Anonymous ID: 83172a June 29, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.9795297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5323 >>5325 >>5478 >>5490

>>9795121 >>9795211

>>9795193 (TY Baker)

>>9791468 (Q, pb) Let's deploy some assets

>>9791494 (Q, pb) Q: Any help from you on this post would be appreciated.


Twitter Patriot’s: Please help spread some last minute news/inquiries regarding Utah Governor candidate Jon Huntsman, Jr.!


The Republican primary candidate for the Governor of the State of Utah is up for vote tomorrow. All the other candidates, except Huntsman are fine…they don't have a highly suspicious background.


The news media and others have not asked the most controversial candidate, Jon Huntsman, Jr., a single question relating to his past efforts as U.S Ambassador, etc. His running mate even supported a recent BLM rally. Here are a few simple questions that maybe we can get people to consider before last minute voting.


‘’’1. Ambassador to China (2009-2011)’’’


  • Did you know of then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s involvement in releasing Special Access Programs (SAP) to the Chinese?

-We are now finding out about a large number of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) supported individuals who are working in the United States or attending our Universities. What was your role during your tenure when a large number of them were approved?

-What direction did you receive from Obama and Clinton regarding Chinese Visa approvals?

-Tell us more about the Lynn Rothschild sponsored fundraiser for your Presidential Campaign on June 22, 2011.


‘’’2. Chair of the Atlantic Council (2014-2016)’’’


-Did you ask to be Chair of the Atlantic Council? If not, who was it that sponsored you and why were you selected?

-Given that we are discovering more about NATO’s role in multi-national conflict and corruption, do you support President Trump in requesting NATO countries paying their fair share of costs?

-Did your attendance at the Bilderberg meeting in 2012 have anything to do with your selection to the Atlantic Council?


‘’’3. Ambassador to Russia (2017-2019)’’’


-If there was a big Russia Collusion activity going on, why didn’t you help notify the Republican candidate, Mr. Trump, regarding this nefarious activity?

-Did you know about any individuals being unmasked regarding conversations with Russian during 2016-2017?

-Did you have anything to do with the September 5, 2018 anonymous New York Times Opinion article entitled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration”? It was suggested that you wrote it: “He didn't say it, his spokesman did, and he didn't actually deny it, he did some circumlocution. So I would look at that. All the factors suggest Jon Huntsman.”

-It is obvious that Joe Biden is running for President because he got in trouble regarding his role in Ukraine. Didn’t you already leave Utah to serve the Obama Administration? Why do you think you deserve to be running for Governor AGAIN in Utah?

-Do you realize it looks like you are seeking some sort of political “immunity” in case something comes with Russia-Ukraine during your tenure? If Russia has been trying to influence our elections for years, what did you actually do to confront that?


‘’’4. Why does your name and address appear in the Jeffrey Epstein Black Book?’’’


-Have you ever had a conversation with Mr. Epstein?

-Have you ever been to “Epstein Island”?



BAKER, suggest this post as NOTABLE and Time critical.

Suggested Tag Line: “Critical Support needed from Twitter Patriots: Essential Questions for Jon Huntsman, Jr. before Utah Governor Primary Election ends”


‘’’Twitter Patriots, please send the above information and pictures as you see fit to the following:’’’

All Republican Candidates:













Local News entities:










Sauce: Just of few of the links and old posts from

>>9079469 >>9079917 >>9079469 >>5214674 >>2949345

