Judge’s Political Bias Risks Roger Stone’s Life and the Integrity of Our System
At Roger Stone’s sentencing, following his conviction by a jury in Washington, DC, that was led by an irretrievably politically biased foreperson, the presiding federal judge, Amy Berman Jackson, announced to her captive audience how fortunate we as a nation are that defendants like Roger Stone are sentenced by completely neutral judges like her.
Similarly, when Jackson denied Roger Stone’s request last week to extend his date to surrender to prison by 60 days based on his life-threatening medical conditions if exposed to the COVID-19 virus in the confines of a federal prison where it currently is running rampant, Judge Jackson assured the public that her “guiding principle” was that Mr. Stone should be given no more, nor less consideration than any other similarly situated defendant.
On Jan. 25, 2019 the FBI conducted an armed raid of Roger Stone’s home in Florida. It was during the predawn hours and 29 agents, to include the aquatic team, conducted the direct action raid on the elderly Stone and his deaf wife as if they were terrorists or drug cartel leaders. It appears that CNN was tipped off on the raid, arriving earlier than the FBI and capturing the armed agents taking Stone into custody.
Both of these remarks were as disingenous and as far removed from reality as one ever could imagine. Her bias and her total lack of even-handedness are by now undeniable and, indeed, we as a nation suffer when our criminal justice system is blatantly politicized by even a single judge.
Judge Jackson’s politically motivated comments at Mr. Stone’s sentencing are legendary and reflected anything but neutrality. She went through the motions of listening to Stone’s sentencing presentation, left the courtroom, and came back minutes later with pages of notes obviously written well in advance, that she simply read out loud, making a mockery of the idea that she was in any way a neutral arbiter actually considering facts and arguments made before her.
The jury and American public were told at the start of the prosecution against Roger Stone that the case was about his interference with an investigation into Russian collusion. You can imagine the surprise of many then, when Judge Jackson read from her notes at sentencing that the case against Roger Stone had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia. Instead, she read, it was about Stone’s efforts to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Wikileaks as part of an opposition research move. Opposition research like what we now know the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for to use against the Trump campaign.
No matter to this judge that Hillary Clinton was a client of Mr. Mueller’s law firm or even that the lead prosecutor in the Stone case was Ms. Clinton’s personal lawyer from that law firm in Clinton’s own email scandal.