Anonymous ID: c8e44c July 2, 2020, 4:43 a.m. No.9823503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3570 >>3572 >>3576 >>3634 >>3697 >>3803 >>3999

I have solved the Seth Rich / DNC email leak case, and I can prove it.


No clickbait, no bullshit, just me presenting the result of countless hours of painstakingly researching, connecting dots, and critical thinking/deductive reasoning. Here is the summary of my findings.


Methodology : (For those who research)


I read and watched as much as I could about the case and compiled a list of "claims" that have been made about the case, regardless of how believable or credible I initially found them to be.


I then painstakingly analyzed every claim and piece of evidence I had found and verified them (or debunked them). I listed the verifications and corroboration (or contradictions) for each claim.


Once I had completed the list I compiled a new list of every verifiable, undeniable fact that resulted, and I sat down and honestly examined their implications. I tried to find a reality where all of them could fit together and still be true, one in which not one fact had to be ignored or invalidated to make things fit. I found that there is only one such reality.


The only reality in which all the facts presented here can exist together in harmony is one in which Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails and was murdered for it. It is the one in which our federal intelligence and law enforcement apparatuses knowingly covered this fact up by inventing a Russian Collusion narrative that they later used in an attempt to oust Trump from office. (And to continue the cover up and avoid exposure).


This video is an overview of my conclusions. It uses a video of S. HERSCH describing what he knows as a basis because I found it to be the most accurate and complete account of the truth I could find. In this video I settled for presenting 1 verification per claim. I was often able to find 6 or 7 verifications for some of these claims, but if I went over each in the detail they deserved the video would be half a day long. I could literally write a book presenting it all and logically examining what it all tells us, but no one would read it. I am just a guy who loves his country and wants to expose the crimes of those who do not.


For now, I want other researchers to have access to this information so they can better target their research and possibly build upon my work. This is where it all began. Knowing that the entire Russian Collusion narrative started as a blatant lie to cover up a political murder really makes every subsequent actions the deep state took make perfect sense and is the context everything needs to be examined under.


It has been impossible to get anyone to take me seriously so far, but I won't stop trying. Hopefully this sub will help.

Anonymous ID: c8e44c July 2, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.9823570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3576 >>3803 >>3976 >>3999



Here is a brief text summary of what is in the video



Wikileaks tweeted a video claiming to be a recording taken of Seymour Hersh (old school investigative eporter who has broken a lot of stories exposing the IC).


  1. He explains that he has a high level source with access to the most secret files in the FBI that told him what happened after he looked it up in the FBI file.


  1. He said afte the murder the DC police tried to access Seths laptop but couldn't get in.


  1. He said eventually an FBI cyber unit was able to get access to the laptop.


  1. He said it had emails with wikileaks saying he had downloaded the emails and put them in a password protected drop box.


  1. He said Seth had sent an email to an unknown (to hersh) receipient that said "I have already given this all to a few friends so even if something happens to me it won't help you."


  1. His source said that he sent sample emails to wikileaks and wanted money for more.


  1. He said Brennan knew, Rodgers knew, Clapper knew, they all knew at the top of the IC.


I tried to verify all of these claims and see if any of it could be proven accurate.


1 + 2. This is the lynchpin. Not many people have a source that could do this. Who knows if the source is reliable even if he exists? Also, someone making a fake video pretending to be Hersh wouldn't know if he had this access. So, I knew if I could prove he did have this source, and that the source was at the highest level, reliable, and (most critically) willing to leak classified info to Hersh (which I found very unlikely) it would go a long way in validating the information on the tape, and at least prove it was Hersh on the recording. Well I was able to find video of Hersh being interviewed later about an entirely different case on a Netflix show called wormwood. He admits to having a source that has access to the highest levels of classified files. He asked the source for help and the source comes back with information that solved the case, filled in details that had been unexplained before, and solved a long standing mystery where the IC was lying to cover up murder. This was a big, high profile case where the CIA murdered a guy to prevent him exposing them publically. His source found the truth in a day or two. This was proof Hersh has an extremely high level source who is willing to go digging for him and who is reliable as they come. This was huge, and it made me think this might be the real deal.


2 + 3. Verified (from several sources) that both department's did indeed analysis and posses the laptop at one point which would only happen in the scenario laid out on the tape or if national security was at risk (i.e. not in the botched robbery scenario).


4 + 5. Showed strong evidence that this is how it happened, and that the person who sent the password after Seth's murder was his brother Aaron. I point out that this fact explains a lot of the apparent contradictory evidence i.e why the family claims it is conspiracy and denies it, why wikileaks heavily implies Seth was the source but will not say it or prove it due to wanting to "protect sources." Well, it is because Aaron was also involved (as the guy who has the password as collateral and who finally sent it to WL after his bros murder) and they don't want to burn him.


I also show a lawsuit that claims Assange told a reporter that the sources were Seth and Aaron not Russia.


6 + 7. Show various reasons to believe they knew.


I also show the ex NSA analyst who claimed it was a local data transfer based on the forensics. I found a video of his colleagues at the NSA praising him as the best in the world at examining metadata and hyping him as incredibly qualified.


That's the surface level.