> but it was starting to look ridiculous there
No it never was, you just lost faith. All things are possible with The Lord.
> but it was starting to look ridiculous there
No it never was, you just lost faith. All things are possible with The Lord.
You mean those LOCAL officials that are making LOCAL rules that prevent the LOCAL citizens not be able to LOCALLY celebrate. Whats the cure for LOCAL officials getting elected LOCALLY? Gosh such a mystery.
> I respect your faith anon, but I think maybe God wants us to fix things ourselves instead of waiting on him to sort it out. You know, you could have tidied your bedroom when you were younger once and didn't and Father was very angry that you waited on him to tidy up the mess.
I agree! Part of it is that we HAVE TO vote in local elections. George Soros was brilliant in corrupting Secretaries of States. When all of the LOCAL officials are corrupt, the rest is easy. That being said, it was still never an outrageous thought that the Lord would make what we are seeing possible. He may open the door but we all must walk through it.
>how many children where harmed in the last 48 hours the good Lord could have placed
I dont know, neither do you.
>It's not the fault of people in MN
The hell it isnt. THEY wouldnt hold their noses, THEY thought 'whomever' was unworthy, not clean enough, not white enough, not republican enough, not good enough, not SOMETHING enough. Fuck them and hold them responsible for their actions. It absolutely IS their fault.
>Sorry my statement hurts your little feelings,
Didnt at all upset me. Its a fact, I dont know and neither do you. All of the rest of your smokescreen is just that.
>no problem
>keep your beliefs and pretend freedom
Again you continue to try and divert from the question you asked. Why are you so dishonest? Why do you feel the need to attempt to deceive?
>the question was how many children were hurt that the lord could have helped and didn't
The answer was and still is, I dont know and neither do you.