comms. this woman is a spy, and a few of you may remember her from a month or so ago.
Not a lady, a gross tranny that loves to dance naked infront of cops.
It is generally best practice even if you dont want to admit it. You seem to have convicted someone without any real evidence, so why is saying hold your horses such a bad thing, clown.
Im in a simlar thought process. I think they may have got him with something fringe like, but just enough to keep him tight. Something like a massage, but it wouldnt have to go further than that to want him to not want it to get out. I think him defending during impeachment was possibly his way of getting out of that with regards to law.
Trips confirm
When you write your story about us be sure to include that im pretty awesome. Just because. You know i am
or how about i do what i like and you can go fuck yourself, bossypants bitchy cunt