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==Code Pink Plans Rallies in California on 4th of July While the Rest of the State Not Allowed to Hold Family Gatherings
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Tuesday announced he will be rolling back the state’s reopening due to the surge in Coronavirus cases.
On Wednesday, Newsom shut it down.
Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and Orange County on Wednesday were ordered to close indoor operations at restaurants, wineries, tasting rooms, zoos and museums.
Here is the list of sectors to close operations including wineries and tasting rooms and the impacted counties:
Conveniently, Gavin Newsom’s vineyard, Plumpjack Winery, located in Napa Valley is open for business.
Napa Valley is not being targeted by Newsom.
And the far left is not worried about the lockdowns.
They will be out protesting this weekend on Independence Day.
And they will be trashing the USA.
Sick people.
But the law breakers will be out in force.
BAKER, NOTABLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^