Anonymous ID: e815ef July 7, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.9884968   🗄️.is đź”—kun


You don't think we already "have it all"? You think it really took this long to capture Jizz Lane? She's already talked I'd bet and let "free" because the white hats allowed her to ensnare more people. She's a pilot and submariner…but chose to hideout in NH of all places? She could have gone somewhere that doesn't allow extradition.


Between Weiners laptop, the recordings at Epstein Island tunnels (since filled in), NSA spying…she's as good as dead. Might have been exactly the same with Epstein…might have been executed after recording any testimony, but he likely had shit tons of evidence on him already.


I can't take credit for the idea (credit National Notables), but it totally makes sense. Blockade was removed


Don't forget Allison Mack, Ray Chandler, Spacey, Hanx, Weinstein, Wexner and others who have/have probably been in custody. The big targets are still there to be taken BC, HRC, BO, GS, etc