Anonymous ID: 513228 July 7, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.9886146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6150

Does it strike anyone as odd that the guy whose youngest daughter was shot after posting a video against BLM the say before, that his daughter with with him going to a burger joint at MIDNIGHT? Sounds more like a drug deal gone, or rather he thought it was a drug deal and got shot for his video???

Lots of drug deals go down at burger drive throughs in the car parks

Anonymous ID: 513228 July 7, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9886222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ok, so aggregating everything…

If you're NOT in the club.

Doesn't matter your talent in writing, you won't make it. That's why films have been getting utter shit in the last decade or two.

Doesn't matter your talent in acting, you won't make it. That's why films have been getting utter shit in the last decade or two.

Doesn't matter your talent in film making, you won't make it. That's why films have been getting utter shit in the last decade or two.

Doesn't matter your talent in tv production, you won't make it. That's why tv has been getting utter shit in the last decade or two.


Same for books. Same for journalism. If you show ANY promise in the other direction from what the powers that be want, you're fucked, black listed and have no chance.


Jesus fucking Christ.


If what Q says is true, then get you're shit ready, dust off 'that novel' or idea you have because things are going to change.


Also, anyone in political power that used to be in intel. Yeah, they also need to be tried and publicly hanged.


If someone doesn't arrest, try and kill that Christopher Steele mother fucker, then this is bullshit. Legally of course. Or in a computer game.

Anonymous ID: 513228 July 7, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.9886576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mary of Teck was a Godess.

She shares something in common with River Pheonix and Hon Belushi.

Her husband George V (5th) the Queen's grandfather died of a cocaine and heroin overdose.

She would probably personally shoot the entire Royal Family in the face today, starting with MeAgain, followed by Harry, William and William's first cousin, Kate.

Anonymous ID: 513228 July 7, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.9886723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6924

Latests BDanon


"Events in the Middle East, Venezuela and China are coming to a head. In China the government has a decision to make soon regarding the Dam. If they choose poorly the consequences will be enormous. Intelligence sources suggest they will choose poorly and earthquakes in the vicinity of the Dam will weaken it to the point well events will speak for themselves. In the middle east Israel and others have decided to take Iran out. Iran has no credible nuclear deterrence and Israel knows now is the time to move with the uncertainty in the Fall. Kerry is a treasonous bastard with family ties to Iran and his being in power again will be a disaster for Israel. Expect this to kick off within a few weeks. The next shipment of Iranian oil to Venezuela will be intercepted and the vessels perhaps sunk or taken to a U.S. port. Obviously this could kick off a war in the Middle East and the overthrow of the Maduro regime, one can only hope, and with the confusion of the moment Israel will strike quickly and severely and threaten Iran with nuking Tehran. Biden is becoming more unhinged by the day and he is constantly soiling his clothes. The campaign now has him wearing pampers with a change of suits always at hand. Seems it is just a matter of time before he completely loses it and Hillary moves in. Maxwell has a lot of explosive material but the folks after her are still in the hunt. Hearing a few big names in her orbit will drop shortly. Obviously the Prince is in the a list and surprisingly enough a major player in the west coast tech community. Not who you might suspect. Am more convinced there will not be an election in November with what is going on. The Democrats are bat shit crazy and by October will be in full insurrection mode as one Democrat icon after another falls. Stay hard."

Anonymous ID: 513228 July 7, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.9887015   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Yeah, so this cunt was signing FISA warrants?

Looks like he is doing a favour based on fucking kids in his past

Anonymous ID: 513228 July 7, 2020, 1:42 p.m. No.9887179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's not hard to se why Andrew was the Queen's favourite.

Charles was an effeminate flaming massive bender who was weaker than a caricature of a bender in the 50s 60s. That bit I get.

Anne was an absolute trainwreck. I get that. Horsey, yes. LOVES the young cock today, massive cougar. Get it.

Edward was another massive flamer and retarded.

So, best of a shitty bunch Andrew (not Phillips son, same father as William) was kinda ok as Randy Andy in the 80s, but grew bitter as his absolute dedication to sloth and being a complete coward grew into the worst human possible.

The Queen loves Andrew.

Given what has taken place, if the public really find out, the French Revolution will look like somebody got half a finger compared to the full-on anal orgy of violence to come.

It's About Time.

Set the dregs of BLM on them. Tell them the Royals deliberately kept them poor, killed some of their number, and fucked over half the rest. I'd quite like to see those from the Regiment who 'just followed orders' have immunity and be able to be witness and get a good chunk of treasure. They fucked those good guys over.

And fuck harry. Twat. He got someone good killed.

Anonymous ID: 513228 July 7, 2020, 1:50 p.m. No.9887302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If the British Terrorist Squad look back at their phone tips in the run up to 911, they got a tip.

I hope it was recorded. I hope it was transcribed.

The caller from Hammersmith Grove in London WARNED about an attempt to bring down in the Twin Towers using a TESLA device. Code back then for what was about to happen.

I hope those fuckers keep those sorts of records.

It's haunted me since.

I was in the South Western Tip of Portugal on holiday on September 11th 2001, in case there was a nuclear exchange because of the attacks.

All this is on record. The phone call should have been logged.

I then infiltrated the Governor General's family of NZ BEFORE he was picked. That should tell you something else. When I met him, he was depressed after his accident that nearly paralysed him.

General Flynn is a hero. I know what being fucked by those who you are supposed to tryst means.