Anonymous ID: 16f5fe July 6, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.9874796   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Without going into a bunch of hyper links and jpegs, here's what my take on the Maxwell house purchase looks like 48 hours into my dig:


Richard Yospin (Richard Yospin family trust), Jewish Lawyer out of Boston, MA buys 338 E Washington in 2017 (pre-laundering of deed). He's connected somehow to Maxwell or mossad?


Jeffery W Roberts (Nutter Law), Jewish Lawyer out of Boston, MA in 2017 sets up 2 shell companies (Limited LLC for purchasing/selling real estate) for:


Scott Borgerson (CFR member - automatic link to Soros/Cabal) - Hopley Yeaton LLC

Granite Realty LLC and Granite Reality were set up and the named manager of these entities are Jeffery W Roberts, with the true LLC owner shielded by Roberts.


So my working theory is:


Scott Borgerson supplied the cash for the Richard Yospin family trust to purchase the home in 2017 as the first step in laundering the deed, then in 2019 the property was re-deeded to Granite Realty LLC (I'm not even sure money changed hands) to further wash the trail of the money used to buy the home in 2017.


Maxwell and Borgerson have been linked for 5 years. We already know who the CFR is, so if I was to take a guess? We're looking at the CFR being a mossad front. Also, as I was doing my research I saw MASSIVE numbers of trusts and properties in NH being managed by 'Granite Realty' and they had A LOT of jewish names assigned to them. IMHO NH is being used as a money washing station and it might be EVERY State using real estate to wash the $$. They simply took one of the properties they're washing money through and gave it to Maxwell to hide out in.


That's my 2 cents anons. Feel free to use what you can and rip the rest apart.