Anonymous ID: 8b2b81 July 2, 2020, 5:37 p.m. No.9832750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2940 >>3325

Judge’s Political Bias Risks Roger Stone’s Life and the Integrity of Our System


At Roger Stone’s sentencing, following his conviction by a jury in Washington, DC, that was led by an irretrievably politically biased foreperson, the presiding federal judge, Amy Berman Jackson, announced to her captive audience how fortunate we as a nation are that defendants like Roger Stone are sentenced by completely neutral judges like her.


Similarly, when Jackson denied Roger Stone’s request last week to extend his date to surrender to prison by 60 days based on his life-threatening medical conditions if exposed to the COVID-19 virus in the confines of a federal prison where it currently is running rampant, Judge Jackson assured the public that her “guiding principle” was that Mr. Stone should be given no more, nor less consideration than any other similarly situated defendant.


On Jan. 25, 2019 the FBI conducted an armed raid of Roger Stone’s home in Florida. It was during the predawn hours and 29 agents, to include the aquatic team, conducted the direct action raid on the elderly Stone and his deaf wife as if they were terrorists or drug cartel leaders. It appears that CNN was tipped off on the raid, arriving earlier than the FBI and capturing the armed agents taking Stone into custody.


Both of these remarks were as disingenous and as far removed from reality as one ever could imagine. Her bias and her total lack of even-handedness are by now undeniable and, indeed, we as a nation suffer when our criminal justice system is blatantly politicized by even a single judge.


Judge Jackson’s politically motivated comments at Mr. Stone’s sentencing are legendary and reflected anything but neutrality. She went through the motions of listening to Stone’s sentencing presentation, left the courtroom, and came back minutes later with pages of notes obviously written well in advance, that she simply read out loud, making a mockery of the idea that she was in any way a neutral arbiter actually considering facts and arguments made before her.


The jury and American public were told at the start of the prosecution against Roger Stone that the case was about his interference with an investigation into Russian collusion. You can imagine the surprise of many then, when Judge Jackson read from her notes at sentencing that the case against Roger Stone had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia. Instead, she read, it was about Stone’s efforts to obtain Hillary Clinton’s emails from Wikileaks as part of an opposition research move. Opposition research like what we now know the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for to use against the Trump campaign.


No matter to this judge that Hillary Clinton was a client of Mr. Mueller’s law firm or even that the lead prosecutor in the Stone case was Ms. Clinton’s personal lawyer from that law firm in Clinton’s own email scandal.

Anonymous ID: 8b2b81 July 2, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.9832790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2812 >>2882


So the FBI Public Corruption Unit is handling the Maxwell case, not the sex crimes unit. So riddle me this: Why is Comey’s daughter on that team?

Anonymous ID: 8b2b81 July 2, 2020, 5:44 p.m. No.9832845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2945

4th of July Warning – BLM and Crips Gang Members Stocking Up on Lethal Fireworks that Simulate Gun Fire


Terrence Page is a soldier of the Blue Umbrella BLM Militia. At a prayer event on June 27th at the St. Louis statue in Forest Park, Page punched three individuals in the face. This comes as no surprise since Page has been a member of the Crips since 2000:


Terrence Page is also a member of ‘The Blue Umbrella’ group. This militia group conducts arms training. This includes training in AR-15’s, AK-47’s and pistols.

Anonymous ID: 8b2b81 July 2, 2020, 5:45 p.m. No.9832856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889 >>2919 >>2938 >>2940 >>3325

==WHO Admits It Was Never Told About COVID By China, Instead Found Out From U.S. Data

Ben Wilson ==


Despite earlier claims and countless defenses made by World Health Organization officials, an updated timeline by the international health body shows China never self-reported the COVID-19 outbreak that led to drastic economic and health consequences across the world.


A quiet change to a timeline of COVID events in late June shows what many mainstream media outlets and government officials have denied for months: China didn’t inform the WHO about the outbreak. Instead, on December 31, “a translation of a Chinese media report about the outbreak is posted to ProMED, a U.S.-based open-access platform for early intelligence about infectious disease outbreaks,” according to a U.S. Naval Institute report.


The first inklings of the impending pandemic, and the first time the WHO heard about it, came from this U.S. report — the WHO then sent officials to investigate its validity in China the next day.


This runs contrary to a previous version of the timeline that falsely claimed on December 31: “Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.” This did not happen.


Rather, the updated June 30 truthful version now says that on December 31 the WHO “picked up a media report on ProMED” about the mysterious cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan. The new timeline admits that ProMED is run by the International Society for Infectious Diseases — a U.S. based organization headquartered in Brookline, Massachusetts.


The now-eerie Dec. 31 ProMED report says, “It is understood that the 1st patient with unexplained pneumonia that appeared in Wuhan this time came from Wuhan South China Seafood Market.”


This newly admitted information disrupts the countless defenses given by Chinese officials and allies at the WHO.


A June 4 article by China Daily said there “is no legal basis” for faulting China for the spread of the virus.


“What we’ve done is strictly obey the international rules and fulfill our international obligations,” Huang Jin, a law professor specializing in international law at China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing falsely said in the propaganda article. “For example, we took the initiative to evaluate the pandemic situation and reported it in a timely fashion to the World Health Organization as well as other countries and regions, and we also accepted inspections from the WHO.”


Now that it’s admitted China didn’t report in a timely fashion, but rather the U.S. did, the Chinese have dropped this false talking point, as reported by the Free Beacon.

