even though I am not one.
But, it is Psychological Warfare that uses these tactics. This is a dangerous situation. And makes many of us question the legitimacy of this movement.
You are all entitled to your faith and belief. But religion is an incredibly dangerous sword to bring into this movement.
If you were compromised and the opposition took over this account, then they would have the means of mobilizing a Religious Crusade. If a message is misinterpreted, the same could happen.
We understand you are human and strong in your beliefs. Although this movement has grown larger than Christian and Conservative.
It is Humanity and Freedom that is our commonality. Please respect all of our beliefs or explain the logic behind your actions.
We are here to Free Humanity from Tyrants, Oppressors and the Evil in this world. We are united, not by faith or belief in a God, that has always turned out horrible for our ancestors, but instead, by our common bonds of Physical and Mental Freedom, Free Will and the fight for the future of the Human Race.
Please take this into consideration.