August brings no relief for our current heat wave
66 days
Q has 66 BOOM's
are you ready for things to heat up?
at least we aren't having a celebration in front of the great Satan penis Obelisk in DC
August brings no relief for our current heat wave
66 days
Q has 66 BOOM's
are you ready for things to heat up?
at least we aren't having a celebration in front of the great Satan penis Obelisk in DC
>If you think Q is going to "save the world" you're delusional.
if you think you are going to like or agree with how is equally delusional
ones dead the other in a psych ward
in other worlds
Q is posting reposts and some new posts of old posts
if the Jews are last
then why are they celebrated in the meantime
Q want's you to believes the Jews are the top of the pyramid but enjoys their tools of deception and promotes it
>November may just be another month of citizens slaughtering citizens.
everything according to the plan
Q has everything in place
your suffering or loss is not his concern
Q has far bigger concerns
Q's plan requires citizens slaughtering citizens>
how else do you permit the federal government to use the military to arm up against their own family members
all according to the plan
trust the plan
if they plan for you to bleed or die so be it, trust the plan
Q is not accountable for your loss when this is over maybe you have a civil lawsuit
take that up with the new world leaders
who followed the plan