Why? No research is done here any more. Look at all the posts, just non sense. I've posted dozens of posts about Ghislaine Maxwell's sister Christine's company Chiliad that create the FBI terrorist data base search query software and … crickets.. this place is just fulll of bullshit posts
She was tempting them with women. You think you could keep a scam like that going for 30 years? People would warn each other about her. The deal was she gets to record you with underage girls or boys and you get to move up to the next echelon of society. People willfully took part in it for power and status
It's the Black Nobility/Illuminati that control the world. They have a mixture of spiritual weapons and advanced technology. Jews are just evil people who will do anything for money, that makes them perfect servants for the controllers .
Yes her whole lineage both sides. The most pressing concerning would be that the entire FBI computer system is comp'd by Maxwell's sister.
Weaponize it with memes. Make Tucker Carlson say it out loud on his show. THE MAXWELL FAMILY HAS ABACK DOOR INTO THE FBI
It's more than just dig, we need to spread. Make this go viral, if every knew Maxwell's sister has back doored the FBI the outrage would grow. Just a few anons here know this right now
Now's the time drive Maxwell info mainstream. How the fuck does her sister get a contract like that? The same FBI that covered up Epstein… That shit should be front page news