Anonymous ID: d7b9c9 July 5, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9866096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6138


Nothing is scarier than either: dying and ending up in Hell with demons torturing you with worms and anal pineapple insertions.


Or: aliens or future humans hooking your conscious neural net up to an immortality device and torturing you perpetually.


Presumably God has designed our universe so that the eventual heat death serves as a safety self destruct (quadrillions of years from now) in case Hell manifests in our Universe.


Further consideration: one must consider the second scenario of potentially quadrillions of years of horrific torture to be infinitesimally small compared to actual eternal torture. Yet such a risk is tangible in light of the known aspects of existence in our physical realm. Hell as an afterlife punishment, while infinite and thus infinitely more risky than hell in our finite spacetime continuum, is still a theoretical.


Of course one must consider that alternative theories about heat death could be wrong, and that a higher intelligence in our spacetime could transfer consciousness upon death. In that sense, the idea of Jesus Christ as savior who invites you into infinite light upon death could be a benevolent alien saving souls from capture by evil aliens.