Anonymous ID: 8b2b81 July 2, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.9832948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2990

S-500 Will Be Capable of Destroying Hypersonic Weapons in Space, Russian Aerospace Forces Say


The S-500 Prometey ("Prometheus") is a cutting-edge surface-to-air defence missile system with a range of 400-600 kilometers (250-370 miles). Head engineer Pavel Sozinov announced earlier that it would be able to intercept targets hundred kilometres above the surface of the Earth.


The S-500 Prometey ("Prometheus") defence system will be capable of destroying hypersonic weapons in near-Earth space, according to a statement by Sergei Surovikin, commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces.


According to Surovikin, the S-500's technical features make the system a first generation space-defence network.


"The characteristics implemented in the S-500 air defence system make it possible for it to destroy, in addition to aerodynamic and ballistic targets, hypersonic weapons of all modifications, including in near space", he said.


Surovikin touted the defence system as currently having no analogue in the world.


The S-500 Prometey ("Prometheus"), also known as 55R6M "Triumfator-M", is a universal complex of long-range and high-altitude interception with increased missile defense potential. The weapon's main tasks will include combating medium-range ballistic missiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles if they are in close proximity.


The cutting-edge defence system was tested by the air defence troops in 2019, and 2021 is expected to be the year when the S-500 will be first deployed by the Russian armed forces, according to the Defence Ministry.

Anonymous ID: 8b2b81 July 2, 2020, 6:09 p.m. No.9833132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3174 >>3292

Los Angeles-area man sentenced to more than 21 years in federal prison for running $3.3 million scheme that used stolen identities of children


LOS ANGELES – A San Fernando Valley man was sentenced today to 259 months in federal prison for overseeing a long-running $3.3 million credit card, loan and real estate fraud scheme using stolen identities – primarily those of children.


Turhan Lemont Armstrong, 50, of Northridge, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner, who also ordered him to pay $3,305,609 in restitution. Judge Klausner also has ordered the forfeiture of two homes – one in Northridge, the other in Perris – purchased with illicit funds obtained from the scheme.


The investigation of Armstrong was conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Los Angeles. Substantial assistance was provided by the Social Security Administration’s Office of Inspector General, the Miami-Dade Police Department, and the North Miami Beach Police Department.


At the conclusion of a two-week trial that ended in May 2019, a jury found Armstrong guilty of all 51 counts in a federal grand jury indictment. The indictment included charges of conspiracy to commit financial institution fraud, financial institution fraud, making false statements to financial institutions, conspiracy to commit money laundering, money laundering, conspiracy to commit access device (credit card) fraud, access device fraud, interstate transportation of stolen vehicles, and aggravated identity theft.


Armstrong used stolen identities and Social Security numbers to obtain credit cards, open bank accounts, set up shell companies, apply for loans, and purchase homes and cars. Armstrong and his co-defendants favored using the Social Security numbers of children and people who had left the United States because they would be less likely to monitor their credit.


In addition to using fraudulently obtained credit cards to purchase goods, members of the scheme were able to use point-of-sale terminals maintained by “collusive merchants,” which allowed them to make what were essentially cash withdrawals


Armstrong and his co-conspirators also used the fraudulent information to apply for loans from financial institutions across the country. In some instances, Armstrong obtained loans for cars that had already been exported out of the United States.

Anonymous ID: 8b2b81 July 2, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.9833187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3325

Judge Nukes Ill. Lockdown: Pritzker 'Had No Authority' to Restrict Movement and Close Businesses


Illinois Circuit Court Judge Mike McHaney ruled on Thursday that Governor J.B. Pritzker of Illinois had no lawful authority to declare endless disasters past the initial thirty days. Ruling on a lawsuit filed by State House Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Ill.), Judge McHaney wrote, “The court declares that Defendant had no constitutional authority as Governor to restrict a citizen’s movement or activities and/or forcibly close business premises in EO 32.”

Illinois lockdown was illegal and unconstitutional


Bailey’s lawsuit alleged that the governor had abused his powers and overstepped his authority by ordering Illinoisans to stay home and shutter their businesses because of COVID-19. The judge also clarified that the lawful authority belongs to the Health Department in a time of health crisis and not the governor. This could open the door for the Health Department to take over the authoritarian role from Governor Pritzker in directing lockdowns, but for now, all of Pritzker’s executive orders aren’t worth the paper they were printed on.


Bailey tweeted out a celebratory announcement after the ruling.

Anonymous ID: 8b2b81 July 2, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.9833207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3233 >>3271 >>3325 >>3340 >>3382

Atlanta police arrest 2 more suspects in Wendy's arson case


Each was charged with first-degree arson


Atlanta fire investigators said Thursday that two more suspects have been arrested in connection with the Wendy's arson case, which took place at the same spot where Rayshard Brooks was shot dead by city police.


Chisom Kingston, 23, and John Wade, 33, were each charged with first-degree arson and booked into the Fulton County jail, according to Fox 5.


This news comes less than two weeks after the arrest of Natalie White, 29, whom Brooks, 27, identified as his girlfriend in bodycam footage from the shooting last month. She's since been freed on a $10,000 bond.


Former Atlanta Police Officer Garrett Rolfe and Officer Devin Brosnan both surrendered themselves to law enforcement last month, just one day after charges were filed against them by the Fulton County district attorney over Brooks' death.


Officials reportedly estimated that there were at least 10 attempts made to set the Wendy's on fire.


Anyone with pertinent information related to the case is asked to call Georgia Arson Control at 1-800-282-5804, or Crime Stoppers at 404-547-TIPS (8477).


There is a reward of up to $10,000 for information that leads to an arrest and indictment of any suspects.